Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #467
Is Advice Dog still alive?
I'm a 20 year old woman who is into guys who are like 10 years older and are chubby/fat...
Tfw tall but not really
Who /comfy/ here
Tfw you will never be this cute
I need to know how to get an ENTJ gf
Brooke is a roastie LARPer and gets pounded by tyrone
Back in highschool seven years ago me and a couple of faggots who i call my best friends would always fist fight and/or...
I know I'm depressed but holy shit my fatigue is just overwhelming. I'm so tired and I feel like shit...
ITT, we post her name
General comfy thread
Do you take the call or do you fuck this girl pic related? You only get to choose one
Would you have pic related as your girlfriend if it meant your penis shrank by three inches in length...
Women hate thread
I beat my dick to shinuki today
Hey guys what do you think of my new shirt?
My thread got anchovies, so
Who /OCD/ here?
Is this legal?
Is 19 too old to pick up skateboarding?
Post your protagonist equivalents ITT
How do I properly deal with this story from 2 years ago?
ITT: 10/10s that are so perfect that you can't even improve them with photoshop
Does cold approaching girls work?
Tfw no one to play bfa with
What do you like about Jow Forums?
Did he do it
So a random girl approached me and started talking to me...
Quick Jow Forums, I need cheeky pick up lines and fast!
Post the last image you saved or your mom will die
Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here. Shuaiby, my hero, this is for you, buddy!
D-did i do it right guys?
Relapsed and edged to black cocks and sissy porn again
Fembot Thread
Reminder, if youre a pajeet its not entirely over. As long as you are from the north...
First time
When someone forcibly washes your genitals
Have any of you ever had any romantic fantasies...
Tfw 10/10 dormin wont notice me
Winter is Coming, and So Am I
What level is your room/house at?
Fembot Feels Thread
Hunger Games Thread
Is it true the White women are the most masculine race of women on the planet?
22 years old
Did i make it? Am i no longer a robot
Lost my virginity to cousin
If you were reincarnated as an Asian guy would you kill yourself?
Retarded Religious Shit
/r9gay/ - #378
Dear Fembots
What does r9k play?
Why do I hate this fucking degenerate sex culture? Both internet and real life...
How do you stop being in love with someone?
A-a-a-a-a-a-any c-cute f-f-f-f-fembot wanna c-c-chat for a bit?
Why no trap bf?
ITT: we pretend to be women
Okay I got a decent job that I like, not ugly, not fat. When does my gf show up?
This is it Robots Nofap
ITT: try and find the last one word replies
Why are all discordniggers from this board such utter faggots...
Join Reiko's Harem today!
Why do white women choose disgusting, subhuman illegal spics over Aryan men...
Fembot feels
That 30 year old boomer that still works at Mcdonalds
Straight roommate is making things weird as fuck
Advice for Incels
Does anyone else feel like most of other people are living on autopilot? As if they lack self-awareness?
Just bought a packet of condoms, as I usually do once the old ones expire...
You have two choices
Could someone please help me identify this skin-problem on my benis? Please I can't go to doctor
How do you deal with soul crushing loneliness?
I've spent 10 years as a shut-in hikki
Dicklet blackpill thread
Im racist and I hate niggers but cant stop jerking off to cuckold interracial porn
How do you cope with the fact that to be really good at something you have to start at a very young age meaning that...
Why do you blame your small dick on your white skin when the real reason is your frequent masturbation habit?
Red/blackpills thread
Jow Forums Survey Thread
Are mutts superior?
Okay femanon here. Met this guy like a year ago on discord. Connected. Hungout many times...
Do cute, short, and submissive guys actually exist? I really want one
Anyone else just really hate everybody?
Favorite stuff
Raped her over 400 times
Crossing street
I'm a woman and I have no social connections whatsoever...
Be me 19
Incel rapes dying woman, then sends pics to her family and friends
There's a cute blonde at my motel who's always up at 3:00am. I always see her when I leave for work
I am planning on reporting Ciara N. Horan to the FBI for corruption of minors...
Why does baldness make men so subhuman?
Wish I could euthanize all of the retarded
Fembot feels
Fembot Feels Thread
Thinking of hanging this on my wall bros. Let's share anime pictures of the highest quality
Is plastic surgery the ultimate red pill?
