I want Muffy to be my goth gf and listen to The Cure with me.
I want Muffy to be my goth gf and listen to The Cure with me
Other urls found in this thread:
>you fantasize about a relationship that will never take place
>Chad fucks her ass, then cums on her face
>you call him a nigger, insult to his race
>your virgin rage swells and you whip out the mace
>you see a roastie on the internet that's ripe for the picking
>Chad comes home and gives her a nice dicking
>Muffy claims she is innocent
>Chad said her pussy was magnificent
>she said "hold on sex can wait"
>she put out for Chad on the very first date
>you think about true love
>but chad uses her as a cock glove
>she rudely says thanks after you gift her chocolate and flowers
>she screams in joy after Chad gives her a salty cum shower
>Bitch is all about games, music and feelings
>Her pussy swells and drips at the thought of breeding Chad's genes
>you think she isn't attracted to you because she says she's asexual
>little do you know that she and Chad are taking part in a mating ritual
>you meet her on a sweet, sweet summer day, like her, lovely and more temperate
>chad turns her into her personal sex degenerate
Originally, por supuesto.
bump qwgaftw
these normy threads are so retarded, how come all these normy threads have pictures of ugly chicks on them ????????????
Never happened now.
She has a BF and he's black.
She's damaged goods now.
I want muffy to step on my worthless neck. and dick
Her boyfriend is confirmed white.
I like this post, I hate orbitfags too
No he's a confirmed a nigger.
Get over it faggot she's been blacked.
>You pick some flowers and take her to a picnic
>Chad drives her home and dines on her pink slit
>You buy her broadway tickets and she giggles with glee
>Chad takes her to an alleyway and she gets on her knees
>She comes to you in tears because her sister is dying
>Chad's the whole reason why that dumb bitch was crying
>You browse Jow Forums and daydream about Muffy
>Chad just figured out that her pussy is puffy
>You think about her day by day
>She's telling her friends the play by play
>You're washing her hair before you meet her
>She's washing her hair from Chad's Stanley Steamer
>Every day you're without her you want to die
>She's just thinking about her next creampie
>Life is over
>Muffy bent over
>You think she's cute with her hime cut
>Chad grabs her hair while she's getting fucked
i've been here so long. it's crazy the amount of chicks Jow Forums has obsessed over. i don't remember most of them. i remember this chick that used a tripcode, japanese lettuce hardcore, i think she posted her pics here, i don't remember well..
Real goths went away in the late 90's. Please don't orbit posers.
>she gives you a kiss and you think you're lucky
>Chad says hi and she's already giving him some sucky
I remember when people used to care about Katya and rose
Based... How will m*ffyfags ever recover
She's probably one of the few goth girls these days who isn't a poser.
>goth music
Cringe desu. I love her style though. Would listen to prog while admiring her looks.
>you're an orbiter happy to get her deleted discord
>meanwhile Chad penetrates her with his meat sword
Gothic lolita isn't really even a part of the goth subculture.
>likes goth music
>likes goth subculture
>hangs out in cemeteries
>wears all black
>wants to be a mortician
She seems pretty goth to me.
>you whiteknight your egirl and claim she's goth
>she tasting her boyfriend's salty cum broth
Never forget the true queen of r9k
fill me in on this one we got like 12 queens
>tfw no goth fembot to serenade
Pic related. This rose is for you. Wherever you are.
Here you go newfag.
I think she's ugly af.
Non-whites can't be goth.
Bumping this muffy thread because mods cant do their jobs and i want to see more funny rhymes
Muffy is the perfect girl
Yeah ok faggottoni
Looks like shit, you need pale skin to pull it off.
>l-looks like shit
Okay neckbeard-san
>Posting negroids in a Muffy thread
even hip hop chad is willing to overlook her image just to get some pussy
I actually literally barfed irl