You will die alone

Beeing a woman is life on easy mode. And they still bitch about feminism and how they are oppressed
Fucking cunts

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Look at this beautiful girl

aww fuck me. Ugly cunt

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>white men settling for fat shitskins

the absolute state

The world is controlled by men. Almost every industry controlled by men. Even industries that target women like fashion or makeup is made and controlled by men. You have to be a special kind of stupid to be a failed man in a world made to give men a leg up.

Is she 47? She looks 47.

Its too much work to acquire and keep a white woman they will waste four years with you and then move on because they think they deserve better, non-whites are shit so its actually a safer bet because they are gold-diggers and just want white money

Iz saed. Iz vary sed

>You will die alone

If you're lucky. Seriously the only guys who actually feel bad about not being in an LTR or marriage are guys under 25 who haven't spent extended periods of time around women in a platonic non-sexual context.

If you're thinking about getting married or hitched in any way, just try spending more than a month with your mother or sister(s) if you have any as an adult, that'll scare you right off.

What happens to young men is they're still all drugged up on sex hormones making it easy for women and their mothers to talk them into stupid commitments that will do their heads in and ruin their lives.

You gotta always remember that how you start is how things will continue. If you fall for the marriage, kids, shopping together, socializing with her and her friends memes just imagine doing that shit for the rest of your life or at least the next few DECADES. A little scary isn't it? It should be.

What makes you think he's settling for her? Maybe he finds her attractive, or maybe she makes him very happy. Not everybody adheres to your shallow restrictive beauty standards. That's why you'll always be alone, because you're a shallow pathetic racist who's ugly both inside and out

He is probably retarded

1 in 17 men reproduced in the past, you probably would have had roughly the same sex life then as you do now. Maybe after your 16 hour shift in the mines you could pay a prosty for her services, but you can't do that anymore.

I actually used to think like you, but it's harder and harder not to see the marriage meme, fat acceptance, the cougar meme, MeToo and all this shit as part of a big roastie conspiracy.

In the past you used to be able to at least kid yourself into thinking that if you ended up with an older woman, a fat woman, got married or whatever that it just happened, that it's ultimately your choice and so on.

But the more feminism (i.e. the political expression of women as a collective) puts the screws on men who refuse to settle down, like them young or any number of behaviors women find hostile or threatening, the more you can understandably fall into a sort of paranoid mindset where if you're not deliberately flouting what women collectively are trying to steer you towards, you're being a cuck.

Everything is made to give women an edge. They get lessened jail sentences for the same crimes, they're favored 99.9% of the time in divorce cases, they get their pick of the most attractive men even as giant hamplanets, they get everything handed to them on a silver platter and then complain that it's not enough.
Meanwhile, men get the shaft unless they're born into the rich families and have lucked out in the genetic lottery to be tall, square-jawed, broad-shouldered demigods, all so women will merely acknowledge their existence.
Show me where men get a leg up, jackass.

Original originalo

There's fat girls who somehow still have good faces. This is not one of them.

Fat acceptance is bullshit from landwhales who think they deserve to date Chris Hemsworth

But MeToo is legit... I don't think it's unreasonable to not want to be harassed or sexually assaulted

Show me the one where the fat ugly pajeet gets to marry a sexy white girl brunette supermodel, because shallow restrictive beauty standards don't matt-
Oh wait, that didn't happen. I guess looks do matter when you're born the wrong gender, huh?
she is a fat ugly shitskin and got a Brad


Thing is roasties are moving the fucking goalposts all the time, a few centuries ago it was just actual RAPE that was a crime

Now touching someone on the shoulder or making an inappropriate comment can be actionable in court in some jurisdictions, they've gone way too far

The way things are going, it will be virtually impossible to date besides using dating apps and even "inappropriate" language on apps is even getting guys reported to the internet police these days

So basically you have to be a ridiculous beta cuck and beat around the bush forever to stay safe or you have to just be Chad, even then there's still at least a chance of getting MeTood because some bitch felt "unsafe"

She's not that fat even.

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Soooo beautiful and brave

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Are you an amerilard? That his hideously obese for a normal person elsewhere around the world.

That's a 2yr old picture mate

>Get locked into a soul binding union with another person whom you agree to stand by and uplift until the very end
>Make that moment about bragging to and spiting family members
It isn't her personality.

She's morbidly obese and that's really apparent.

Its on her Tweeter from this month.

Auntie is from a time when standards were a thing.

The problem with fat acceptance is it only focuses on women. We need a fat acceptance movement for men and a male centered version of feminism. It can focus on male needs.

No, its not. Stop larping.

t. european skeleton

This will always fail. Society is and always has by nature always been focused on what women want/need because of the children and families meme.
You just got BTFO'd


That's a nignog, not a pajeet.

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Men are disposable. If a woman doesn't find a man attractive there is nothing you can do to convince her otherwise he's just trash to her

you can't post an old picture in Twitter?

>Beeing a woman is life on easy mode
You don't even know.

>go into a discord to ask a question
>ask again
>go into that same discord using name and icon that can easily be misinterpreted as a female
>ask same question
>immediately get a detailed three-part answer flowered up with corny attempts at humor, smiley faces and emojis

fucking beta cunts

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White women will do anything for any minority man. It's why only white males can be robots

I seriously wonder what is going through that guy's head at this moment.

You just cry and cry how everyone is more successful. Literally what sjws are doing. Be angry and call successful people names, but that won't change the fact that you are a failure. None of the genders have life on easy mode. Everyone struggles with something. Stop caring how others do in their lives. How about you fix your own first

wrong, he's clearly indian

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That's why MGTOW exists. If you mean nothing to her, you give nothing to her.

