When did you grow out of your edgy Jow Forums phase, Jow Forums?
I was 16
When did you grow out of your edgy Jow Forums phase, Jow Forums?
The board is boring, I still care for the extremist ideas but it's just stale, dry. Like a used up whore who used to be good looking but now since all the attention it grabbed it is terrible.
Before gamergate and Trump election people didn't take it so seriously.
Before that it was really tongue in cheek, bordering on satire and you could have civil discussion without every second post resorting to LOL KIKE SHILL JIDF SCHLOMO OY VEY, etc.
Now redditor mutt kids found out about the le epic alt right racist site and shitpost there until they took over the entire board.
>faggot cope, the thread
White power
Somehow I skipped the stage of idolizing the Nazis and instead vilified them as the ones who fucked over fascism's chances.
I never had an edgy Jow Forums phase. But I'm balls deep in my edgy /leftypol/ phase.
t. faggot nazi
No one would give a shit about you if you stayed in your own board.
Now because of you, /v/ is unusuable, so is /tv/, so is /mu/ because everything devolves into some shitty Jow Forums race bait and autism
Fuck Germany. Then, and, then, and now.
i never went through an edgy authoritarian phase just an edgy nihilism phase that never actually stopped.
none of it mattersyou will never change a thingyou'd probably die bringing about social change for some people who are going to fuck it up again anyway lol
Still in it even thought I am not even 100% white
>When did you grow out of your edgy Jow Forums phase, Jow Forums?
>I was 16
Like 18
Luckily right before the 2016 election, I would've regretted voting for that dumbass for the rest of my life
Still would give my life for it
Jow Forums is ours now sweetie sorry
I was unironically like this in 2013-2016 the kekistani meme knocked me out of it
Not as long as you get laughed out of threads you're not
>Not as long as you get laughed out of threads you're not
post on any Jow Forums or /his/ thread and you'll see what I mean
Jow Forums is my main so I don't see what you mean
When it started to defend women and made criticism of them taboo
typical Jow Forums brainlet, thinking in extremes
I hate both the left and the right equally, you're both cancerous
>white people with dreads
Sieg heil you fucking kike
Hail brother
You'll come around eventually
Have fun, theres some real big brain left pol shit you can do. Check out stirner.
Make sure to account for human instincts and biodiversity in your ideology.
The cure to nihilism is unironic collectivism
Whether in be ethnic, national, religious. Find your group and fight or die faggot.
>implying that Nazi Germany and the USSR were allies in WW2
This is our site
Go back to where you belong
brainlet doesn't know about Molotov Ribbentrop pact
Nah, I prefer Mussolini's original vision than national socialism's autism.
it never was you fucking nazi faggot
Go to r/milliondollarextreme
Most pol types see women as big children that need to be defended. I have seen extremely little white knighting there.
Everybody agrees that thots can and should be punished.
Kekistan was a unironically a psy op to make this shit seem gay
Be alt right not alt light, have actual ideas beyond libtards getting dabbed on. Problem solved.
Coward centrist
It's only natural that a a group of high IQ nihilistic young white men would become natsoc
>It's only natural that a a group of high IQ nihilistic young white men would become natsoc
They may see them as childish but they see women as more valuable then men. All their rhetoric about nigs and muds and kikes is about protecting women from them. Its fucking pathetic, and it doesnt help that they are the ones who popularized incel as a pejorative
Finally someone spotted this shit
I was 17.
Now im full-blown leftypol. Since have a disdain for faggots but I guess theres no perfect ideologies.
This meme looks like a 12 year old made it.
unironically posting this is just sad
Whether you fight or not you die. Who said I wanted to be saved fag, I was trying to save you guys from yourselves.
Unironically kys
this it was legit funny, and had some cool open minded discussions. now its all LE 14 88!!! awooo MUH MEGAPEDES and other shit. i mean god damn, thats cringey.
same age as me OP/
>we started a war with the greatest power in europe over poland which controlled lands germans had rights to, even though we had no chance of actually defending poland and we directly led to it being under 50 years of horrible soviet rule
desu, Churchill got in a dispute with Stalin over Poland in the late year wars and Churchill wanted Poland to have free elections. Stalin told him "yeah, sure, whatever buddy, hahahahaha" and rigged the elections anyway so the commie puppets won. Churchill could do jack shit about it and he knew it.
It's meant to do that you brainlet
I was never went through an edgy Wehraboo phase. That being said, I still desire for every enemy of the white race to be rounded up and endlessly marched into an abandoned salt mine.
