Should we ban lewd videogames, Jow Forums? As a girl, I'm really concerned with this current trend, because graphics and models will get more and more realistic, to the point where you'll be able to replicate girls who look better than the real counterpart, which in turns causes a lot of men to drop out of society, which hurts the economy and humanity as a whole, since they should be out there working towards bettering the human race, not to mention work towards themselves so that they can marry and provide for us.
How do we stop this menace? Should we just outright ban nude mods and any kind of sexy game?
/v/ lost their minds when it was posted there, then someone said incel and it got even worse til the thread was pruned I
Cooper Jenkins
I know this is bait, but Imma drop the argument against it anyway.
Shits bad for people who dont flow with the social norms. Even if theyre intelligent and good looking, it means nothing if you're not kowtowing to what society tells you to do in relationships. Its gotten to the point where a vast amount of men actually consider sex not worth it. Why the hell should I get my heart broken yet again by some dumb thot just for social standing. Sure Ol' Righty aint quite pussy, but it gets the job done so I can think about more productive ways to spend my time then be with someone who barely views me as human.
>Should we ban lewd videogames, Jow Forums? As a girl, stopped reading there if we ban lewd video games might as well ban womens rights ban female sex toys and male sex toys and etc if a women has the "right" to fucking 5 nogs at once and fuck chad then we shouldn't ban lewd games or lewd game mods if we ban lewd games you might as well ban porn as well.
>you'll be able to replicate girls who look better than the real counterpart Hey, time for a bit of female self improvement. About fucking time.
> which in turns causes a lot of men to drop out of society, which hurts the economy and humanity as a whole, Tough luck. Men figured out the carrot was all dried up and mouldy.
>since they should be out there working towards bettering the human race Just the perfect opportunity to show how strong and independent women are(not).
Cooper Cox
Commit die please
Jason Sanchez
Need some sauce and cheese for this pasta.
Jace Clark
is this literally a problem exclusive to girls? I don't see men afraid of being replaced by a complex arrangement of polygons
Jayden Bell
The physical aspect of being with someone can never truly be replicated, much less by realistic graphics. I would argue it is something inherent in our species that can not be replaced. Even if there were some time of holodeck that incorporated physical touch (I know some of you fucks were already thinking this), the knowledge that it is not a real person changes the mindset.
only if we ban male models and dildos as well. it's causing women to not value men which is also causing men to drop out of society.
Chase Hall
Good thing women are taking up the role of breadwinner I know I fell for bait
Ethan Brown
>Should we ban lewd games No, that's retarded. It's like banning erotica and porn. >As a girl No one cares >to the point where you'll be able to replicate girls who look better than the real counterpart If you get replaced by a 3d model you must not have much to offer. There are plenty of chads on TV but the average guy still gets laid. >which in turns causes a lot of men to drop out of society If people are dropping out it's not because of lewds it's because society isn't giving them enough rewards/purpose to make them want to defend and uphold it. If you are suggesting that these men should be forced to participate in a society they don't want to be a part of, that is slavery. If you advocate slavery, the easier thing to do would be to make women slaves, which I don't think you want. >which hurts the economy These men still eat food and pay for their porn games. They contribute to the economy just fine, it's just that they don't produce enough to make up for all the debt women rack up. If you care that much, get women to stop buying so much and paying so little. >and humanity as a whole Unless you support Eugenics and not having women sleep around with low value men (which I don't think you do) then you don't care about humanity. >since they should be out there working towards bettering the human race They are. Are women? >not to mention work towards themselves Porn games are their way of working for themselves. >so that they can marry and provide for us. Why do you think this matters in the slightest?
Caleb Morris
imagine having your head so far up your ass that you actually believe this
Jonathan Reyes
I actually thought OP was being blatantly sarcastic.
Fuck no, like your ass is gonna come up with a better way to deal with overpopulation.
Levi Jones
Why don't you ever hear about men complaining about women being too busy with superior 2d/3d model boys? Are women just obsessed with real physical contact?
OP is a false flagger and not an actual woman. Stop shitposting to create conflict and get a life. If CIA nigger, fuck off, your corpocracy is falling and, soon, your bourgeois overlords are gonna fill the streets with their blood. Stop shitposting and get a life.
Juan Robinson
I heard about his dating sim in China that was really popular with the women over there. I can't remember what it was called.
Leo Cruz
if your gonna go as far as to ban skimpy models in games, you may as well go the whole nine yards and ban porn as well as lewd figures in TV.
Who cares about the "human race" the nazis died like 70 years ago and with them died peace and the ideal world
Kayden Hall
Rapelay came out in like 2006 you dumb roastie, yer way too late.
Eli Torres
It's also been proven that video games cause people to commit rape and mass shootings.
Hunter Jones
humanity saw the light, and took a step towards it. Then they did a fucking 360 and run away so you might as well contribute to accelerating the decline by normalizing various forms of degeneracy.
they're all so fucking bad that it makes no difference. various trainer games from akabur are the exception, and meetn fuck games for nostalgia. I've played hundreds and they're all such radioactive vomit cancer.