/r9gay/ - #376

just like my japanese comics edition


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>that eternal feel when no 5ft2 bf


please be my boyfriend

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i can't. i'm too bitter. too tired.

But user, we live on opposite sides of the world

I don't think high chaos is canon considering the whole city would have been overtaken by rats.

Not to mention the part where he fights the Assassin that kills the empress its canon that Corvo spares his life.
Supposedly in the novels he's a far more interesting character than Corvo as well.

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Give me a bf right now or else everyone is going to die!

withholding your bf right now user, come kill me please

>meet cute boy on r9k
>he's a bit of a slut but whatever
>live far, far away
>really start to like him
>he isn't online often
>hasn't been online for over a day now
>im really starting to miss him, like a *lot*
>worrying if he's doing lewd with other anons, or worse
>cried several times
>feel so fucking alone

someone please fucking kill me desu

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Stop user. Only I'm allowed to kill in this thread.

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I would go to the ends of the earth just to be with you user

user, your desperate paranoia would torpedo any chance you have of your relationship ever becoming real, just chill out

So last night I went to a friend's house with some other people. A party thing. And oh shit:

>time passes
>don't drink because not feeling like
>gay friend goes crazy with alcohol
>oh great
>time passes 2: Electric Boogaloo
>so night arrives
>try to sleep on couch while friends play some games on ps4
>gay friend comes near me
>I'm semi-sleep
>starts touching my face and I can feel his breath in my face
>go to the fridge
>go again to the sofa
>gay friend hands me a paper telling me if I want to do gay things with him
>go to another bed in his home (Yes, we were on his home)
>sleep with a friend in the floor
>feel secure but also scared gay friend is going to enter and do something dark
>wake up
>went home

I slept like 2 hours, and now I can't look at my gay friend.

It's probably not going to happen, anyway, I'm an overly clingy and protective mess. I can put on a brave face and be there for people and stand up for my friends, but inside, I'm a fucking mess. On top of that, there's the whole distance thing... I just hate myself.

Oh shit I wrote like an idiot. Sorry for that I'm not good at English.

Im not going to kill you, i demand a bf.
But im the only one allowed to kill in this thread.

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In that case you should get on the flight now, it can be a long one. Waiting for you, user

>tfw never gonna have an asexual bf

if he was gonna butt rape you i don't think he'd bother asking first.
but if it makes you feel better i bet he can't look at you anymore either.

Are you Asexual? I could live without sex if you are good looking and like to cuddle.

More info now I think that's me and I'm going crazy.

you only get a bf if you kill me, sorry

>More info now I think that's me and I'm going crazy.
okay have a nice day user, i'm going outside now. yes user, i know it's 11pm - i'm going outside.

>tfw no low sex drive but not assexual always tired skeletal bf to cuddle with all day and rarely do something lewd with

Too tired.
Don't wanna work

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What if, in a weird twist of fate, we really live nearby to each other?

I bet we do. There's no way we don't live close by.

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>are you asexual?
yes I am. I just figured non asexuals wouldn't want to be with an asexual and that eventually they'd want to indulge in lust or something like that.

Okay, where can i find you?

We absolutely do not, and I would be sad if we did because it means there are two people in this country sad enough to post on r9gay at this time of day. Where are you from, user?

Oof it's not me. I feel bad for you, don't worry user everything will be alright.

>don't worry user everything will be alright.
thanks though

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Yeah I guess, the situation was so weird man.

how long is too long with hair, because mine is not far from reaching my shoulders

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it's never too long!

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Masculine boys can do whatever but shoulder length is pretty much the limit and shorter is better in general.
Feminine boys look best with medium length hair.

There is no such thing as hair that is too long, only too short

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usually teleporting right behind you, i can kill a man before he unsheathes his katana

You couldnt kill me because im already dead inside, heh nothing personel kid...

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sorry to hear it user, do you need a hug?

No hugs for losers like me, i wanted to kill you with hugs!

I'm in the US, and yes I agree that 6pm is a totally unacceptable time to be posting in r9gay.

Have you heard of humanity's greatest creation for retarded people? Well here it is! Just for the price of a rope, you can hang yourself because you're a faggot with the NOOSE! Yes, people, the noose. Depressed gays' best solution TO FINALLY FUCK OFF

Then you had best get a neck pillow and a good book user, itll be a long flight.


someone grabbed the same pole i was holding onto and touched my hand

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Seems like you're moving outta here then, best of luck!

Did you remember to wink at them?

i glared at him out of habit, i think i ruined it before it even started

Please try to troll us in an original way. All of us already know that, and a decent portion of us have already tried and been pathetic enough to fail

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>going to local con in two weeks
>my first con ever
>couple months ago decide to make getting to 13 stone (182lbs) my goal
>was 14 stone (196lbs) at the time
>weigh myself this morning

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>grug have 14 rock

>still a fatass
good job

They make for fun milestones, what can I say?

Used to be 20 stone 5 (285lbs, 130kg)
Currently 12 stone 10 (178lbs, 81kg)

Feels good man.

I'm getting somewhere, at least.

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>tfw 131lbs

You go user, yay!
No I'm not being sarcastic

Hows your skin after losing so much weight?

My skin isn't the best anyway, but in terms of loose skin specifically, it's not an issue anywhere but my stomach (though I hear back of the thigh can be a problem area for it and I've never really given that a proper look).

