HeliumBoi memorial thread

Post things about HeliumBoi here, edgy fucks are not welcome.
Post any updates, things you would like to say to HeliumBoi if he was still here, advice against suicide, etc.

I could tell that HeliumBoi was a really genuine, kind and nice person. He would talk about being a failure to his family and himself, and I think most of us can relate to him.
In his last thread, he posted images of his helium rig to an external website instead of just posting them to Jow Forums. People called him out for it, and as soon as he realized, he started beating himself up about it and saying how much of a failure he was. I wish he is still alive and reading this, or if there is an afterlife reading it from there.

HeliumBoi, I did not know you in real life. We only exchanged a couple of sentences, but your threads brought me to tears. Kept me up at night. You touched me, and now you are probably gone. I wish I could've been your friend, you are the only robot that gave me such a positive and nice energy in a long, long time. I cannot stop thinking about you, and how you could be gone, just like that. I hope that you are doing well up there, and save us a spot.
Rest in peace, HeliumBoi

Pic related, it was his final post.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is the last thing he said to me, he was such a friendly person.

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glad this faggot is dead

Probably one of his most touching posts

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RIP friend.
That final post is heartbreaking

Fuck man. 1st shuaiby and now him. Atleast they have the courage to do what i failed to do.

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I'm gonna miss the lil guy

Let this be proof that people really do care. He killed himself because he thought he was a failure, nobody would remember him, and even though we're just robots we can relate to him and mourn. I can imagine many of the people he knew in real life are mourning him too.

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why did he do it exactly? did he just have nothing left to live for like family, or was he just tired of it all?

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rip helium bro orignaly

He said that he was a failure and didn't amount to anything. He failed university and school, couldn't find a gf, was a disappointment to his parents. So he left.

Why the fuck I'm the only one posting his pictures?

Oh I know I was that brainlet who doesn't know how ibb.co works.

I miss you HeliumBoi, thanks for not laughting at me.

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Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=ZIZVQxcFW7A


He actually did it? Maybe i should have commented in the thread...

Rest in peace dude you're doing what we all wish we could do

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How do we know this is not a hoax

Yep, he did it. Fuck, I feel so bad now...

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I remember seeing your post, just as I was saying, he wouldn't make fun of anyone but himself

damn, that sucks. at least he went out peacefully.
he seemed pretty set on it when i checked one of the threads, i don't think there was anything we could do...

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But I'm the only one posting it.

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>He said that he was a failure and didn't amount to anything. He failed university and school, couldn't find a gf, was a disappointment to his parents. So he left.
So the usual? No wonder.

nobody will remember in a week, and if you think the autists in this thread care, you're an idiot

I'm sure they will remember, they'll just move on like with anyone else. It's sad, but it happens to everyone.

Maybe it was for the best

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We will never truly know user. We will never know

It was people like this that added to the problem. Heliumboi's final reply was to this

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He is finally free im happy for him a true inspiration to follow

Rest easy HeliumBro.
See you on the other side

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So helium is the best suicide method now?
I'm still living in student accommodation and any delivery still goes to them first. Would buying helium tank be a little suspicious?

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Probably. You could claim it's for balloons or something and they might buy that. Normies haven't caught on to helium as a suicide method yet.

It could be, but can't you send it to your post office or something? Also, why do you want to do it user?

probably, unless your part time occupation is a clown helium would look a little weird especially delivered to a dorm.

>post you're going to kill people as a joke online
>police knocking on your door in 5 minutes
>man is saying he will fucking kill himself FOR DAYS
>not even a phone call
>no help at all

This reality is making me angry.

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This is the last thing he said to me. What a faggot, holy shit. Rest in piss

Piss off, reddit. I told him the truth. Faggot was gonna kill himself even if you cozied up to him

This is making me feel like shit anons. Can we all ask the mods to sticky a memorial for Jow Forums heroes? They deserve it. Rest easy.

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>showing sympathy is plebbit
Back to r braincels with you

As much as his death hurts me, I know I wouldn't want to be put in a mental institution
And why did you have to be a cunt? People like you are what drived him to do it

You're all going to die one day. I don't feel sympathy for attention whores like him. He won't even livestream it. You don't even know if he's dead.

How does it feel knowing that his final reply was to you, knowing that you probably sealed the deal in him ending it? Reply faggot

user we all should be happy that he killed himself. He is finally free from this twisted world.
Julius evola talked about how the modern age will lead to "the state of decline". We have reached that point. There is nothing for us in this state of decline and heliumboi managed to escape it.