Men are fucked
If i put myself in dangerous situations, and get killed
Counting calories doesn't work
Why can't I masturbate to brooke?Her body is fucking perfect and so hot but I just can't get myself to do it...
Why is BBC breeding so wholesome for white women?
The best Kanye West Album
Why do normies deny that it's all about the looks/facial aesthetics? What do they have to gain from it?
Be me
I see you
Can't decide which one I'd rather be
It's my birthday, frens
Advice thread
Wheat-Thins on suicide watch
1 in 27 people in America browse Jow Forums
If your bmi is above 25 you should be locked in a room without food until you look normal
Pizzafag Chronicles 2
Be entj masterace
What does Jow Forums think of mixed-weight couples?
I can't believe Tiernan is dead
Eastern Europe robots
What does it mean when a girl looks at you like this? is it a good sign?
Sounds about white... hmmmmmmm
Have you ever met a girl that was smarter than you?
Alright you fuckin homos
So I dropped acid for the first time last night. It truly was a mind opening and positive experience...
/mommy general/
Failed Trans General
Watch normal porn in the past
Autism is caused by vaccines
Another job application
Is this real?
Been awake for 7 days straight, AMA
Are all women really whores?
Human beings were not meant to work 8+ hour shifts. It should be against the law
A 5'8" woman is the equivalent of a 6'2" man
How do we outsmart everything and be happy?
Hey mom/dad, here's my fiance. I hope you her, because she is going to be the mother of your grandchildren
ITT: Talk about the best nut you've ever had
Is there anything comfier than heroin?
Youth General (Age 24 And Below)
Are homemade pancakes objectively the best food on earth?
Looking around for friends from southern california to talk to. talk about how your day was today
How often do you shower? I've been a neet for a few months but still hate myself if I don't shower daily
I always thought I wanted a yandere bf, and now that I have one...
Brother doesn't want to fuck me
Goodnight kathy and r9k
Have massive pornstar sized cock
I just want to be able to go back
Music Thread
Frogs and Feels Tavern
Mixed/Black girls
Feeling bad
Tfw mommy pulls out the whip
How're you feeling tonight, fellas? if you need some subjective advice or just someone to listen, drop a line!
I'm a 70~ IQ shitter. Ask me anything (not too complicated please)
You DID remember to clean up your room, right user?
My butthole is VERY itchy :3
Am I Chad?
Can we have a thread to post our steam and discord profiles to make friends? It could be fun
Massa, I's is ready fo mah breedin' seshun!
Fembots, how often do you get fogged by stacy?
The hell? How are redditors so attractive?
The absolute state of education in the US
Waifu Wars
Femanons use pads dont they
Does anyone else watch livestreamers to pretend you have friends?
dated three girls, all of them had cutting scars
Anyone else getting ghosted?
How's Jow Forums doing this Friday night? Enjoying yourself? Watchin' any movies?
TFW grew out of my fetishes
Your Future Mexican Wife
*gives you crippling paranoia leading to constipation among other gastrointestinal problems*
Can we talk about times when you were desirable to a qt and why they liked you?
Its in the white mans nature to submit to the superior black race
Can we talk about the state of this board? or do i have to attention whore to get (you)'s?
Move in white boomer veteran neighborhood
ITT: Greentext your average/typical day
Is this how boys act?
Post characters who are literally you
What have you done to improve yourself lately, user?
Rich business fag (no homo) here
The Jews created blacked porn to get white men addicted to masturbation because they know that masturbation make a you...
How have you determined that murder(or whatever you find immoral) is wrong?
Is there any hope for you at all?
Ask a demon for advice
On a scale of 1-10, how suicidal are you? 1 is 'not at all' and 10 is 'actively committing suicide
Hmm How does this picture make you feel?
There are literally people who don't have to deal with tinnitus
A Question for Incels
How do I untake the redpill?
Parents hired an escort for me
There are porn stars who were born after The Phantom Menace
What the fuck happened to video games? Im going through and playing my old vidya...
What is the edgiest thing you've fucking done?
"You were planning on spending friday night alone again werent you? Honestly youre such a fucking loser...
If you cry, you lose. Let's go
He unironically prefers playing healers/support classes in games
The "fembot" and "femanon" threads have ruined this place for me. I can't stand being here anymore...
