Make post but it's fucking archived edition
how does it feel to have your nation lose at the world cup?
A nation not my nation you dumb foreigner, there are 4 nations here
did yours even make it this far mate?
Carol Vorderman is the ultimate MILF
I swear to fuckin god I was just thinkin I'm gonna stop looking at women. You fuckin bastard.
Yeah shes up there along with Sofia Verga
Cry cry cry you pasty buckets of shit. You're pozzed nigger team didn't bring home the cup.
thanks for bumping our thread
Why can't britcucks annunciate and speak clearly? It's impossible to understand your gay accents, sounds like gargling a mouthful of marmite
Hello. Are there any other Americans here that like to pretend that they're British?? Sometimes in person I like to pretend that I have british accent.
That's another all nighter on record for me lads.
Now watching Detectorists and having a cheeky bombay badboy.
too spicy for me
I prefer Susanna tbqh lad
Fucking traitors. Your country was the light of western civilization and you traded it in to sit on your arse watching EastEnders and drinking a pint of lager. You got lazy and now your ruin is nigh.
yummy mummy
THlS. To quote skrewdriver, "once we had an empire, and now we've got a slum."
It's finally raining lads
Not here so i make do with this
might have a cheeky oven pizza
It's grey out and overcast here but still very humid. Here's hoping for a cheeky storm
spending the morning reminiscing on the old times like an absolute boomer
miss me old mates lads
uni's shite
fuck sake i can't wank this morning
we should get a day off work for mourning 2bh. and by mourning I mean wanking and playing vidya
I want to marry a qte british lad and watch the national team bring it home.
No toil today
say 13 hours before I sleep
I wonder what the day has in store for me?
It's raining out, maybe I'll feel comfortable enough going outside later
For me, it's suzie dent
How do you lads feel about other lads wearing concealer to hide dark circles round their eyes?
bit gay innit desu
milfs dont have to be old right?
lol unis great, what you doing wrong
was worried about that lad. How are us straight lads supposed to hide our imperfections?
its only gay if youre doing it for your boyfriend.
>tfw qvc model gf
>tfw fat
used to love watching the shopping channels. used to watch tv all day in fact. TV was great back then so I don't regret it.
It was all going so well and then the Croats came along. Well we got further than I expected
Hows everyone else coping this morning?
fuck lads, now what am i going to have for breakfast
Remember this badboy?
Again, originally.
did anybody actually own one of those?
I did, it was the latest craze at the time.. It was absolute shite though.
You don't hide it, you embrace it. When men age they just get ruggedly handsome, the minute a woman gets crows feet and a grey hair it's all over
fucking kek what a fucking geezer eh?
wish we still had optimism when it came to space. feels like we've thrown any hopes of going to space in the rubbish, with the equality brigade taking over and stifling any real progress.
What would you like to see people doing with space?
What else is there to do? Moon has been conquered and every other planet is too far away to be physically reachable with our technology
this world's this worst case colour scheme
streaks of oil stain
stained the road he crawled on homeward
Lads..who could this be?
People don't go to space because it isn't worth it, not because of SJWs.
why does chad never lose lads
Portuguese lad here
Felin a bit worse for wear
Had a kebab last night before bed and need a massive shit
Nope. Thank fuck.
I dunno, space is pretty big so I'm sure there's plenty for the lads to find up there.
we've not really done owt with the moon have we? just landed it on it and then came straight back. could start there.
I'm sure there's loads of unexpected discoveries and technologies that would benefit us just by pushing the boundaries. we didn't have people sailing round the world discovering all kinds of places and things we had no idea about just by sitting on our arses thinking we're doing alright as we are.
Why did the tumblrite censor his name? Did he say something problematic?
At a bit of a crossroads here lads. Is proper britbot bullying defined by a nuanced, surgical approach or is it something you need to take a sledgehammer too? I feel like I'm ready to reach greater heights of britbot bullying, but confused as to what "quality" britbot bullying really is.
Who eats a pot. Noodle with a fork? Spoon is best to get all the flavoured water down yer gub
He was the guy that mocked the suicide victim in a Youtube video while he was at Aokighara forest. It was right at the beginning of 2018.
So I made a new /britfeel/ last night with the wrong image and about 50 posts too early because I was drunk on 4 bottles of pineapple Sourz and fucked it up.
I am sorry. I will go now, not to return.
Cheers for the laughs, lads.
"'Cause he fucks me rigid."
