Has anyone gotten rejected here? I was 2 years ago and it feels like a part of you dies...

Has anyone gotten rejected here? I was 2 years ago and it feels like a part of you dies... To this day that still fucks me.

>muh just be yourself and be upfront about your feelings

Pls robots, never fall for the meme of being honest with your feelings

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>Pls robots, never fall for the meme of being honest with your feelings
It can work. I've been with two women in my entire lifetime (I'm 26); I've never been rejected (the only two I've been with are the only two I asked out); I'm happily married to the second one.

Be honest if your values are compatible with the other person and if you share enough simple pleasures.


>the worst a girl can do is say no

this truly is a meme
they usually dont just say no
they fucking rid your insides to shreds through public humiliation/rejection

I got rejected very coldly... She literally told me forget about it and walked away from me... worse was that we hanged around and it was the first girl I hugged with, danced with and felt comfortable with, and pretty much opened with... after that the feeling of being dead inside is there

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It would be nice if they didn't broadcast to the world that she rejected you. Why can't they let these things be private.

Right, so you asked out a girl with shit values. Never do that.

>worse was that we hanged around and it was the first girl I hugged with, danced with and felt comfortable with, and pretty much opened with
Always remember that simple pleasures, hobbies, interests, etc. never supersede nor substitute values. None of the things you mentioned shine a light on values.

femoids feed off of attention, it's their life source
broadcasting to the world that they just rejected an inferior male not only shows that they are desired and thus raise their position on the social ladder, but also puts all the attention in the room/setting on them
typical femoid behavior basically

I think being upfront is best. It might be overwhelming for the other person and make them more likely to reject you, but that same thing saves you more time than beating around the bush and playing games. This time save also allows you to get over the person more quickly.

The problem is you set your sights on one girl at a time, that's when rejection hurts the most because you've built up hope and affections.

Whenever you are looking for love, cast a net, don't fish. Know that you're about to ask out many woman and face many rejections, approach it like you're playing Dark Souls. Death is inevitable, persistence is key.

why cant life just be like anime where a qt shy girl confesses to you and you grow old together loving each other making babies and having a fulfilled life
why are real women so shit

DESU you might be right on that, but to may people here that are usually invisible to others that matters a lot... desu after that I really rather not approach them due to not wanting to emotionally invest in someone and rather get burned.

I thought that but I was not ready for the aftermath of that...


I turned 30 last month and never asked a girl out in person. Feels good to never be rejected.

>Tell girl I liked her when I was high and drunk
>She starts fucking crying
It's true, never tell anyone if you feel anything for them

The confessing meme is retarded

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What infuriates me the most is that normies always tell you to "get over it". I rather have stopped sharing how I feel to normies as I know I will get that shitty answer.

24 here, and desu it feels a part of you dies... is the worst feeling you can get, is like you are dead inside.


Because we're only allowed to suffer

What happened? Did she humiliate you? I haven't met a woman as shitty as that but I've been ghosted before and forced to play those petty, retarded games women like to pull out of their asses all the time. Anyway I usually just think whatever, this college is pretty big and it's no big deal. If I was truly unattractive and had no chance then it's natural this happened. Basically just shrug it off and justify it. It's a real hassle but it's life :^)

DESU the rejection was quite condescending, in a rude way "forget about it". I was trying to get what to say but the rejection came out since she understood what I was trying to say.. the worse part of it is that the next days she shrugged it off as nothing happened which really screws with your mind...

The problem was not the rejection, but the emotional investment I had in her... Like it was into 3 months and I pretty much I felt very comfortable around her... I have to mention before that I was like Tomoko tier in the sense that I despised people around but never did any attempt to talk to girls.

After the rejection she hooked with a Chad she has barely met and became his boyfriend... going further she was the sister of a friend of mine so when his brother invited me to his house his boyfriend was around so it was uncomfortable as fuck... I tried to keep the "friendship" meme but it was too unbearable and just decided to withdraw from society for 3 months. I was on my dorm in bed rotting away... desu to this day I don't know how I am functional but the memories are there, and they are still fucking with me

I've gotten rejected twice before, but honestly I don't even know what kind of shit I was thinking. I didn't have my shit together and I'm probably worse now than I was then.

I graduated soon, and it just happens to be stumbling in her graduation pics (brother send me graduation pics of his family) and for some reason I know the memories are fucking with me.

>Feels good to never be rejected.

Liar, that "I never tried, so i'm still good" shit gets old real fast, friendo.

you're going to end up like link related if you continue being a coward.


>gets rejected once
>gives up entirely

Women are a numbers game user. Keep trying.

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Tbh I think rejection is not as bad if you haven't do any emotional investment in a person, but it gets really bad when you have already invested emotionally on the person and she decides to cut you off. Probably the person knows you have some kind of affection for but it doesn't matter, she likes the company till you tell her how you feel.

dont play the game if youre not willing to lose

when you oneitis a girl for a year, or several years, spending hours and hours stalking their social media and looking at them when in public, and you eventually confess and get rejected, it's like losing a part of your soul

Thanks you user for understanding

Tbh this is not an issue if you want to have random sex, but a real relationship is more fulfilling that just random sex

rejected a couple times, yes, but in the end I got seven chicks on my dicc and lately a 15yo (which is legal in my cuntry, fuck you mutts)
don't fall for the love meme tho, women who are fuckable are shit persons, they generally don't turn kind or nice until they're old and hideous

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