Why are cucks triggered by black tranny posters????
What have YOU done today to help Jow Forums's struggle against international jewry, Jow Forums?
User, come grab a slice
The Robot Test V4.0
Mom asks me what I am doing on my phone
I got fired today
Has there ever been a time you liked yourself and felt comfortable? Like for more than a minute...
What do you think about femanons that smoke?
Be me
Mom was overprotective all my life, made me dependent on her, i cant move out
Post high school grades here ples
Language Learners!
Anyone else consuming copious amounts of drugs and alcohol tonight?
Why are white cocks bigger than any other race of cocks...
Fembot survey thread
Try to book a session with a hooker
How do robots feel about our /president/ Trump?
Come join this /comfy/ CRACKED 1.12.2 craftbukkit r9k server!
What's going on with Ciara...
I don't get why incels think they'll never find a girlfriend. There is hope for you guys. For now, focus on your career...
/r9gay/ - #377
115 IQ
The power of black power
Pizzafag Chronicles
Suicide song thread!
My girlfriend of 16 years died in a car accident 3 months ago
Childhood sex stories
Why you dont want to start a white christian famly
Wow user thanks for taking me out. So whats our plans for tonight?
Chaotic is legitimately too good for this board
Why didnt he just kill himself?
A-user,I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level
Fembot Feels Thread
Ok all memes aside whats your opinion on this nigga?
Misaki Friday
Seems like more and more robots are getting pissed off at the state of this board. What a surprise
What does your paradise look like?
Femanons, doggo or piggu?
What do you think her boyfriend is like?
Yes i'm a pedophile and I groom children, what are you gonna do about it?
ITT: Hottest Things We've Seen
25+ Thread
Do white bots understand that cuck memes ruin your chances with women...
Ywn be this perfect
Public Service Announcement
Is it true that a girl can use her vagina to squeeze your dick during sex?
Really wish I was born pretty and white
Daily Reminder We're Being Overrun
I fucked up my first year of UNI
Fembot Thread
Someone claims my waifu in a waifu claim thread
These incels have to become men, they have to become attractive
Called for interview at McDonald's
Artificial beauty is just as valid as natural beauty
He tells all of his problems to the internet instead of his friends and family
I have been going to little girl's softball games for the last few months. These are at public parks
Ask me anything
Just checking to see if this is OK
Does anyone else have a fetish for what they HATE most?
The youngest billionaire ever is going to be a woman
Looking for brooke
Hahaha my wives(doll) btw
Why are black guys so much better at sports than white guys...
Brooke's probably lurking
End of The World
I realized it's excruciatingly hard to find someone to love. Sure you can still find someone to fuck, get married...
I am english and this is disgusting and I don't want to be associated with this shithole of a country anymore that is...
Images that resonate within you
My sister is a NEET and I want her to die
The novel's French title, which translates literally as "Extension of the Domain of Struggle...
Finally found a GF
Mfw have finally the chance to lose KHV
Daily reminder if the US would
My conversation with my dad just minutes ago
Post your 8 values faggots. I'm curious about the political leanings of this board
Anyone want to be findommed by a cute trap?
Do neet/hikki girls exist in real life or is it just a male fantasy?
Can someone explain me the "Bland Personality" meme?
How are you feeling user? Serious question
All hail Rome!
How do I cope with my yellow fever?
Come home from work
Why arent you saving the white race user?
Doctor tells me I set off all the red flags for depression for him
One chance at life
Wagecucks wont see this post cuz theyre at work
Did anyone here own this card?
I have a very comfy discord that I would like to invite 2 people to. Post your profiles and why I should invite you...
Annual vocaroo thread
I was a bully
Self-improvement is a lie. You can't improve your intelligence, facial structure, height, skeletal frame...
Tfw brooke kicked you out of her new discord server too
User... Do you think my thighs are too fat?
The ultimate power of the black boi race
The Letters
My sister and I are both robots. Both khvigins. In our twenties and live with mommy...
There are more fem anons on this board then you think, how does this make you feel?
Why do femanons pretend size doesn't matter?