I feel nothing. He's not dead. You have no evidence. Holy shit, reddit, grow up.

>spending money on helium tanks and CPAP mask just to attentionwhore on Jow Forums

So what exactly do you need to go out with helium? Is it expensive?

Believe what you want. I need proof.

>being this much in denial
There's a difference between not caring and actively denying it's true. You're clearly in the latter position. Are you that scared of stranger's death, user?

Unlike you, I don't believe every RP I read. Holy shit, stop being so easily manipulated

What other proof would there be? I really don't see your point. Why should someone spend money to attentionwhore on, of all places, Jow Forums?

That other faggot who only came here to livestream himself blowing out his brains gave more proof than some helium tanks. Any fuck could buy the supplies TO kill yourself. It's another level to actually take yourself out

I mean, really, think about it. He didn't even give a location to look for obituaries

There's no arguing with you man. I'll just leave this at that.
>believe what you want

Yes he didn't, but my point stands. Why would you want to attentionwhore with autists on r9k, and spend money and time on it while you're at it?
He spent his whole last 3 days (almost) on his threads

>he is finally free
Is he? Nobody knows what lies after death. We do not know if he is free, or if he's suffering just as much

I do feel sorry for him and his family IF he went through with it, but we can never possibly know, since he gave NO proof. It's aggravating and I want you to understand that my anger is frustration in his lack of evidence. Plenty of anons give proof, but this trip"friend" couldn't even give us any. There have been more elaborate RPs before, but this one is up there if it's all fake. We'll never know

Hell, for all I know, he made this thread.

Thank you for showing some empathy. I still believe that he is gone. It's just, I related to him so much, thinking about it gives me chills.

I agree. Is there any way we can contact mods?

>his final reply was a simpsons meme image

I'm not dead lol u have been trolled lmao

I wonder why he really did it, what his situation was. It's a shame. F

Are you the same samefag from yesterday?
Low effort

No I'm le HeliumBoi lol

>using a random trip

Lol yes lmao

I'm probably gonna get a lot of shit for asking this but is there some way we could have done something? I talked to him a little and he seemed pretty dead set on doing it. I wonder now in retrospect if I was only pretending that I was helpless to stop him doing it so I could feel better about myself. In retrospect I think I should have reported his threads or SOMETHING. From the look of the date he left on his timestamp in the photos he gave us, I'd say he was probably a European so I have no clue how reporting it as illegal content or some shit would help in any way but I have a feeling that the 1/1000 chance that we could have helped will bother me for a while.

RIP user. I wish I could have known you to help you somehow, and hopefully you can see us down here and you are at peace now. I'm sorry we didn't do enough for you, buddy. Hope I can see you one day and maybe we'll be friends then. I'm praying for your family user.

Please don't do this if you're thinking about it guys. There are people who want to help you.

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>Clearly pretending to be him when you aren't
Just stop this please

Okay I will stop lol lol lol

You could go back to r*ddit and accumulate upvotes for virtue signalling.
He stated several times that he tried help before and it didn't work. The only thing people like you want to do is prolong the suffering of other people because you live in a Disney movie where everything has a happy ending.

Honestly, he's a massive faggot who had family that cared about him. He could've done something with his life if he wasn't such a self-hating coward.

This + giving suicide attentionwhores that don't give proof any attention just makes copycats. BPD women ""attempt"" suicide all of the time for attention. I can't discern if this is another case of that or not, but it just shows more anons that they can get away with it and be memorialized.

Just have it sent poste restante and pick it up at your postal office.

>giving solid advice to a suicide

>Getting smeared and attacked because you don't want people to kill themselves

It's not about prolonging suffering, I genuinely think he could have found some other form of fulfillment in life and that suicide is throwing away a gift that never fully belonged to you to begin with. You are created for a purpose user, God loves you and wants more for you than suicide and it's a shame when people can't see that. I'm not saying I don't empathize with these people, I've had horrible and painful times in life as well. But overall it makes me sad when people decide to kill themselves. I don't give a fuck about virtue signaling and I find it repulsive. It's not like I'm on Normiebook writing a post about this. It's Jow Forums, I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about me which is why I put stuff like this up despite the fact that I know people are going to bash me for it. Either way user, I genuinely do hope you are doing well and that you are not in the dark place that Helium user was.

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The responses from edgelords are completely normal cause it's in the DNA of this site, but it still hits me sometimes. Why do we attack our own forces. We're still a community. You come here because you want to be with others like you. A guy similar to you most likely killed himself. And you're happy? Even if he wanted the attention, he was still an obviously desperate man who was going to kill himself and the last thing he wanted was some replies. That is so sad.