It's a barren, featureless rock lad. I know scifi films make space seem like it's full of adventure but it's mostly vast nothingness. Not that I don't believe there's life out there - there definitely is - but we're never going to reach it while we're still relying on such archaic technology as rocket propulsion
I think it's the other way round here though, we need loads of tech advancements before we can start doing more with space. Let's face it, the moon is a pointless ball of rock, same for the closest planets.
ordered some 200mg caffeine tablets today. cup of tea isn't enough to wake me up in the morning any more.
These cunts expect me to stick Shite paper in the bin lads
Ah yes I remember that, knew I recognised the name from somewhere. Kek, an sjw finally realises that morals and values go out the window with Chad
Logan Paul
Choose one.
I've never been able to understand this myself, however, I fucking laugh so much at French word for toilet "poubelle".
Yeah most euro countries and shitty little sewage pipes that can't handle tissues, it's pretty gross
go easy on them lad, they're fucking potent.
my pack lists the daily recommended dose as two tabs, total 400mg. did that once and honestly I started hallucinating by dinnertime.
Looks like a Chad to me mate. Plus he's probably quite wealthy
Lad, you ever find caffeine tablets reduce your appetite? I find two pro-plus makes me stop feeling hungry, not sure if it's a placebo effect or not though.
fucking near 300quid just for bloodtests and the like. gonna have to monitor him while waiting for the results which could take up to 10 days.
doggy nhs when
What wrong with your doggy pal?
had fits the last couple of nights.
Vets know they can charge whatever they like because nobody would want to let their own doggo die
Sure he's balding, but he's tall, white, muscular and rich. That's a pretty good catch for an actress from a middling Netflix show.
get rid of all the poles and give our dogs the healthcare they deserve
I had a jack Russell that would fit if it ever pulled on lead, or had too much exercise. They said it was a heart murmur and it was a tablet a day, but it could be owt I guess.
Put a pony on liverpool
Don't worry lad he's in safe hands xxx
caffeine is an appetite suppressant, so to be expected.
caffeine suppresses appetite
caffeine increases metabolism
caffeine increases fat burning
caffeine enhances the benefits of exercise
reminder that logan is physically and mentally abusive, cheats on girls AND STILL THEY FROTH AT THE GASH. shows being 6ft and rich is all you need.
He's an old doggo, so he's lead a good life whatever happens.
related choon lads
"dripping like a broken fridge"
My doggo has had a few funny turns like that, but the vet didn't run any tests, even though I spent the last of the money I had getting him there in an unimpressed taxi, paying for vet bill then had to walk home with him. He was ok for the walk home and picked up ok though, but I could have cried handing over my last fifty quid.
He's "my dog" but he lives with my parents. He and I have a very, very close bond and I'd love to have him at my place, but my mum wouldn't let me and yeah can't feasibly afford him/ have time to make sure he's well exercised at my house etc. This particular time I was back home house/doggo sitting while my parents went on holiday for a week. He's my best mate though and we go on adventures when I go home.
gibbing or receibbing?
had this doggo since I was like 11 man. He's my oldest doggo to date and is the coziest doggo. Probably not gonna get another one when he goes.
Fair enough lad, as my mummy says "they just wrap themselves around your heart then die", but I think pets always occupy a special part of your heart and when the time comes, you'll meet another doggo fren to keep you company. Hope current doggo pulls through and has a comfy life if possible though. What kind of dog is he?
staffordshire bull terrier. I know "memes" but he's a lovely doggo. He's near 15 years old. He's a fat old doggo with weak back legs who spends most of his day sitting on a chair
Staffies are thought of as chav dogs, but I've never come across a staffie that wasn't so friendly; someone said the reason they're thought of as devil dogs is because they're so keen to please their owners, so if their owners are bad bastards they'll train them that way. I did laugh in my head at one lad's dog that was called Hooper though, still a nice dog.
>love having a wank to 2D
>never watched an anime
Am I missing out or nah?
lots of posh, cute older women in my area
really want to shag one
not really. There's only a few decent ones like Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, FMA: Brotherhood and Berserk
I do like a posh bird. The type that still refers to her parents as mummy/daddy even though she's in her twenties
And it wears me out
It wears me out
It wears me out
It wears me out
And if I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted
All the time
All the time
remember when hollys tits fell out on Ministry of Mayhem? or all those times she dressed in a short french maid outfit.
FUCKING FUMIN we don't have stuff like that anymore
How's the ma and pa?