Tfw no clingy possessive gf

>tfw no clingy possessive gf
Life isnt worth living

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>tfw you're the clingy possessive bf
T-thanks mom

meh, i like my space. the thought of having to txt daily gives me anxiety desu

Really? I text daily just with friends. Texting daily is no problem for me

I'm the complete opposite. I want a distant aloof gf who doesn't really care about me much but will reward me with hug and such every once and a while for being loyal.

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Had one of those.. in High school. It's not so good

find a girl with borderline personality disorder.
It won't end well but she will be obsessed with you for a couple weeks if you show any interest in her at all.

yeah i usually at least take 24 hours to respond, sometimes a week lol

Companionship is overrated. So is being alone. Get used to the idea that you're never going to be satisfied brobots.

how do you find those? i'll re educate her to become my normal trad gf

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dont know what I want anymore,maybe death isn't so bad after all

luck? It's really not worth it and there's no hope of improvement. They are literally crazy so run if you find one

I found one and shes super clingy but only as a friend, I'm not even good enough for a bpd girl

Why would you want that? It sounds sort of hurtful to me

how long have you been friends with her?

Only beta males can't handle a little crazy. With a little work you can set them straight.

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You don't want someone clingy. You want someone that would cling to you in the same way you've clung to girls (3D or not).

When you don't have a gf it sounds nice in theory, to have someone who really depends on you and reiterates her love for you very often, but you truly wouldn't enjoy such a relationship

>why would you want that

because apathetic girls are the cute

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A couple of months, since April I think

I definitely want someone clingy, even my best friend is clingy and I love it. Its irritating when people say "you wouldnt like that if you actually experienced it" when I have and I enjoy it

But they wouldnt pay you much attention, so what's the draw?

Does she have many other friends and how long has she had them?

Not really, only one or two other online friends, and none IRL. I'm only really familiar with one enough to know how long shes known him, I think about 2 years

>I definitely want someone clingy, even my best friend is clingy and I love it. Its irritating when people say "you wouldnt like that if you actually experienced it" when I have and I enjoy it

You enjoy it, until you reach the tipping point. Which you haven't because she's your friend. But when you actually share your life with someone, you start feeling the pressure of having a clingy SO. You feel pressured to spend more time with that person when you can't or don't want to, and when for instance she says "I love you", you have to say it back even if she says it too often.

Eventually it becomes a hassle, a drag, and then a pain. You bottle up the stress/irritation it causes you, till it blows up in both of your faces.

I want a cyborg girlfriend who is with me because she believes we are compatible and would make good partners.

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That's really not true in the slightest. I had a girl like that and it was beautiful until she got bad off on alcoholic following her mother's suicide. I tried to help her for two years ubt eventually I saw there was no saving things. It hurts because I still miss her sometimes, but looking at statistics it can't end well. Currently found another girl. She is super aloof but says she becomes obsessed and falls hard once she trusts a guy. Hopefully I can break in. I need that intense kind of love.Nothing better than just hanging out together every single day. When one doesn't know what to say you jsut send a ":*" text and they feel super good, and do the same to make you feel super good. It's simple but best formula for happiness in a relationship.

None of that sounds like a bad thing to me user, I love spending time with people I care about. I need time to recharge but I can spend that time just chilling on the couch with someone. That's how my friend and I did it when we went on a roadtrip s couple weeks ago

i bet there are so many clingy femanons but theyll never get clingy for me

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I know that feel user. I just want a fembot gf but none seem interested in me. I cant blame them for all the hate girls get on here, but I wish I could just have the chance to be special, just to one of them.

>I love spending time with people I care about

Of course you do. But like you said, you might have to recharge, and it's unpleasant when that person doesn't get it or claims you "don't love her like she does" just because you appreciate a little alone time every once in a while.

that's how I see it at least. I might just be autistic

Read my sentence about recharging again man, I said I can do it just by chilling on the couch or something with the person. I dont have to be alone just not hardcore interacting

good for you but it doesn't sound like you have anyone clingy in your life. And by clingy I mean someone who depends on you and doesn't want to leave your side to an unreasonable degree

Stop watching anime you fucking faggot. Having a clingy gf is not fun. It will make your life a living hell.

>a little crazy

BPD girls will cheat on you and play a push and pull game that's not worth it in the end. they ultimately only care about themselves and are manipulative little shits. kys user

My life is already a living hell who cares

My mom had BPD, and she sort of caused a majority of my family's problems. The only people that really care about her are me and my father, and her relationship with my sister is abysmal. She's estranged from her family, has never been able to hold a job, and has relied on me and my dad for really everything. All the time, my dad used to give me advice about how if I see BPD in a woman I should run. I honestly pity her.