What's the worst thing you have ever seen on the internet r9k?

What's the worst thing you have ever seen on the internet r9k?

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Jow Forums
That place is pure evil
All of them should be killed desu

I saw a dog getting dismembered for some fetish shit on infinity chan

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stills from zippo cat

also bestiality but the former is way more disturbing.

r9k is the worst thing I've ever seen on the internet.
This place sucks you in and envelopes you. It forces you to realize how trash humanity and society is. It reminds you
every single day how lonely and unlikable you and how cold and distrusting everyone else is. This website shatters all
preconceived notions of ever being truely happy whether it be from never having a girlfriend, never having REAL friends,
or working like slaves for over half of your existence. I hate this fucking place, we all hate this place but we keep coming
back because once you get sucked into r9k, you can't leave. No amount of gore, shit, or violence will ever effect my
mental as much as r9k has. This place is dangerous.

Probably one of those botched tranny vaginas with all the blood and puss and everything.

When I was like 14 I was browsing tor and downloaded a bunch of cp videos. I watched them and was very edgy. Anyway one of them was of an actual baby being raped. It was a real baby girl too young to even walk and this guy was just fucking it and clearly ripping something and the baby's screams were chilling. They sounded kind of like the sound an animal makes when it's being eaten and the pain it feels is agonizing. That was the most fucked up video I ever saw, and I've been on this site for a good 6+ hours pretty much every single day since 2007.

Jow Forums
all other answers are false


Anything on the front-page of reddit that's vaguely political

Probably Funky Town? The gurgling was probably the worst part of it. Mexican Cartels are fucking brutal.

That's some I'd never do I think. I can handle shit but seeing kids in pain is just the absolute worst. I know there's an album that's occasionally mentioned on /mu/ that is just Cheese Pizza recordings (the final one being part of Daisies Destruction). I just don't think I could come back from something like that without feeling sick.

shiggy orig

Some Mexican cartel shit. They kill a dude, open his skull, push out his eyes and eat them (????). All recorded with some shitty cell phone camera. I seen a lot, but that was the must disturbing shit for sure

>inb4 source
Don't have it.

Knock knock, party van!

Daisies Destruction. Its not as fucked up as I thought it would be.

Orgionaly edgy.

Your mom. Yikes man.

Aw shit whiteboi you based and redpilled!

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Ive been told that I've developed a pretty gnarly thousand yard stare. Here's what comes to mind:

>The Mexican family finding their daughter/sister (parents and siblings both found her) with her face skinned off, still breathing ragged breaths, just sitting on the floor staring into space having just been subjected to some Aztec blood ritual.
>The twelve year old girl hanging herself from a tree.

>Bugchasing forums.
>Cuckolding (there's something deeply wrong with cuckolding).
>Traps/homosexuals on Jow Forums.
>Nick Bates eating and fapping with his defecation.
>The Canadian piggy guy shitting on his french fries and eating it.

Misc Disturbing
>The trannyhomo who tries to get robots to become trannyhomos
>Normalfaggots prattling eternally on fagbook - apparently it's gotten worse since I deleted mine
>Learning the truth about the Holocaust on Jow Forums
>Learning the truth about the Syrian Civil war on Jow Forums
>Just Jow Forums in general, nothing really comes close except the Fagbook idiocy which is only disturbing to someone who has browsed Jow Forums.
>Fat guy getting his yellow scales scrubbed by attendants cuz he's too fat to bathe himself
>Golf rumors

There's also stuff that I know I've blocked out of my memory.. Most of this is just recent past 5 yrs or so.. I started watching gore and weird porn when I was 13, not sure if I'm just a normal faggot or if its affecting me on some level..

How is that mushroom stew coming?

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>Golf rumors
And this children, is a classic example of the wild "LARPER" in their natural habitat.

I once saw a gruesome picture where someone had brutally sliced a lemon and a lime in half, and then stitched them together forming an unholy citrus abomination. I still have nightmares about it.

What's so evil about wanting to save western civilization?

Read up on white peopke history. Straight up evil my negus

A dabing aborted fetus.
Not even joking.

somebody posted a pic of a little girl (5 years old probably) hanged in a dark room on Jow Forums. fucking sad

A webm someone posted of a disgusting Japanese fetish porn clip that involved shoving worms into orifices. Some of them were regular earthworms, while some were these weird things with little tendrils that I've never seen before. I've blocked most of it from my memory, but there's one part where they put the worms in a blender and puree them into an orange slurry that looked vaguely like the chipotle southwest sauce you get at Subway. It put me off from eating there for quite a while.

this isnt possible organodjkej

saw that too, did you see the ones where they do fish/eel enema to multiple girls and they fart out the creatures in unison? pretty funny

Anything that relates to meth addicts. It's even worse than Islamic be headings and the BME pain olympics.

Also, the Station night club fire video is another top contender. Seeing the fear on people's faces as they are stuck in the doorway, burning to death in the flames.