My stomach is pretty bad though. Depending on how I'm stood, the skin sometimes gets pushed together since there's more skin than what's needed to cover stuff. Like if you push a silk cloth together at the ends a tiny bit. It's hard to describe but it's relatively minor now and a total non-issue when clothed.

I still have a fair amount of stomach to lose though, so I expect it to get quite bad there eventually.

Jelly desu.

I'm 5'9 so I probably want to aim for 150 - 160lbs ultimately.

>grug is heavy like many big rock, as much as two 10s rock
>grug think grug want be heavy as much as not two 10s rock, grug want to be heavy like 13 rock
>grug eat less berry and chase more stag
>today grug see how many rock grug heavy as
>grug heavy as 12 rock 10 rock chunks
grug very glad

Good job and good luck, i should move my ass to start losing weight too but eating food makes me less sad. Once i start being serious about limiting food i get depressed and my mind looks for excuses to make me lose any motivation that ive had. Its so annoying.

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unga bunga rockstop


I used to just eat what the fuck ever throughout the day with zero regard for what it was, usually in huge portions. I also used to stress-eat/sad-eat, but it only ever made the feeling worse.

I limited my portion size first, then limited myself to only eating during main meals. Now I have just a filling breakfast and evening meal and nothing else.

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bottoms use dildos and tops use fleshlights
thanks for coming to my ted talk

If I use my hand does that make me a switch? Because I am

only if you finger yourself during

It can be a bit annoying to do both at once, I need a hand free for the mouse. Maybe I need to get a neet boy to keep under my desk to help me out with this sort of thing.

what are you up to this evening?

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>considering suicide and listening to music

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Avoiding my bf.
Wishing I had a different bf.
Looking for a new bf.

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Also- would anyone like to please be my bf?

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hummana hummana boner


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Hi, nice to meet you.
What's your #?

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Whats my what?

Your phone number.
So I can call you.
To set up a date user.

I dont.
A phone number.

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What music user? original inquiry

How easy is it to find someone if you know their name, email, general geographic location, the field of work they're in, ect?

why not just ask them instead of being a stalker?

All musics.

I mean unless they're named John doe almost effortlessly easy.

He's forcing my hand.

How so?
in a more original manner

Lying, leading me on, filling me with false hope, etc.

Sounds like he's not very into you user. If he actually is just toying with you anyways.

it seems like the time to let go and move on, instead of showing up at his doorstep, or mailing him a horse's head, or whatever you're planning

>meet cute boy on r9k
How'd you meet him desu?
>he's a bit of a slut but whatever
How big of a slut are we talking
>worrying if he's doing lewd with other anons, or worse
>cried several times
Cuck him to get back at him or tell him you're worried maybe he's just busy

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He shouldn't have lead me on then huh?

I don't plan on showing up at his door step I just want to scare him.

You could just be crazy and reading into something that's not there alternatively. But it shouldn't be hard to find someone you know a lot about.

>I just want to scare him
that doesn't sound healthy user.
you shouldn't do things just to try to threaten people with power

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C-can I just..? -hugs-
I'm sure he didn't mean anything user, if you really like him I'm sure he'll be back.

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He brought this on himself user. I'm only going to scare him by showing him that I know his name and where he lives, if I can find that information. Maybe threaten to post it online. Just so I can coerce him into saying he's sorry.

I'm definitely not reading into something that's not there.

i wonder why he wasn't into you and gave you false hope instead of ending things outright

T-Thanks for the hug, user! -hugs back- p-please dont tell him I hugged you >////

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This is dumb. You're being dumb. I understand that you're upset. Making threats won't help.

Embracing this sort of combative mindset is harmful to your mental health. It'll make you paranoid and afraid to share or let people into your heart. Let go of those feelings. Try to be mature and talk it out calmly. If you feel that the relationship can't be salvaged in any way and a mutually satisfying resolution is impossible, cut contact as a last resort. Only as a last resort though, like amputating a destroyed limb.

Hold onto your humanity user. Fierce optimism is instrumental when it comes to love, you have to be a naive romantic if you want to ever find the real thing.

That's pretty funny, I was gone for a day and start talking to an user again too! He was really happy to see me again and it felt nice to make him happy. He's just such a goddamned sweetheart and as cutie pie too. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

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I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. Me and him talked for a while. Flirted. Told each other things about one another. Had stuff in common. He made promises, hasn't kept them. He's ignoring me now, haven't heard from him in weeks. Didn't end on a bad note. Last thing I have from him is him saying "Have a good day cutie, message you when I'm on break!" which is from weeks ago. We never argued or anything. I finally felt like I had someone who liked me and the loneliness was starting to abate, but now it's back in full, and if I have to force his hand by threatening to do this then I will because I don't like feeling like this and I'm a firm believer in an eye for an eye.

Where do you meet cute boys irl? What if you live in a village?

You're being really, really dumb.

I can't stop you from acting on your dumb ideas.

Just want you to know: you're dumb.

>How'd you meet him desu?
he posted his discord, so i thought i'd add him!! i felt us click pretty quickly desu
>How big of a slut are we talking
i mean, i don't know exactly how slutty he is, and i dont wanna go in to what i do know... but it's obviously enough to worry me :/
>Cuck him to get back at him
thats just mean. i think i'd honestly rather kill myself than do that!

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Friendly reminder that if you arent a natural looking chad you will start to look like shit after hitting 25y of age.

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Good thing I'm a natural looking chad then

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