>we started a war with the greatest power in europe over poland
Not really it was over preventing Germany from dominating central europe
>Churchill was the PM during 1939 September
Jow Forums brainlets should just be shot on sight
And instead we got the Soviets, who had alreadly killed more innocents before the war than Hitler ever would in the Holocaust, controlling most of Europe, all because for some reason Germany wasn't allowed to hold lands that were 90% plus German and almost unanimously wanted to join the Reich. The only questionable annexation Germany made was when Czechoslovakia broke up, which Poland was equally complicit in.
I realize that you moron, it was Chamberlain blunder but Churchill was pushing for war, and Churchill held a large responsibility for the unnecessary WWI that directly led to WWII
No one listened to Churchill before the war. He was irrelevant at that time. Maybe krauts shouldn't have invaded Poland when Britain and France specifically guaranteed their independence and would declare war on Germany if they attacked.
>Churchill held a large responsibility for the unnecessary WWI
lmao, what the fuck am I reading
Churchill was responsible for the Russian and German army mobilizations???
Churchill was responsible for Gallipoli which was a destable mistake, no?
And how did Gallipoli debacle led to WW2?
>that qt on the left with the indoor soccer shoes
Wouldn't say I grew out of it. I just don't really care about anything anymore. Jow Forums is great desu
At least we all share the same hate for centrist pieces of shit
>you need to be either a far-left commie or a far-right nazi
lmao @ your life
Krauts are subhumans desu
Anglos are the true master race
What did we ever do to deserve this shit?
You must have a narrowed political view If you can't see beyond two political spectrum
Anglos are fucking ugly and inbreed
about 20 years before Jow Forums existed when i was 5 years old, the edge is real and it can cut
>Jow Forums race bait
Jow Forums is a direct reaction to MSM, liberals, minorities, leftists, etc. turning everything into 24/7 racebait. If you didn't want there to be constant ranting about niggers and Jews you shouldn't have spent the past decade ranting about white privilege and white fragility
You can't use social shaming on anonymous image boards brainlet, this is why women aren't human
When I found out about the una bomber and Adam Lanzas beliefs, but actually I was never a fascist. My mom always told me small government was better than lots of it, therefore I hated the nazi ideal.
I DID think it was perfect, but the moral implications were far to great and anti Christian. All Jow Forums did was redpill me on the Jews and minorities
The race bait threads are funny, and everyone laughs at the guy getting triggered about it though.
Nah you can still create a place where at least people feel good and live the right way
It just cannot be a country
nice try mossad
you need to be at least 18 to post here
I grew out of my edgy pol phase when I was 36.
Never. I unironically hate the soulless degeneracy that destroyed western society.
>hurrr no i was just pretending to be retarded XD
this the kikes hate us and the decline of the west is white genocide in "revenge" for 6 million fake deaths
Very true. The trayvon martin trial was a lot of fun
They're right though
Fuck wh*Tes
The Chinks and / or Pajeets who will take over if whites are destroyed will unironically treat mutts/niggs/spics 100x worse. They will literally kill or enslave you
i was never edgy or racist until i starting looking at this board
>this Jow Forums delusion
Won't happen in my lifetime
At least I'm glad I live at a time when wh*Toids are dying out
That woman should be lynched
never, i left beacuase it was fulled by redditors, undereage retards, and like 50% are shills.
pretty much this
Is your post some kind of meta bait? I'm never sure in this board.
>Now redditor mutt kids found out about the le epic alt right racist site and shitpost there until they took over the entire board.
yeah we all feel the same, i cant stand new pol
Slowly between 16-20 as I saw more of the world.
I think going through a period of rejecting norms was good for me, being an edgy rebel was practice for holding my own beliefs regardless of how unpopular they are. Today I've noticed my views are more nuanced than most of my peers when we discuss politics, current events, world and national affairs I can tell someone's entire viewpoint after talking about a few key issues. They either subscribe to the new wave of liberalism (social justice for their pet demographics, socialism-lite progressive economics, tear down the border, free college) Or they're the new alt-right (push neocons and Reagancore out of the right, nationalism, law and order, naturalists, tend to feel ambivalent towards the lefts pet demographics if only because they're the lefts pet demographic).
Its like the politics of everyone under 30 is either the new meme left or the new meme right.
I was 24
Never had one, you dont need a Jow Forums phase to hate niggers and wall jumpers.