The Timeline

Jow Forums seems to be basically on a death march, since while Jow Forumsspam hasn't stopped, and maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like the influx into Jow Forums and Jow Forums has seemed to slowed down.

Is this where Jow Forums finally succumbs to it's wounds?

Attached: 2018 Timeline.png (1352x693, 229K)

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the brainlet meme is probably the nicest one since the 'new trollface'

People have been saying this since the early days. It shut down 3 times and it is still alive today. Probably will still be running for a couple of years.

Unless I'm retarded and I can't read graphs,
It looks like activity on Jow Forums is going down.

this post just screams newfag

>People have been saying this since the early days.

Attached: the more things change....jpg (811x501, 102K)

Yeah, but the internet itself is no longer what it used to be. The dream of a open and free internet is dead.

It's just advertising and datamining now.

People flow in here looking for controversy and argument. They spend enough time here and they become like you and me. It has always been this way. It will always be this way.

Jow Forums is a recruitment center for the alt-right. Deal with it.

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>tfw you will probably still be browsing when Jow Forums turns 20

At that point I'll be the oldfag

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I pray to god that this shitty site doesn't make it to its 20th anniversary.

Oh that takes me back

I know it's a shithole now, sure, but when would you anons say was the absolute WORST era of Jow Forums. People love to say it's just been a decline towards where we are today, but there has to have been an era worse than this one right? What year was the absolute WORST in your opinion?

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Late 2000's when the boards were overrun with scripts and spam. Captcha was a necessary evil.

I don't think there has been a worse period. It's not just Jow Forums, it's everything surrounding Jow Forums that's also gone to shit.

Creativity and originality has been usurped by corps and companies running things straight into the ground.

Gamergate era. Easily.

Isn't it still the same era now?

I'd reckon we're in the trump era atm

Hoping to buy this shithole at a steal from hirojewki for internet cred

Does the word meme mean anything anymore these days? People are just slapping text on any old image and calling it a meme.

>Creativity and originality has been usurped by corps and companies running things straight into the ground.
How so? I personally think this era of Jow Forums is better than previous ones have been. Creativity has been on the decline for a long time due to shifts in culture maybe but how are corporations to blame?

>Captcha was a necessary evil.
Sure hope it is, because it ultimately begins to ruin the experience after 30 minutes of shitposting

even spambots have more personality than redditors and zoomers though

Not the worst year, but I remember 2013 being a fine year.

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What was so cancerous about that era?
pic unrelated

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At least I can say I posted here before moot was gone.

I think this time will be remembered as part of the Trump era, but when people claim the 2016 election ruined Jow Forums, I'd have to disagree. It just temporarily got shittier, but is starting to improve from that since the absolute idiots who came then have either assimilated or left. Hell, there are newfags so new now that they came in 2017-2018 totally unconnected to the election at all.

I've been on Jow Forums since 2005, but i unironically think that 2008-10 was the best Jow Forums era, especially Jow Forums and /sp/. They were absolute meme goldmines during those years. Also reddit had not yet gained much popularity and there were no phoneposters

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/b/ used to be THE board. I just stick around for /a/ now.

>I personally think this era of Jow Forums is better than previous ones have been.
How? Apart from the hilarity of the 2016 elections and memes from that, everything post-2012 has been cack.

>but how are corporations to blame?
Cos their insatiable thirst for more profits and control ruined the internet (and geek culture). I mean, just follow the decline of youtube as it went from being a platform for everyone and everything to becoming TV 2.0 with it's own set of money-hungry celebs and ever more restrictive rules.

This leads to the same type of garbage multiplying, I mean, there's so many pointless clickbait, low-effort, stolen shit on youtube, like mojo, brightside etc.

cesspool. pre fappening though, so eat my ass

>2008-10 /sp/

I thought i was the only one who remembered. Those were the fucking days. general threads killed /sp/. So sad.

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The trollface at 07 was so bad. I never figured out why it devolved to that. Although, I do seem to remember that change happening a bit later than 07.
Any oldfags been here longer than me or younger than me? I'm 27 and I got on Jow Forums during 06.

There is some truth to this, but Jow Forums has surely changed ( 2004 oldfag here, have an ancient meme ).