You get to remove one thing from existence
I have been going to little girl's gymnastics meets for the last few months
I wish i had a bf/gf im a girl
What is the point in trying if you can ever have a gf like pic related?
Sick of job searching and getting no where finding work
The absolute state of white women
Why is this man strong enough to dominate niggers while you complain about them stealing your women like a whiny weak...
Why is this man strong enough to dominate niggers while you complain about them stealing your women like a whiny weak...
I just kinda want to walk alone in the desert at times...
Why is this man strong enough to dominate niggers while you complain about them stealing your women like a whiny weak...
Fembot Feels Thread
/creative robots/
I asked a girl out after mustering up the courage for weeks...
You guys feel yourself supreme to others? Why or why not?
Be a good kid
Mulatta goddess thread
Remember this
I'm an average female user on Jow Forums, let us have a conversation about anything
Failed my math exam again
Music is the biggest bluepill
Do you hate your parents? I hate my parents. Tell me about your parents
Post all the animated girls in your Downloads folder
Every month i spend all my money on escorts since i am not rich enough to sustain this hobby...
If online dating is just a meme
I'm in a really bad way at the moment and I'm slowly recovering from a really dark time in my life
Awake since 6 hours
ITT we list things about normies that annoy us
Van Living
What you waiting for bro? take a seat it's your turn next
Agoraphobic shut-in NEET here
Who here wasted the most of their life?
I want him to be with me. To talk to me and hug me and kiss me and love me. I want him so bad...
Be 5'6
Does anyone else sometimes say something sentimental/cheesy to a online friend...
A good dildo
Most fucked up porn you've seen?
How does it make you feel? Be honest
Why haven't you killed yourself yet? What keeps you going? When do you think you will do it?
Internet Addiction General
Speaks for itself
Why the fuck would anyone want to tattoo their face, let alone a vagina...
Well boys I finally lost my virginity...
If you could "update" the human body, how would you?
I'm going to be die tonight. If any fembot wants to be my gf this is your chance
Are any fembots here actually autistic?
I can tell my boyfriend is getting bored of me hes going to throw me away like garbage
Why cant femanons just be our mommy gfs seriously cmon its time
I want to see some pepes show me what you got
But it has to cause distress to be a mental disorder!!!
What is Jow Forums's opinion of SJWs?
Post literal 10/10s (in an original fashion)
Outfits that drive you crazy
Tinder thread
Theories That You Have/Ramblings
Foot haha
The truth about brooke
Be me
Even your great-great-great-great caveman grandpa managed to hit your grandma over the head with his club and rape her...
I'm in a hotel by myself. What do?
What technology do you most anticipate?
Describe your ideal partner in this thread
Why are you guys so obsessed with latinas? Im s latino & grew around latinas...
This girl I grew up with has been NEETing in my apartment for two weeks now and it's going to get hard to afford having...
ITT speak to God
How the fuck is Jow Forums leaking this bad...
Why don't we kick all niggers out of America?
What do you even buy when you make money? I got a job and my money is just piling up...
What the fuck happened?
Guys, I think I'll just stay alone
Would anyone ever date a girl with BPD/Bipolar or are we just doomed to cut ourselves to death alone?
Four fucking years of lifting for her. Blood, sweat, and tears. All to see her choose a fucking nigger over me...
Why do assholes have so much power in this world. my life keeps getting worse due to assholes...
Have you ever been caught by someone while masturbating?
This is what the average Latina looks like and they crave white robot dicks, they cook authentic mexican dishes...
Life in Another World
Without whites all of my vidya, anime, movies, holidays and hobbies would be impossible to practice...
All hail our r9k queen
Why does Jow Forums keep breaking every girl that comes here?
Why Is Life So Shitty?
I fucking hate normies
Tfw no clingy possessive gf
Anyone else get bullied for being a pedo when you just like 2D lolis?
Would you enjoy having a clingy gf? what would you do with her?
Any robots ever write some fiction? I would be really interested in reading that type of stuff
Quads decide what I name my crawfish
I want to have sex with my mom, how do I stop this?
Should I cheat on my internet boyfriend, dump him, or stay loyal? Im scared he will never come and I'll die alone...
Tomorrow is my birthday i'll be turning 26
What is really stopping you from doing what you want?
D-d-diversity doesn't work!
Why is rape so punished?