>We need a fat acceptance movement for men and a male centered version of feminism. It can focus on male needs.

why? as a male i don't want that, that sounds horrible.. i would never want to be friends with a guy that relied on a male version of feminism to get ahead, physically or mentally. of course i would also never date a woman that used it like that either, so maybe i'm just an outlier.

>im an oppressed male
>males are oppressed

Maybe that's why your life sucks

That's definitely an Indian man, what are you talking about?

You don't get it. The media can control people's minds. Show fat men as attractive all the time on TV and social media and people will believe it. People will believe anything social media or the TV says.

stop bullshitting, being white is living on easymode.
you can be a 5'3 white manlet and still do better with girls than being 6'1 and brown. its a death sentence

>Reeeeee, it's not like the world doesn't revolve around me, Reeee!

Grow up, that's nothing compared to being seen as the pervert when the women see YOUR jiggly bits.

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Social media can convince her. They are all controlled by the social media.


I see, that last shot made him look like a nigger.

I like how you attacked him as a person instead of showing him how men get a leg up. Topkek

I really hope you're trolling because her BMI appears to be >45

Despite the fact that he's black, and not Indian as I had said, how much money does he have?
Oh, you didn't think I meant the ugly pajeet was rich, did you? Oh no, of course not. Women would marry such a guy, but not for his looks or his personality.
Show me the fat, ugly, poor guy, preferably Indian or Asian, maybe a black even, that gets an Aryan supermodel bride.

Firstly, you dimwit fuck, my issue is with beta males. Not women, per se. What are you, a male feminist, you sorry little tool? Secondly, I've never been fat a day in my life and women love the only part of me that jiggles.

If women can be fat and beautiful men can be fat and handsome. It's about making it fair.

Thing is the media will never do what you want them to do because what we call "feminism" in the modern era is really just a reflection of the human instinct to coddle women, in any society that has achieved ridiculous wealth and security the average dude will get given the shaft hard and will be pushed to work like a slave to support the golden vagina

In tough, dangerous times, or in societies where brute physical strength matters more, the average man has much more status because he's judged more "useful."

That will only convince her to racemix with any minority man like
White men are obsolete to women

1. bmi is retarded
2. her bmi is probably 35-40 at most, over 40 you are entering non-humanoid shape territory

His facts are not right at all, what is there to show? Topkek ikr

Factually incorrect. I'm a 6' White guy and no woman would ever consider me. Meanwhile, fat pajeets are getting pretty white women.

Wtf? I thought you were a roastie describing some "oppression"

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She looks pretty alien to me senpai.

There's subtle features that make it pretty obvious that he's Indian(beyond all the Hindi in the comments). A good way of telling the difference is imagining them with lighter brown skin. If they'd look like a mixed African then black, if standard pajeet then dark pajeet.

what is up with your reading comprehension?

But yeah, fuck those lefty betafags. However, you're in Jow Forums.


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We can pitch a TV show about this handsome faced obese man who always gets laid. Then women will find him attractive.

How are they not right?

women can't be fat and beautiful, don't buy into the media's lies. WOMEN don't believe this, so there's no reason you should. just ignore them as usual.

a 45+ BMI Pajeetess would be something closer to this size

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Most women do believe this. They believe anything the media tells them.

Sorry for my post, that first one made him look black and not Indian, and I didn't refresh the page to see the other pictures. Also I don't know Hindi.
Regardless of that mistake, how rich is he?

In his defense, that guy is tall, -er than her at least, not even that fat and that girl is average as fuck, not close to some super model

>Most women do believe this.
no...... that's like saying most women respect TG women...

they say one thing and do another thing completely behind closed doors.. if you're dating a fat girl, you WILL get judged by other girls for being a loser.

>tfw too stupid to be born with good genes

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Are you joking? She's like double the size she should be, possibly more

It's Swedish, not Hindi, I fucked up lol, he's definitely Indian though.

>The world is controlled by men. Almost every industry controlled by men.
Kind of weird how 99.9% of men don't seem to be able to benefit from this fact. What, you see Donald Trump being president and in your head, you're figuring Joe Blow across across the street is running the world by proxy because he, too, happens to be male? Doesn't work that way. Never did and it never will.

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>You will die alone

I know. I'm trying to make peace with it.

Most women get angry when you misgender a TG woman.

Given that it's Swedish, he could be a Paki immigrant, but same difference, essentially. At least I think it is, Pakistan used to be a part of India, right?
But I digress. How much money does he make? Does he mention it anywhere on the account?
I'd search myself, but I'm not gifted with the languages of the world, just this tongue and a smattering of French.

come back desi rose

She is a marrana. A pig

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Goddamn it. Getting tired of this bull crap

bahahaha if you say so user

tfw I've actually jacked off to Nabela a couple times before because I have such extreme curry fever

feels weird

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Her face looks like a bloated corpse

Bruh I can't believe someone died saving them. They really should've just died down there if they were that stupid to go there in the first place.

yeah it makes me think about how great her bjs must be desu

she looks too bitchy to give bjs


Get out

Foreplay is actually a big part of sex play in Islam so she probably gives at least passable head

How do we make fatness sexy in men? I want a male fat acceptance movement.

>El Judicio de los oscuros...

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>be white
>marry a fat paki

That dude has to have a micropenis.

Being a woman is easy? As a man we can go after any woman we want. Men have it on easy.

Wtf? Women aren't "favoured" in divorce cases.

t. cuck

Men can't go for any women they want, but if a woman came up to you and asked you on a date with a promise of sex, 9/10 times you would say yes. On the other hand, women would accept maybe 3/10 times or less. They get to pick and choose and most men usually get the ugly scraps.

I'm white and broke and still get pussy. Speak for yourself, cuck