But if it was truly worthless, I wouldn't come here anymore. So at the very least Jow Forums has managed to maintain a level of free-anonymous-speech that the rest of the internet has not.

One thing a lot of newfriends do not realize is that the general ideas from Jow Forums are not new. They used to be present on /a/ and /b/. In fact, the women hate threads you see on Jow Forums and Jow Forums originated from those two boards. /a/ used to be a much more open board.

Anyone who complains about the ironic naziposting is a tremendous newfaggot.

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yee been here since 02 mate I'm 18

Gamergate era was legendary once you realize that it's the reason Trump won the presidency.

What was it like being able to know you were autistic at such a young age?

trollface is too early for 2007. From what i recall it became popular in 2009.

Wikispam era, not even close. People are obnoxious and I hate captchas too, but they're a lot better than people taking it upon themselves to sagebomb every thread they don't like.

At least /a/ is decent now, if a bit too focused on generals and FranXX. It used to be downright unusable; the fanbase wars got so bad that practically every thread would be wikispam.

>it's the reason Trump won the presidency.
You don't seriously believe that do you?

bro nice projecting lol

Jow Forums is fine. Yes, they're weird and insufferable, but they perform a valuable service of keeping Jow Forums's reputation low which in turn keeps the normies out. They're the immune system of the site, just like /b/ was before it became irrelevant.

as much as I have a weird sense of nostalgia for that time, let's not pretend that almost as many trip fags as anons was ever good.

Trollface was originally the 'cool face' from a stick man cartoon drawn by a popular OC user which was definitely around 2006/07. I think towards the end of 08 there was both the chanology raids and the big occupy wall street push that helped make 'trolling' hit mainstream outside of SomethingAwful and Jow Forums. The cool face was cropped out of the comic and and became the default reaction image for anything mildly retarded for ages until feels became the new meme.

>but they perform a valuable service of keeping Jow Forums's reputation low which in turn keeps the normies out.
Are you new? What the fuck is this bizarre idea that "Jow Forums keeps the normies away"?

Jow Forums hasn't been a sekrit website for at least 5 years. Youtubers regularly mine this site for content.

I always forget how old this site is.

>What is the butterfly effect
>Being this unaware

Oh you poor brainlet.

No shit, but things would be a lot worse if we didn't have the reputation of being a bunch of autistic nazis.

You have to be trolling. Jow Forums might have helped but no in hell did Jow Forums win the election for Trump.

>No shit, but things would be a lot worse if we didn't have the reputation of being a bunch of autistic nazis.
I don't think you realise quite how mainstream Jow Forums is.

But for real, is Jow Forums and Jow Forums slowing down?

The internet has grown a lot in general, and Jow Forums has grown relative to that, but I wouldn't call us mainstream at all. Have you ever seen a public figure like a politician or popular celebrity make a bunch of references to Jow Forums? Like the site directly and not just content like Pepe or something?

Probably not, because most normal, well-adjusted people still regard this as creepy site for weirdos and Jow Forums is a part of that. Look, I get that it drags in some unfortunate posters, but today's redpilled magapede is just yesterday's penguin of d00m. You're always going to get that, but it's a tradeoff.

>Have you ever seen a public figure like a politician or popular celebrity make a bunch of references to Jow Forums?


william shatner likes to shitpost here

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I'm forever a Newfag desu

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someone will save the internet user
those of us who still remember what it could be will rescue it

Man, pewdiepie references Jow Forums all the time now and he has a lot of impressionable fans.

I think it's literally impossible when a handful of companies own most of the severs. Remember when some amazon servers went down and multiple large sites went offline?

We are heading for a dystopia of some kind now.


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>some dudes GF sleep with a guy to get her game published
>said guy made a big deal about it
>got shills to go on /v/
>made Antfia popular
>Antifa being popular made sjws
>sjws made alt-right
>alt-right made r/donald
>r/donald spams Jow Forums and kills it
>go to other boards and spams Jow Forumsbait
TL:DR gamergate cause most bad events in recent history

Gamergate ruined /v/, it did not create sjws. Man most of you are larping kids.

Some real history right here. Have a (You) for your scholarly endeavors