I wish girls would talk to me. Or qt traps. Anyone feminine really
Why do guys nowadays feel the need to shave their chests?
Want to try psychedelics, and I've narrowed my choice down to one of two options. I will either start with DMT or LSD...
Brooke deserves death for being a filthy nigger lover. Prove me wrong
I think my Ciara is broken. She's giving me these weird looks. Should I try to return her to the Girlfriend store?
Prove that the demiurge is not real
Tfw 10/10
Music to Cry to
I decided im going to pay for sex
What should I say next? Who was in the wrong?
"Ughh, I cant believe that you get turned on by smelly feet. Whatever loser...
Deport all mexica-
Madoka I know you see this post
Went to sleep with clothes on
What is your mother like, Jow Forums?
The Timeline
Just go to Costco for lunch, bro
Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia
I've never felt so low Bros...
This a is a thread where we come together and mourn for the fate of dicklets...
Guys. Chill
Does anyone else hate their friends for being pretty, popular and are able to actual relationships?
One chance at life
Imagine being so worked up and angry about a stupid littler server you make a list
Hey loser.. want to save the white race?
Do you guys ever think that all this suicide prevention stuff is not really about saving the person in question...
Robot hypocrisy
What would you do if your daughter came home with a black guy one day?
Suicide thread. All discussions and thoughts pertaining to suicide go here. Forever honouring the one and only...
Hunger Games
How true is the phrase "there's someone for everyone"?
I Love Alex
Why do robots and Jow Forums in general love asian women so much? What do they have that white women don't?
Fully embraced being a white sissy but cant get a big black bf wtf am I supposed to do now
Voice recording thread
My hair is so luxuriously thick and lustrous, robots. I bet you don't know this feel. Hahaha!
Poor Fag here, would like 1 game
I won't let you fall Brooke, despite what's h-happened
User is my ass too big?
Relapse Thread
Mommy found the cum corner
I want Muffy to be my goth gf and listen to The Cure with me
Brooke fags ETERNALLY btfo by the mighty BBC
Enjoy your afternoons today kathy oneechan and r9k
How many girls are larping as faggots on 7r9k/?
Making this thread for pizzafag to continue his story as the last thread will die soon enough at this rate
These are the """"people"""" who call you a soiboi on Jow Forums
She hasn't texted back yet
/r9gay/ - #376
Waifu claiming thread
ITT: Scary Pictures even for people who are used to scary shit
Femoids come here and take vocaroo requests for lonely anons
When did you lose your innocence?
Roasties are literally having surgeries to make their pussies tighter after getting drilled by chad
Men die by suicide 3.53x more often than women
Redpill me on fighting, r9k. Is it worth learning to fight, so I can defend myself...
That feel when you want to talk about abstractions and math with women but they don't understand you or give a shit
Why am i such a fucking beta?
Your iq
What Makes You Unique From Jow Forums?
So user, tell me why we should hire YOU, what makes you stand out from our other applicants?
HeliumBoi memorial thread
Music is god
State your ideal bf
I dun geddit. Why is this meme a thing?
Brooke facts
Does anyone else hate extroverted nerds? They're so spastic and awkward
Women start looking bad after 30
Your political alignment can help you get a gf
If a qt that was totally your type somehow came into your life right now, would you be ready for her...
You don't have prey eyes right user?
Hey can you guys roast him i need some good insults for him
If you're white why don't you just get a non-white gf?
Be Chad Prime that can get any woman with the snap of his fingers
I'm sitting on a bench. Lots of tourists going by...
Why can't you get laid if your parents did?
If you disagree with race realism and the link between IQ and genetics then you're antiscience and you should be...
Recent rejection thread
Average black man's penis is bigger than average white man's penis by 0.25cm or 1/11 of 1 inch...
How does it feel like to know he has already accomplished at age 19 more than you will in your whole life...
Your iq
This homeless girl I know that I've been giving food and like $5 here and there for months, wants me to buy her clothes...
How do I romance this girl?
Why are people attracted to anime characters? You'd think the brain would realise it's not real and can't breed with it
I need to get a job for some time and I don't want to have to interact with normalfags
How does sex feel like please
Just a friendly little remunder that the stories of women being evil are nothing more than mere anecdotal reports and...
