Does anyone else sometimes say something sentimental/cheesy to a online friend...

Does anyone else sometimes say something sentimental/cheesy to a online friend? I usually do it when they're about to sleep or finish a gaming session and talk afterward about random nonsense, telling a friend that I'm glad we've met and telling them how much they mean to me is what i usually do. I dont think its gay

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yes but I'm autistic and can't get the tone right so it just makes things awkward

It's not gay, it's just nice. Makes me feel all warm inside when my friends let me know they apppreciate our friendship.

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Give examples opee

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>online friend
>getting sentimental


Late night talks are good and cool.
But don't get too drunk because then it can get really fucking gay.
A depressed, lonely friend got really drunk once and asked me to be his boyfriend and when we meet (never met him really because he usually never leaves his house), we will start kissing and shit.

It was a weird night. I'm not gay (or atleast I don't think so) but it gave me somehow boner. Fucking hell this night made me insecure.
It was weird...

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That's quite sweet, I wish my friends said stuff like that to me. I wish I had friends.

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Yup. They mean a lot to me and I want to make sure they know that.
I don't think it's gay either, but wouldn't care either way.

The previous night I sent a paragraph about how I'm glad he made my night

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I don't have any friends, not even online.

>please put your peepee in my poopoo

lmao this is cute though

I have no FRIENDS because i am not GAY

Post more pls. You and your friend are qt

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Bit gay and not in a bad way.

It doesn't help my case that we joke around about being gay

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ok that's pretty gay
in a bad way

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How can two men say things like this to eachother wtf?

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With ease user

Now I'm interested to see if anybody else besides op can post examples

i'm on a discord with a few friends i know in town.

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Maybe a bit gay

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How do you even make friends?

Nah, but it sounds like you're a nice person. Wish I had a friend like you, to be honest.

gay shit desu miss me w/ that

I was going through a rough patch irl a few months back and told my online friend the equivalent of "I'm really glad we can play this game together because I've wanted to for a long time but no one in person wanted to play with me, so thanks for trying it and sticking with it, it means a lot" something along those lines. I never really speak how I'm feeling so they immediately said "awww" and I got really red I don't think I'm good at handling telling people how much I appreciate them.

I always tell my friends how much I love them.

How the fuck can you people trust someone enough to willingly give them the upper hand in the friendship?

They're young and naive, or literal normalfags.

>normalfags on Jow Forums

I'd love to but most of the people I associate with don't really like it. Even my mother just gets pissed or laughs when I say stuff like I love you. Being surrounded by emotionless husks is painful sometimes.

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I can't show emotions even if I want to, I just cant, it's a sign of weakness, I must remain an emotionless husk at all times and I don't think I'll ever get over it and tell anyone how I feel. It feels nice when people say it to me though.

that's comfy user

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Most of the time thats not the case, as cliche as it sounds theyve probably been hurt or made fun of when they actually open. Thats normal but I wouldnt say theyre emotionless. Takes some real shit to become actually emotionless and even then they tend to evolve to fucked up things.

Leading people on isn't comfy. You know you're going to break someone's heart one day by doing this, right?

I usually act like an emotionless husk too but sometimes I throw in some real emotion I'm feeling on my insides to see some reactions and people just act disgusted.

No. But I game on Xbox, and the atmosphere is different.

I do this drunk usually, most people usually stop talking to me or delete afterwards. The worst part is they usually say I was nothing but nice the entire time.

all the time, i'm very affectionate to my friends. everyone wants to know when they're loved. i even love on my bully/banter friends, it's always funny because it catches them so off guard

I really wish I had friends like this. Fucking hell, why can't I maintain normal human connections?

I don't even do that much, being nice has only led to others assuming I'm vulnerable and trying to take advantage of me and bullying in the past. I can't switch off.

>im not gay but the thought of kissing a man gave me a boner


used to do most of these things and then at some point i just stopped seeing as everyone ended up just fucking me over, then i got bitter and shit and locked up most emotions i'd have so i usually never say kind words or thanks to others because it feels super awkward to express myself emotionally now, it's really bad

anyone else gets this?

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i have a friend irl who says he loves me every other message. we send hearts frequently and hug every time we see each other

that's pretty heckin gay_ user

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I'm not gay!
I never slept with a man or smth and girls turn me on aswell. I'm bisexual at most.
fuck this
i'm not gay

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>im bisexual
if you are even a little bit attracted to something that has a penis, then you're gay.

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No I've never made a friend from r9k on discord or anything

I can't act as kindly as I did before to new people, I keep having this fear about how they'll spread the chat logs to other or to other of their friends so they can laugh at me.

It almost makes me feel like I'm being weak or super pathetic and submissive if I start saying something super nice to a person too often.

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these messages legit made me cry desu

He was the first person I actually enjoyed speaking to in years and he made me realize I wasn't broken, I just needed the right person

I just really hope he doesn't enter this thread and see this

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>having a gay thought once makes you gay
woops looks like 99% of all men are gay now.

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sauce: (source)?

>99% of all men

just because you yourself personally can't stop thinking about cocks doesn't mean we all do user

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cope harder, gaylord

nobody loves men unconditionally.
women, children, elders and pets are love unconditionally.
men are only loving for what they're able to provide.

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it's okay user, post contact and i'll help you release some of that cock lust ;)

i do
originally originally, of course.

Nice fucking english you mongrel.

Christ I know this is probably bait but
>light theme

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>cute anime girl

You aren't straight.

Fuck you all.
What's wrong with light theme?
It's the only way I can stay awake when it's 2 AM and don't want to fall asleep.

