Do cute non-whore shy girls exist?
Do cute non-whore shy girls exist?
yes and you pass right over them because they are so shy they have learned to camouflage their entire existence
>non-whore women
Doesn't exist you underage faggot.
Yes but they're 10 years old and less, so technically no
Hey femanon do you want to be my girlfriend?
not without major mental issues
hate to brake it too you but they dont tend to be the none whore types they will suck dick for any bit of attention. they legitimately have not care about other people and just kept to themselves content with being a loner to even have a chance for being close to what op wants.
are most shy girls whores?
Just go for some obese 2/10 bitch with a decent personality. Any more and it'd probably be more than you deserve, OP.
They do. Met mine on myspace ages ago. A shut in neet virgin
I'm not saying i dont believe you but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and it seem to me your claiming that they do indeed exist.
Yes, my girlfriend for example. Strict parents and strong cultural values led her to being pretty closeted and shy. She still gets butterflies when we cuddle, even after three years. She had never even masturbated or touched herself until I told her how. She still has a very intact hymen. Were not going to break it until we get married.
There have to be some. If I found one for myself there must be more.
sure there you they might tell you that they are some virgin that doesnt know anything about sex but most of the time they are lying as they know it will sour the pot and would much rather downplay or straight up lie and not risk it.
Yes but they will dump you once they find something better
Dude she was still living at home with her parents and had an intact hymen
She didnt even know how to masturbate
Same, my girlfriend was straight up terrible at sex and clearly had absolutely no idea what she was doing. Now after about two years she is a lot better, but only because I had been coaching her through it.
These girls exist. But not only
are they incredibly rare, you pretty much have to be friends with them first, since you will never find these kinds of girls at a party or bar or social get-together. I met mine on skype though the RWBY fandom, and we were close friends for about a year before we started dating.
Are we talking actually cute?
Like at least average looking in terms of face, and not being overweight or having any major mental illnesses?
Cuz it seems like all the cute sane and non-overweight girls are already taken.
Yes but they have penises
No, if they were cute Chad would have swept them up already. Life isn't like movies and your anime where amazingly cute girls are somehow friendless and shy. Their looks give them confidence backed up by guys going after them.
What's actually the extraordinary claim here? That all women are whores and aren't shy? Please stop using logic as a screen for your whoo-whoo bullshit.
>not whores
lmao every trap i have ever known will literally clean your cock for the slightest positive attention.
This, if you want a cute girl or any girl you need to be attractive enough for a cute girl
no but this is your role in life as a male to be attractive enough to get a female and shitposting or crying on Jow Forums about how you aren't good enough isnt going to change that.
Well girls stop being cute around mid to late 20s
Being around 35 is probably your latest unless you're very attractive, have great charisma, money or 2/3 of those.
I'm not a cute girl but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What's attractive to one cute girl could a turn off for another
In other words: just bee urself :)
I hope you know Tomoko was craving for dick theout the entire show.
im a dude.
i was speaking in general terms. chances are high that any cute girl is already taken, yes.
They do, but they either
1) are lesbians
2) never go out, never seek anything and are complete asexuals
2.5)they're also cat ladies
3)they're too young and soon they'll blossom into whores when they finally break. Kinda like when lonely men start taking hormones and cock after being lonely for too long. Same happens to girls, except they're just disgusting degenerates and not completely mentally ill by pretending to be girls with beards.
4)they have a cute shy boyfriend ,the only one in their life, they're NEETs together with, never go out and just stay together forever.
How to meet them?
To meet one you either play a lot of online games (or buy a lottery ticket), attempt suicide and go to psych wards on a regular basis (half will be sluts, the other will be shut in virgin shy girls, but a lot of them will be bi or lesbian. Depends on luck), go to board game meetups and meet girls that just started going there as well. This is important. If she's an old regular, she took all the cocks around you. But if she's new, she's trying to find a way to open up and be more active, so she probably took the "geeky" approach with board games. Go to indie small concerts where local who bands sing. This last one only works if you're at least social and you don't mind going through shit.
Board game meetups and psych wards work the best.
>Do cute non-whore shy girls exist?
Yes but they're the pandora's box of girls. They become the biggest sluts once you get them to open up.
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