Where do you guys get your anime babes from? Which booru sites do you use? Which sites are the best?

Where do you guys get your anime babes from? Which booru sites do you use? Which sites are the best?

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>Where do you guys get your anime babes from? Which booru sites do you use? Which sites are the best?

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I mostly use gelbooru

Sankaku Channel has/had a bad reputation but it's fine with uBlock Origin, allows a lot of search terms, and doesn't hide lolis or shit behind premium accounts. It's my choice until something better comes along

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That's awful gay. I used to browse /c/ a lot though.

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i get an ice pick from my half russian uncle and i browse room threads long enough until i see a weebs room and i ascertain from the position of the sun and the dust on the window sils where the room is so i go there and climb onto the windowsil and break the glass, kill the weeb with the pick and i cart the stash via wheelbarrow back to my neetden i then proceed to individually copy every bit of weebshit onto my computer via copy machine

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I always get pop ups there because they won't let you use adblock

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>and doesn't hide lolis
Which sites hide lolis?

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I think Danbooru requires a gold account to see loli, could be wrong

That's pretty creative
Any more stories?

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no i dont know why i made that post im sorry

I don't have a gold account on danbooru and I've seen plenty

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Redeem yourself by posting anime girls

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Alright yeah I'll post anime girls yeah

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Sankaku and gelbooru

actually, ill dump a full doujin instead

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i wonder if it would be worth it if we could like, turn ourselves into a little kid with a working dick and an adult brain

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I just use Pixiv lmao.
I'm absolute garbage.

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forgot the countdown 3/18
but anyways

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would you turn yourself into a kid with a working dick and an adult brain haha just wondering

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>tfw this will never ever happen to you no matter what

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>tfw no 2D girlfriend who just so happens to be taller than you

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7/18 i forgot it again

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Danbooru and sankaku
Danbooru can provide a lot of niche gems, while sankaku is the most convenient

8/18 pls work
it didn't fucking work i hate this fucking robot

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but to answer your question OP

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Sakaku Chan ore

i use danbooru and exhentai

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i am robot man

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apex predator oregano

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13/18 give her the dlck syill not oregano

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do you guys like anime pussy with a bit of hair or unshaven

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15/18 i have absolutely nothing better to do with my time

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16/18 i got dubs nice wooo

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Prefer shaven if I had to pick but this is nice too.

Checked, enjoying the doujin

17/18 two dubs in a row
your welcome user

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18/18 combo broken but here is last part

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Danbooru. I have a builder-level account for the translation work that I did for them in the past.
I can view any post and search for as many tags as I want.
Feels good looking down on all of those plebs using gelbooru and being cucked by ads.

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What content is censored to non-accounts?

loli, shota, toddlercon and works of artists who requested them to be "deleted." But you won't be able to view them just by making an account, you either gotta pay to get gold or upload/tag/translate enough posts to become a builder.

How do you find posts to upload that haven't already been uploaded?

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Get them directly from artists on pixiv/twitter.

Whenever I try to use sankaku complex I get blocked really fast. Can't even get through an artists entire collection before I get a "too many requests" error or the images just stop loading.