Does a girl's mouth really feel better than her pussy?
Post what you would want your hypothetical GF to wear other than being naked
I have a genuine, real life working death note. Comment names, faces, type...
Pizza Hut, pepperoni, stuffed crust
Might as well call it quits and rename the board to /cuck/ at this point
Why are niggers the dumbest race on earth? why did God give them such low intelligence...
Fembot Feels Thread
Internet Addiction General
Arab (iraq)
I don't like reddit
What are your first thoughts upon viewing this?
How do i stop being triggered over all bmwf shit? like literally...
Fembot here
27+ Thread
I have been going to ballet recitals for little girls for the last few months
What is that one thought that keeps you up at night?
Pow pow pow explosion
Cute femanon here
What do you guys think about this guy?
I saw this song by Malaysian-Chinese singer Joyce Chu/Si-ye-cao and immediately thought of you guys
Is heliumboi gone?
You will die alone
Chad wins again
I need this
Based racist neckbeard
Stop believing in this Disney relationship bullshit. There is no pure virgin qt waifu out there who wants you
Is there a race you would never date?
Planet of the Apes
So how do I get to talk to this demon queen?
Have you ever been a babysitter? How was it?
This is the girl that made Eliot Rodgers go on a shooting spree
It's March the 21st 2017
I started fapping to traps last week
Today I realized that females can be robots too. Not only robots, but more specifically - incels
Anime reaction pic thread
Got nothing bought for me as a kid
Can someone help this russia user >>46742492
Fallout themed Discord server
Family is out on the beach having fun and I'm sitting in the room listening to a single song on repeat...
Hello fembot here, i feel so lonely
I wish men werent obsessed with sex
Good old fashioned pornthread
What's the worst thing you have ever seen on the internet r9k?
Im sick and tired of all these FUCKING NORMIES ON THIS BOARD
Why are girls so bad at video games? They ruin literally every match in every game. Shit at CSGO, shit at Overwatch...
Tfw finally found an escort that i like and i now see her regularly
Do u guys know any good r9k discord servers? I'm a black girl and I want a robot bf thanks
Why are all games nowadays so terrible
Would you consider dating an autistic girl?
Day 8 on tinder - still don't understand females
My bf doesn't love me anymore, I can see it in his eyes
Rem/Chris appreciation thread
Hey fembot
You bots care for a superchart thread?
Why is there no mental health support in the west for hikikomori?
Bitterness has reached a point where even romance in anime makes me angry
This happend a few hours ago
Talk to woman about video games
Do cute non-whore shy girls exist?
What race(s) are you and what race(s) would you never date?
Stand up for myself at work when supervisor is yelling at me for shit i didnt do
Samus is 6'3
Sister blackpill stories
AnonCraft - Comfy Minecraft Server
Husbando Thread
Which anime character is you? I am Homura
When you're too old to be on this place but you still browse it anyway
CYOA/Escapism dump
How do I become anorexic? What are foods i can eat that have 0 calories? I want to be a skellybot
Is it morally wrong to date a 14 year old when you're 20 if her mom approves of you?
1990’s computed aethstetic
be me
Itt: moments where you didn't drop your spaghetti and acted like a chad for a period of time
Thoughts on eu4, lads?
Got this betta today. Dubs names him. Please don't call him nigger or something
What's it like being a robot in Mexico? Is that even possible?
NEET gorls
McDonalds Stories
Mfw when I see a black """"""person""""""
Post your skincare routines!!! skincare personally makes me happy and i know it makes others happy too!! it helps with...
Femanons, if you could change one thing about men what would it be?
Why are most tribal African dicks on Google small? I mean not micro but certainly no mega BBC dick
When was the last time you received a Snapchat, text, DM, or anything like that?
How old will you be when you lose your virginity?
/crg/ - Creative Robots General
Describe your perfect girlfriend itt desu~
Post fantasies you had as a kid
What race/ethnicity of women do you think has the best soles?
If you don't want kids or don't believe having kids is all that important, why are you even alive...
Ashley/Noriko Thread
No boys allowed >:(
/rrn/ - Robot Radio/Nightfeel General
Feels Thread
Chaotic is so fun and adorable!
