Mfw my psychologist just asked me to bring my Jow Forums posts for her to read next session

>mfw my psychologist just asked me to bring my Jow Forums posts for her to read next session
Anyone here has already been through that?

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No, why do you let yourself see a psychologist?

Well for one because it's a lot better than talking to you retards. But also because my psychiatrist told me to do it (while not giving me any diagnosis).

Bringing anonymous posts to a psychologist. Solid thread op, you're so full of shit it hurts

i suppose you're gonna show her this thread as well op?

frogposting needs to be a bannable offense

you're cringe

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>telling about Jow Forums for other people
i imagine if your psychologist decide to look about this website today and she finds /b/

Well, it's not all my posts she asked for, just the ones that I made that relate to my mental health. Since I already talked to her about that stuff it'll be obvious to her that it's me.
Maybe, depends on how much I'm willing to translate

i talked to my psychologist about this place a bit
he knows that i have routine murderous thoughts and that i like discussing suicide with ppl so he doesnt care that much
since you have a girl psychologist your FUCKED
have fun telling her about how you jerk off to 2d loli porn and how you plan how to shoot up a sorority with your anonymous misogynistic online friends
Good luck!

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why would you tell your psychologist about your Jow Forums activity tho?

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my psychologist likes to know what i spend my time doing and im always transparent about my thoughts aswell as my intentions
i dont lie to people anymore

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Why wouldn't I? I browse Jow Forums literally every day. It's something that's part of my daily life.

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If someone went to a psych and was really interested in bettering themselves and healing, mentioning Jow Forums would be pretty obvious. This place is absolute pure cancer, ther eare only two groups of people who come here: those who marinate in self-pity and express their feelings of worthlessness with edgy teen tier hate speech and those who intigate them to relish in the schadenfreude. I think any psych would be very interested in knowing exactly what makes this place worth spending time on for us, and would have an opinion on the healthiness of this habit.

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>female psychologist

Enjoy the general lack of empathy and zero correlation between the mostly incel behavior of this imageboard. She will just tell you to stop using this.

Fucking girls, they will never understand men.

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yeah i really have nothing to prove it but it should be obvious men really need male therapists the majority of the time, maybe female therapists for specific issues. and vice versa i guess.

I agree with you, but let's not throw the baby with the bathwater here. Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and possible /b/ are toxic as fuck but the rest of Jow Forums is actually decent. It's that r9k and pol have nothing to offer but an echo chamber where the status quo is constantly reaffirmed and the lives of the posters never change for the better.

>She will just tell you to stop using this.
As far as mental health advice goes that's pretty solid

robots assblast normies in arguments every single time, hateful as they are. guys here make points.

oh shit....we may have one of you tards becoming a man here

This honestly. My life has improved greatly once I stopped browsing Jow Forums every day.

I was in the fucking commie flute thread yesterday where armchair anarchists were comparing state taxation with a company delivering internet to your house.
No, robots don't make any fucking point. They lack some serious life experience and think themselves smarter and more knowledgeable than they are.

It's funny because I only started browsing this board every day after my RL went to shit (mostly due to sabotaging it myself)
I always read that this is the lowest board of the lowest site on the clearnet, so I was attracted to this place at my lowest point.

She probably has a very different vision of Jow Forums than most people. I told her it's an "anonymous forum" that I use to talk about current events, languages and aspects of other countries' cultures. I mean, I don't think I'm technically wrong (seeing as I pretty much only browse Jow Forums and /sp/), but I haven't told her about the things Jow Forums's infamous for yet.

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I found this site when I first started browsing Jow Forums a couple years ago. By that time /b/ was already a porn board and this one seemed like there were people here in similar situations. I started to get bitter towards society and lonely and figured I should cut it out of my daily routine.

What if the first thread she stumbles upon is filled with gore and scat and cp?

Her idea is for me to just print some of my posts that are relevant to her. I don't think she'll use this site by her own volition. Even then I could just direct her to some blue board. She won't get the inevitable racism anyway since she can't speak English,

This is so true. Women can never empathize or understand. I have at least never encountered one that can. My teachers all throughout my life in school have been women and they could never understand the male psyche or behavior. Not even my own mother can understand its like talking to a wall with XX chromosome individuals.

''Nigger'' is universal my man.

"Negro" is the politically correct for black people in Portuguese. If you use "preto" (literally "black") to refer to a black person, you're seen as racist. It's literally the opposite of what it's like in English. Unless she's into American rap or something I don't think she'd know that "nigger" is that bad of a word and that by merely uttering it as a non-black person you might be seen as racist.

I was thinking of going to a psychologist but I think they're absolute shit. I'm schizophrenic.

Last time I went to one I went with my mom and she told my mom flat out that she should stop enabling me and that she should stop supporting me and let me become homeless. I hate psychologists, I don't feel like I could ever be completely honest with one. I just take my meds and avoid them entirely.

Oh boy user you done and fucked up

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