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The classic where the fat guy tortures a rat to death with a screwdriver then sticks it up his ass and goes to sleep with it inside

Also the gif of the baby getting shit on

Hhh i think it was a mexican guy with dismembered body parts? Or a middle eastern dude with his organs coming out of his stomach or a literal fucking teen with some of her face fucking ripped off. Op Jow Forums traumatised me when i was a kid, i saw this shit when i was like 13. Luckily ive grown used to seeing that shit (most of it that is, someone the gore fucks me up)

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encyclopedia dramatica's offended page

i can handle it now, but the first time i went there and saw dismembered bodies and bestgore-esque stuff it made me nauseous.

Did you see it on Jow Forums?

Cirtusfruitparty fuckd me up

Nah man its always /b/ the good ol days where gore was always posted now its the board tame as hell

I'm calling fake
How did you see it?

I couldn't go through half the video and punched the monitor. Even the computer repair guy was surprised at how hard I hit it.

Too many old wounds opened up that day. I'm just glad the cab driver is okay.

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i liken any opinions i disagree with to the site i stumbled upon that sold broken slaves, which included children
it's gone now, been years

Tor. Its not hard to find if you know where to look.

Very vague!
How do I get to it?

Great post,my original nigger.

Yes, but those are more comical than disturbing in my book. I saw one where they put eels up a girl's asshole with a camera so you can see them wriggling around inside her colon. They try to show her on a little TV, and she says something like, "No, I don't want to see the shame in my ass."

>Learning the truth
>on Jow Forums

What's this from? shiggy mcdiggy

The truth is scary isn't it? Better to pretend it isn't there

I dont get why people intentionally want tl get traumatised by looking for this kind of shit on the internet. What did you even expect?

I thought that video was just an urban legend?

That's really hard to answer. Where does it end? Gore, violence, depraved pornography, every horror that can manifest itself. Worst thing I saw lately was people who believed they had Morgellons disease carving pieces of their flesh off looking for fibers. Self mutlilation really bothers me

Apparently they arrested the guy who made it in the Philippines

Idk, your question is kinda stupid, but this one really triggers me for some reason

this tbqh
i felt both my ears and eyes are raped

I fucking hate this picture. I'm not sure what that thing is sucking the AVGN's dick but I truly feel bad for it. It probably can't even comprehend what it's doing. And then this fucking degenerate here actually puts his dick in that thing. It's an orangutan that was shaved and enslaved in an Indonesian brothel.

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Designated fetus cleanup piggu

It was out of North Carolina in 2014. Active duty marine attacked a local taxi driver because he got mad about where the cab was going.

The dude had to get facial reconstruction. It was bad. As if he got attacked by a gorilla or something.

Also, the marine dude was yelling a lot to the point where even the camera mic choked up.

Oops. This is yours.

It might have been fake, it might have been real. My memory is pretty bad, but I think I remember watching a video many years ago about someone eating an/their eyeball. I might be remembering that wrong, it might not have even existed, but whatever it was it gave me a big fear of people touching their eyes or being close to their eyeball. Whether they're doing eye drops, putting contacts on, I wince and cringe over the sight of it

Wtf is wrong with people, and why is his dick so small?

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Yeah we needs kill all sees black people it will save da great Aryan race brought to us by ja internet and it's da hood fult

it's a sculpture of Jabba the Hutt

>I hate this fucking place, we all hate this place but we keep coming back

I also hate myself but i don't kill myself yet

This for me too

Mostly I haven't risked watching anything I know would be too much for me. 2girls1cup is a hard watch, but not impossible. The only gore I saw that really really was hard was 2guys1hammer. Ones that are quick and painless and not slow and torturous aren't as bad.

It took 35 police officers with AK-47s to get it out.
Its name was Pony.
Indonesia has no formal law enforcement, so nothing happened to the brothel owner.

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hey if self harm bothers you, look up coldness of my heart, it will freak you out

A guy raping a baby?
Not sure

Actually I think the brick video affected me more

Nothing too bad I guess. Webm of mutilated penis (pretty much cut off) cumming. He was rubbing that wound and he came.

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I keep hearing about this but nobody posts the fucking webm

That guy is way worse than the guy who put his dick in the poor thing

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>Learning the truth about the Holocaust on Jow Forums

I saw it about a year ago on /b/. Would post it, but I don't save that shit. Sorry

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>The Canadian piggy guy shitting on his french fries and eating it.

...I used to watch AVGN...

Now I will never look at him the same

I saw a 6-7 year old girl being led to an operation table to have her organs removed and sold on the black market. She was crying and screeming for her mom/dad all the way. That fucked me up for good. I never wish to see that video again

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Some guy fucking a dead body

Looked a video a few months ago that I remember getting by accident a few years ago back when we were downloading movies through eMule, Limewire...
It was a woman from the Philippines, Malaysia or something. A white dude is recording her raping, hitting and pissing on a poor little girl.
I genuinely found it by accident the second time but the name of the video triggered me and I kinda knew what I was going to watch. In fact I was outraged about how easy to find this,

If you're a pedo you should seek help right friggin now my dude. Being turned on by this is not normal, this is not right.
This is really distressing to see how vile and disgusting the Human can be sometimes :(

mexican drug cartel torture video cut off both hands and face

a guy shitting in a strawler with a baby in it.

probably this thread hahahah funny joke kek

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>believing Jow Forums
ok genius

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