Daily reminder that a woman probably wanted your dick at some point in your life
Actually ate enough food to not feel like im starving for once
Will women start to demand screwing Black men on the side?
Has a pretty girl ever manipulated you into doing her bidding? And be honest, did you allow her to?
Just one of my bank accounts
Anyone have any good resources on understanding roasties? I got my heart shattered tonight...
/mommy general/
My birthday is July 12th, 2000. In 20 minutes I will be old enough to post on Jow Forums
Being a woman is literally easy mode for life
Degenerate orgasm aftermath
I'm really not kidding when I say this - reviewbrah has so much potential. Just look at him here...
Enjoy your night r9k and big sis kathy
Tfw trap
Twitch raid time, faggot basedboy is taking calls from viewers, my expectations are high boys
Bad idea to date a schizophrenic?
Fuuuuuck I can't stand this us heat!!!
User! Are these ice cubes fresh or frozen?
Fembots how to you rate men based on race?
Post your discords and make friends with other robots!
Holy fucking shit anons...
Be me
Tfw there's a chance our potential GF life-partner was aborted
Well is she right r9k?
Hi. I'm your new alpha male black boyfriend
How can I make $350 in 3 weeks without a steady job...
When you realize that you are in fact smarter than 90% of other people
L'm gay lol
Stuck in my parents house too depressed to do anything
Tfw no bf to sing disney songs with
How does a west Indian pajoot get a qt white gf?
Ice Poseidon
Alright guys, lets settle this, which is better? Vampire or werewolves? My choice
Why do whites age like shit?>?
In the shower, you wash the following body parts in what order?
I hope youre having a good evening today kathy oneechan. you too r9k
Don't fuck with perfection
Has anyone here raped a female? Did you enjoy it?
So what's your excuse user?
I fantasize about taking estrogen pills, losing all my body hair, putting on makeup...
Robot food
Comfy drama free /northeast/ server for robots! Pls rspnd
Code experts wanted
Boyfriend just broke up with me for cheating
Should we ban lewd videogames, Jow Forums? As a girl, I'm really concerned with this current trend...
What should I add to my room to make it more comfy?
Has anyone gotten rejected here? I was 2 years ago and it feels like a part of you dies...
So, now that the dust has settled... What kind of panties does she wear?
Is there anyone else here who's fallen for the ASMR jew?
How old are you and whats your favorite ice cream? please give your real age even if it's low
Tfw no bf to send me food from ubereats and make me super fat
ITT robots get drafted
Fembots would you date me?
Would you lads every travel back to 2007-2012?
Be me
Honestly i love this board but seriously everytime i scroll my confidence is gone...
I wish i was Mercy and have Doomfist sit on my face so i could rim him all day like a good snowbunny
Close up cat pics
Y-you are breaking up with me? b-but why?
Four fucking days I shitposted for her. Pepes, brainlet wojaks, and Rare Stanleys. All to see her choose Nick over me...
Tfw you don't enjoy Jow Forums anymore
All women are stupid whores
Food doesn't taste good
Dad tries to talk to ask me about my day
When did you grow out of your edgy Jow Forums phase, Jow Forums?
Do you guys like PAWGs?
HAHA this baby looks fuckin retarded!!!
Texts From When You Were Happy
Be me
Wan't a latina gf
I am unironically looking for someone who will give me 2000/2500 euros. I am a female of 18 years old...
Men of culture thread
Ciara will never gobble up your hot, sticky cummies after her daily cat fucking session
Rate my trip outside basement
The hardest decision you'll ever make. Good luck!
Tfw no daughter
You're about to have sex with this girl pic related, but then the Bogdanoff brothers call you on your phone...
Mfw my psychologist just asked me to bring my Jow Forums posts for her to read next session
You just won 1 million dollars
Press C to cry
Do you robots get high, or stay sober? Tell us why?
Just took the clippers to my head
Whats the probability of you being alive 5 years from now? Id give myself 10 years before I genuinely consider suicide
I'm about to go fucking nuclear lads now it's either fucking FRANCE or bastard Croatia
Why do so many of you faggots whine like a bunch of bitches instead of going outside?
Tfw no clingy gf who lives in Irvine K0mm13fornicatia
That guy who obsessively posts white on black tranny porn as payback against blacked posters
/r9gay/ #375
Failed the written, drivers permit test that they have 16 year olds take
How do you guys handle cringe attacks?