>God loves you and wants more for you than suicide and it's a shame when people can't see that
Maybe because God loves us so much that he throws shit in our faces to constantly make us miserable to the point where some of us decide that not living is much more preferable than being "loved" by God.

You cannot tell me that all 7 billion plus humans on this planet are loved and have a purpose. Helium user is proof of this, unless he was supposed to suffer for a couple more years with some vain stupid hope that suddenly things would get better, especially since he exhausted all his options as he said himself.

I just hope I can gain enough courage like he did.

To be fair, he didn't kill himself and no one has proof he did.

he is in heaven, he had balls unlike me. rest well Mi General.

>man buys helium tanks and cpap mask and tube to get replies on a chink imageboard

Do you realize how retarded you sound?

He will be immortalized by new posters like you.

The only way to help the suicidal is to provide genuine emotional support.
The only way to provide genuine emotional support is to have known him IRL, and for him to have let some people IRL into his world.
The only way to let people IRL into your world is to be vulnerable around people, and that's not always easy.
Suicide is tough. It's just fucking tough.

Reminder suicide is for faggots,

>he believes everything he reads on a chink imageboard
You're actually retarded

>You cannot tell me that all 7 billion plus humans on this planet are loved and have a purpose.
Well they do.

Think of how ridiculously unlikely it is that you are even here user. The notion that all of your ancestors, thousands of them maybe even, all survived to reproduce and pass on the EXACT genetic structure to their children needed to create the next generation and so on. The simple chance that even one of these generations would continue with the exact genome needed to later make you on is less than 1 in a trillion. Not only is that the case but here's just some more descriptions of our condition here, it can't be an accident, your life has value:

>Live in orderly universe despite all the possible configurations of matter
>Live in universe that happens to have laws of physics governing it for no demonstrable reason
>Live in a universe that displays many of the same traits as a simulation including "pixilation" when you begin to look at things at an atomic scale too closely and "rendering" whenever reality coalesces to meet your decision to measure it via your sensory apparatuses (Schrodinger's Cat, Double Slit, ect.)
>Live in a solar system with a huge monstrous planet almost specifically designed to hurl away oncoming space debris (Jupiter)
>Just so happen to live in the goldilocks zone of said solar system
>Life develops out of nothing supposedly
>Just so happens to gain the sentience required to experience the universe its in
>Just so happens to evolve or gain the fundamental need to love, worship and to act as a living picture of God on Earth

It may not seem at times that there is a God, or that if there is one, He actually loves us despite all the terrible things that happen in our lives. I myself have had a terrible childhood and have experienced some of the worst kinds of constant emotional pain and self loathing. But I have responded to the invitation my God gave to me to have a personal relationship with Him. I pray you do the same.

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*tips tinfoil hat*

There's no arguing with brainlets like you.
Just like the people who think the /sp/ tripfag wrote the philmarillion himself.

Rest in peace HeliumBoi i hope you finally find happiness wherever you end up.

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>We're still a community
I don't think so, this place has changed in recent years. We are just /b/ with less porn at this point.

You're probably schizophrenic, user.

Fake or not, he's definitely not in Heaven

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Go back to /b/, please. Thanks

There's no arguing because you don't have an argument LOL
You're as much of a faggot as heliumfag

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Does anyone know what regulator to hook up to the tank he bought? There is zero information on tank valve sizes and those things cost 100+$ per piece so links would be very helpful

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Try google? I'm not gonna help you try to kill yourself, dumb faggot. kys

I already have many times you big dumb dumb, if I knew I wouldn't be asking on an italian noodle artisanship website

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>if you commit suicide you automatically go to hell
I'm not even Christian and I know this isn't true.

I dare you to prove me wrong

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holy fuck so much reddit. GET THE FUCK OUT FAGGOTS.

this is what heliumboye is doomed to live with for eternity now, this fate awaits all those who take their own life

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Hes happy and smiles

thank god someone made this thread i had mad one cuz i had thought no on gave a fuck but thankfully there are decent bots here ; heres my piece to add from the thread i made;

can we get a memorial thread from heliumboi hes supposedly offing himself today so lets commemorate the guy ill start :
Heliumboi i didn't kno u long but the short time i did u were a pretty cool user may you either have peace in lvl 2 or get better reroll.
youll always be an hero heliumboi. F F F

this is his partner

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MASSIVE homosexual LOL