Degenerate orgasm aftermath

>edging all day to the most depraved sissy interracial stuff
>finally cum
>feel completely disgusted with myself
>remove the black realistic 10 inches dildo lodged up my ass
>unlock my chastity cage and unplug my urethra
>get the needles out of my nipples
>wipe my ass from all the lube and cum I purposely leaked on my dildo while riding it to fill my belly with sperm
>stop the audio sissy trainer
>close 40 tabs of femdom IR cuckold QoS chastity porn
>lay on my bed completely exhausted, naked, sweat all over my body with a sore anus still gaping the size of my fist

Why is my life so disgusting and sad? I feel horrible. When did it go si wrong..

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Do you ever masturbate to an image/video/whatever and then right as your about to cum, you think "This sucks, this doesn't deserve my cum." and then you go on to do that to another image/video/whatever. And the cycle repeats for hours because your dumbass can't seem to find the right hentai image/video, and eventually you just have an accident to an image and feel ashamed of yourself?
Because that's a nightmare I have to deal with a lot.

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>When did it go si wrong
When you started fapping to niggers

>posts sissy porn in the thread he talks about his shame for the fetish
you aren't really ashamed

Yes, I'm always looking for something really good to cum to

Absolutely disgusting user.
I know those feels

I'm not familiar with that feel.

That's the worst, I'm completely addicted to it and I know in a few hours I'll just love it again but right after unplugging myself I have a few minutes of lucidity, especially when I remove my huge dildo from my ass, it feels so awkward, not pleasurable at all. I know this is completely fucked up but this managed to become part of my identity.

>think "Hmm, I imagine a prostate orgasm would feel good"
>realistically imagine something going up my ass
>don't think it would feel good anymore
How the fuck do fags do it

this happens to me pretty much every single time i masturbate

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It's actually insanely pleasurable if you're receptive. When you're used to it, even with a few seconds of penetration you can start leaking cum and feel a rush from your groin to the top or your back.

>have moderate T
>practice mindfulness and moderation to stave off the hedonic threadmill
>masturbate either to imagination or to softcore not even fully nude pics
>don't have to look at dicks
>can cum up to 5 times per day
feels good man

It probably is, but I don't like the idea of something going up my ass
At one point I thought I did, but the. I REALLY thought it through and realized I didn't

>somebody on planet earth actually typed this statement out and posted it on a cantonese cat fucking forum

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I got turned on needs
Needs more details 6/10

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One time the phone rang and it scared me so much, I came.

>go to college
>want to experiment and live life like some magical fantasy
>think my parents aren't around I can do what I want
>meet up with a guy on craigslist
>unironically locks me in an empty room for a weekend coming in to make sure I still have a butt plug in and to fuck me numerous times a day
>smacked me around and choked me with a dog collar
>nearly killed myself afterward because I was so ashamed of myself
>now any orgasm I experience seems bland and disappointing

It's not about having something in your ass but something pressing against your prostate.
It is ridiculous how fast you orgasm with something big pressing against your prostate.

I dislike anal masturbation because I orgasm way too fast.

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I wish you had killed yourself so I would never have seen your post you fucking hellbound sodomite.

hook up with him again user

>one hour ago
are you back to wanting it again user?

Maybe I am... But my ass is too sore and I don't wanna cum with my cock...

cage yourself again then and tease your ass with a little vibe

niqqa where dost thou live, lemme get that boipucci

become a trap and get a man

yeah when I'm jerking off I love the idea of being fucked but if I really think about it I know for sure it's not going to be clean and I haven't gone so low as to let scat not be a big deal

>I dislike anal masturbation because I orgasm way too fast.
This is the only bad part.

>i came to some loli one day
>cleaned up as usual
>went outside to the store for some food
>saw a bunch of annoying ugly ass kids all over the store
>cant believe i fapped to something like that

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Sometimes I feel like I should put my skeet back, yeah.
>angry I got off on interracial anal pounding
>had a syringe and plunger that I use for enemas
>cleaned it and sucked up my cummies
>thought really hard about pouring them back home into the ol' sack
>decided against it and shot it out the window into the neighbors yard

Hypothetically speaking, what would be the WORST possible thing to happen if you put reclaim semen back?

dude you really need to google the difference between sperm and semen

it has happend!

I never get the aftermath guilt these days. Maybe its an age thing, dont know.
Ive cum to sissy porn with a cucumber up my ass and not felt the slightest bit bad. Feels good to be content with what I like.

Liking loli hentai is completely different than being an irl pedophile.

that's not something to be proud of. Being okay with it doesn't mean it is. I hope the shame returns and you manage to do something else and break free

What if the cucumber breaks while it's in your ass?

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>t. pedophile
Please end your life.

Why? I dont watch hypno I just watch other sissy girls being lewd and I like having something in my butt. Why is that bad or a problem?

Cucumbers are fucking sturdy, man.

Then stop doing it you dumbass
Unless of course you get off on shame and regret. Then do whatever

I feel so much better after reading this thread. I felt slightly guilty for masturbating to thoughts of an ex-girlfriend. Basically vanilla missionary. My guilt would be pointless, God has to get to you strange fetishists first. By the time he gets to me he will literally have run out of fucks. Enjoy your weird gay/scat/animal/ass whatever, every depravity gets me a bit closer to heaven, thanks guys.

What you need is a real cock, girl. You won't feel ashamed and disgusted once I've finished pounding your ass.

Yes... every fucking time.
>be masturbating
>think a little and decide that i don't want to cum right now
>proceed to try and edge without finishing
>cum accidentally and make a fucking mess

God knows how many nofaps have i broken like this...

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Perfectly normal for a good girl to keep wanting it in their pussy. Just sort of work it slowly and use plenty of water lube or something comforting to ease the soreness of your butt so it's right in the mood again. Maybe just dip your butt into a warm bath and relax the tissues and skin down there, while getting some nice lubrication prepped with the water.

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Edging is not nofap

What i meant is that i often try to fap without finishing when i'm doing nofap due to addiction... not that it actually works, but yeah

no one deserves your cum, not even women, just let someone else impregnate them instead while you lobe it off to hentai shit instead

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Please just kill yourself or run away into the woods

You've been fully jewed

That is arguably worse than just fapping normally. Not even arguably it is worse. If youre endlessly edging you are chasing that dopamine rush more than if you had just finished

Lmao just stop watching the degenerate shit
If you got gay urges, just fap over some vanilla stuff like a cute twink
Or just stop watching porn, it wont remove the gay, but it will remove the disgusting degeneracy

>vanilla stuff like a cute twink

>tfw going through stressful mental episode so I have no libido for degenerate shit

haha jokes on you OP
now where's a noose

What's more vanilla

A quick fap over a cute guy


sissy interacial with a cum and lube covered 10inch realistic black dildo up ass while wearing a chastity cage and urethra plug and nipple needles all while listening to audio sissy trainer and watching femdom IR cuckold QoS chastity porn

Fapping to the thought of a GIRL you met in the CHURCH.

Was the orgasm good at least?

By the sounds of it, OP would probably imagine she has a penis

Yeah, right. originaliotto.

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I have another problem.
I watched too much interracial porn and now i'm completely brainwashed.
I hardwired myself especially to interracial rimming so much that i cannot cum to anything else.
I have a huge fetish of being a cute Aryan trap/girl and fighting for the exctinction of my race by serving my black masters by licking their asses clean~

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Thank you user. I literally laughed out loud when I read your post.

Stop watching porn.
Before its too late and your lose your mind.
You wont become a cute aryan femboy, but a fat overweight porn addicted boomer with erectile dysfunction

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that's really hot user
i hope you end up rimming a black guy as he fucks a white girl bareback

do you like the feeling of letting out a really nice shit? imagine that relief and release followed by pressure/rubbing that involuntarily feels pleasurable, over and over and over building to a type of orgasm that you've never had before but that is more intense than just getting a quick nut off

this thread is making me want to buy a dildo...
pls stop before I do it

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Just buy one and don't get degenerate with it.
It's okay to massage your prostate, but you don't need to be weird and fetishistic with it.

my heterosexuality is quite fragile already I don't know I can keep it non degenerate

just buy one and get super degenerate with it!
It's required to massage your prostate, but you do need to be weird and fetishistic with it.

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then just embrace being bisexual you closet case

the sooner you accept that you are bisexual, the less your inner faggot will build up and get degenerate

I'm not talking some cutesy femboy degeneracy, I'm talking you being a fat 40 year old man wearing shitty lipstick and a poorly fitting stress, drinking some aids-ridden black man's piss in a motel room

just buy one and train your hole already

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>tumblr gone

who is this?

okay... which sort should j get?

I wonder what that fuck will be like at age 50

something like this one just a nice starter toy.

This one

*unzips penis*

This thread is pretty hot
Where can I find a cute boy interested in fugging with a trap

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I am here. Post BP.

i haven't cum in 4 days

been edging for hours each night

when it finally goes up my ass this weekend i'm gonna instantly cream everywhere

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Kill yourself disgusting nigger loving faggots. You're a disgrace.

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is that your ass
because I want to pound that

Post more honey

Sag yo yo yo

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You seem frustrated. You want to plow my boipucci to blow off some steam?~~ :3

I know this feeling OP. I'm going down the rabbit hole day by day. Thank god I'm lazy so I can't be bothered to prep myself for anal play as often as my degenerate brain would like...

How long should I go on NoFap before playing with my hole, so I'm sensitive and horny enough? When I usually play with my ass, I'm not in the right mind set and not horny enough and I cheat with my cock.

this stuff is worse than drugs bro

Yup, it seems like alot of tension and frustration! He definently needs a good succ and a nice boihole to take all that away. :3 Wouldn't you agree user?

>how long
Doesn't matter. Just forget about your dick and about porn. If you feel horny just fuck your ass. If you don't come, too bad. Better luck tomorrow.

Remember: good girl doesn't have to come every time even during real sex. As long as her daddy cums, it's all fine.

>Black birch and the

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and yet there are hundreds of people lurking this thread right now who can relate to it

The absolute state of clownworld, I swear

Degenerates. This stuff may make you feel great, but its fucking degenerate you scum bags.

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It's not hay if you're It's not hay if you're You

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Exactly! And a nice dinner and a massage before that~

I haveI think

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you degenerate fuck
you people may make my dick hard but I'm strong enough to resist your degen shit

I don'tsafe think

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I hope how much you

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>you people may make my dick hard but I'm strong enough to resist your degen shit
Then have already fallen for it, sweetie. Why not close your eyes, relax, and let me ride the boner away? :3

You need to pray the gay away instead.