Jow Forums unironically saved me
The absolute state of black "men"
Why do black men do this?
Fembot appreciation thread!
Suicide thread. All discussions and thought pertaining to suicide go here. Forever in honour of Shuaiby, the bravest...
Brain Surgery
You ever notice how the normalfaggot Greentext always start with "be me". Fucking hell what a waste...
Do you guys think she is pretty?
Order a pizza at Little Caesars
What time do you wake up in the morning?
Why do people get so pissy when you say you dont like beer?
Animeposting automatically makes you a MtF now
Tfw you have 300,000 subscribers on youtube
Why don't you just flirt with your mom and touch her in 'suggestive' ways?
Grow a beard if you don't have a Chad jaw or chin
Be me
Has a woman apart from your mother ever loved you Jow Forums?
Told a girl I was out of her league the other day
Holy crap i just realized there a bunch of girls that post here and they have PANTIES on WTF
Why are women nowadays absolute sluts? Why do they always go for niggers and chads and not gentlemen like me?
Feelium Thread
Jow Forums
Tfw see two boys holding hands in public
Daily reminder that if you are ugly you will never ever be happy
So I plan on being somewhat famous sometime in the future, maybe 5 years...
Tfw pornography has effectively destroyed your perception of what reality should be when it comes to things like dick...
It's time to tell our moms to stop buying poptarts, they insulted us today
Be me
Mom is a qt
This guy spent three years trying to find the perfect bull to fuck his wife
I strongly feel like non white children shouldn't be allowed to interact with white children until their late teens so...
I've been seriously posting on r9k since the summer of ricky...
Do you like Touhou Project, Jow Forums? If not, why?
Tfw 33
Is this the future of white "men"? Hmm?
/dying/ pt. 2
I once approached a teenage girl (around 14 years old) by asking her for directions at first...
Fembot Feels Thread
Where do you guys get your anime babes from? Which booru sites do you use? Which sites are the best?
Tfw sips are the only thing that brings a smile to my face
Feels good to be white, friends
Why are normies so bad at giving advice and then so defensive when you tell them their advice is shit?
Why the fuck is every woman I meet IRL an anti Donald Trump leftist?
Incel advice
Now that the dust is settling do you think Elliot Rodger did anything wrong?
Is that user from yesterday who was doing those lewd vocaroos still around...
Has anyone had their sexuality challenged to the point of considering swinging over to the other side?
Why is Jow Forums so interested in straight shota? Just curious
How do I move to a big city from a shitty small town? I refuse to live anywhere but big cities because im not retarded...
Shuaiby memes
Self Improvement
Fembot feels
How do you deal with long distance relationships?
Instead of obsessing over women, why don't you robots find a hobby that you will like and enjoy?
Why dont you settle for an average 4/10 gf?
Can we petition for mods to do something about the Brooke Question?
Daily Reminder to Filter all the Trap Threads
Alcohol comapanies hate him
What should I draw for you?
Wtf you guys were the target of an HRT blackmail campaign?
Good activities to do outside in the sun
I'm fucking scared help
Tfw porn has conditioned me to rather masturbate to thots in slutty clothes instead of imagining myself fucking them
A thread that will never die
Cuckold general
If I have a solar panel connected to a 12 volt battery can I connect a small 35 watt fan to the battery?
Daily reminder that all robots should transition
Robot Discord Server // 100+ members // No normies
Crimson and glowing red eyes peirce through the bamboo stems, stairing at you
So I have an egf now. How much of a loser am I?
The Frog and Feels tavern is now Open
Hey user, if you're bored, post your discord and we can talk about whatever
Brooke appreciation thread!
Dumb Religious Bullshit
Public Service Announcement
You fucking incels dont give a shit about women then wonder why they wont have sex with you
This is why women stop being so nice and sweet. Men NEVER appreciate what they have. They would ignore...
Mums out for a few days
I'm NEET for years and I'm so fucking bored. No friends, no job, I'm just stuck in my room...
The feminist themes were a little on the nose, were they?
Images that hit you hard 2: Electric Feelaloo
The number one red flag that a girl is a roastie
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship