I've never felt so low Bros, I figure outage got blacked and then I thought she gave me another chance but she kicked me into the gutter..
>I thought you were different Brooke, I'm totally gonna leak your nudes one day, I'm the user on your snapchat Brooke I'm the one you sent those nudes 2
>her new server >JaR4Fa
>she's already lost it >don't be scared Brooke do as I say and I won't post them
>tell them about our connection, why it's so special, the things we do in secret that no one else knows about..
Nick ill suck your dick if you stop posting about her
William Perry
>Lmao can't wait for tomorrow
Bet. Tbqh her nudes are nothing fap worthy though but i want this board to be rid of her once and for all
Gavin Hill
I'll eat your pussycat if you agree that your brooke
Bentley Hill
in my dreams :( id love to look as good as her
Charles Lewis
go away nerd
Ian Barnes
>posts naked white girl >says its brooke
You people man lol
Ayden Gutierrez
Go home you orbiting beta. You're wasting your time over an obviously disinterested thot when you could be looking for a girl or girl (male) that truly cares for you
Lmao thats bullshit post censored and clipped PG 13 pics then dipshit
Oh hey guys Im just BSing too, actually brooke flew to Odessa Texas and let me nut in her pussy then I fingered her asshole and she sucked my fingers clean
Cooper Evans
I'm on mobile fag Stfu meanie, besides I wouldn't want to hurt Brooke, I genuinely love her, I think..
Benjamin Gutierrez
was her instagram ever posted? if so what was it?
Adam Stewart
stop giving this mudshark attention ffs
Lucas Peterson
Come on everybody and see the fight between these two losers