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>not playing "The Power Of Love" really loudly to keep yourself awake

It feels good. Especially when you both seem to the feel the same.
It can be difficult to tell them how important they are to you, how much you love them. If they aren't in the right mood for that kind of talk, you might just embarrass yourself, and that can put you off from being open again.
You have to really trust them. There are freaks online who really would just make a fake profile, pretend to be your friend for years, all the while sitting back in their secret IRC or Discord laughing with their actual friends, eventually releasing everything they've gathered on you just for laughs.

I'm the kind of sappy loser who'd be happy telling an online friend "good night" every night and waking up and sending a good morning message. Just always connected to one another.

you're projecting again user

just admit to yourself you like cock

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dunno why you are so butthurt at us when youre the gay one

>fuck u al!!
NO U~!

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Light themes are not good on the eyes, especially if you stare at them for 14 hours a day.

>tfw this could be my friend
>tfw it probably is
why are people massive niggers
i just want an actual fucking friend

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btw i'm talking about this part >There are freaks online who really would just make a fake profile, pretend to be your friend for years, all the while sitting back in their secret IRC or Discord laughing with their actual friends, eventually releasing everything they've gathered on you just for laughs.

Are you xo?

But if you're even a little attracted to something that has a vagina wouldn't that make you straight?

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nah that's just natural to be attracted to a baginae, it just means you're human

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I met this Polish dude ages ago, like 2013 or something, and we've been steam friends since then. I was 20, he was 17 or 16 and now he's in uni and doing mostly well for himself, still feeling lonely sometimes but that's just the human condition, what can we do about it. Anyways, every so often, whenever he's particularly sad, I try to reassure him life is gonna be okay. And desu, it most likely will be. He's his own man now tho, we all grow up so fast.

OP didn't say anywhere in his post he was being disingenuous

Reveal to him as little personal, identifying information as possible. And/or use fake information. If you guys ever reveal real names, use an alias (one you haven't used before), if they want to know where you live, choose some other state or town. For your age, just be off by a year or two. This will all fall apart, though, if your account has any connection to other accounts you own anywhere else.
This sounds deceitful and it is. But in an online friendship, these details aren't as important as in real life. If they're sincerely a friend, this won't change anything -- a rose by any other name etc. If they're bad, then you have protection. They might eventually reveal that Joe Dongus from Wyoming is a sad loser who tells his internet friend gay shit, but who cares, because you're actually Penis Smith from Florida, and outside of that one account, you have no connection to this Joe Dongus character.

Now if your friend has given you personal information on themselves, it's a bit different. They've made themselves vulnerable so you can make yourself vulnerable too.

I have a Russian friend who I met on a Music forum 2 or 3 years ago. He's sad a lot, so I try and check up on him often to make sure he's okay. He comes from a working class family and he's a really nice person to talk to.

He also knows a lot about music, so I enjoy it when he can part some knowledge on me.

I also don't have many friends, so it's nice to have a genuine conversation like that on an emotional level from time to time.

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I do this too. Especially with one best friend I have who legitimately made me gay.

I-It's not wrong to want to dress up and let your friend fuck you r-right? I think it's fair for them being nice and putting up with me...

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Stop this fucking awful gay larping, OP starts a legitimate, nice thread and you fucking transfags always have to come in and shit up the place

I'm not trans I just want to repay my friend for being so kind is all...

Do you ever get jealous because of your friend? I have so much trouble connecting with people and so he's really my only friend. But he has other friends. I feel close to him and he assures me that I'm his best friend, but then his friendlist goes up and down, and people comment on his profile, and I know he has friends on other sites too, it just makes me feel so insecure. He's so important to me, but if he were to ever lose interest, he could just drop me and have others to fall back on.

wanna be friends? :3

yeah, most of our conversations are really "deep" or whatever.

Sorry I'm shy and stupid and don't get along with people often because I think everyone hates me.

Post a discord so we can talk about comfy things.

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I'm not good at talking, I just wanted to know if it's bad because I think about this with my best friend sometimes. I wasn't expecting anons to talk to me, I'm not cute anyway I'm pretty sure...

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I'm like that too. You're most definitely cute, I assure you.

>try to talk to someone online since paranoid that they'll unfriend me if i don't talk to them for too long
>"lol why are you talking to me?"
>squeeze my duvet and cry

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Kind of mean that someone would say that to you to be honest.

I'll beat them up!

That's either someone being playful or mean. It's 50/50, user, no need to feel bad.

people get sexual/romantic thoughts about internet friends because they can't see them. You see their cute anime profile and they say all these nice things to you, so your brain gets confused and just thinks "girl nice 2 me want fuk!!!!!"
If you ever see their real face, should it come to that, your sexual feelings will fade.

None of this is necessarily bad. It's just a side effect of socializing online and our subconscious not having evolved enough to realize the truth. Just consciously attempt to keep gayness to a minimum so that potential future encounters will be less awkward.

i would be extra nice to you and make sure to reassure you that i don't have anything against you though! heck

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it is gay , online friends are worthless

no you are worthless, a piece of shit :)

At least I'm not alone in it
>You're most definitely cute
Hey cut that out right now!
But I'm talking about boys, not girls. I suppose what you're saying is true, but I have seen what they look like...
I'm sorry, you're probably nice too. I'm not good at things, you wouldn't like me or get bored. It's okay I have a good friend, I don't want to be a burden on any more people. This is sounding rude now, I'm sorry.

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Just open your own fucking thread.

Basically, you're LARPing, but too lazy to keep the act going on for too long so you're not gonna add anyone

Women do this shit all the time and that's why they live longer. If you can pull it off consistently without making it awkward go for it. Be a soft boy. Be a nice friend. But don't smoke weed because it makes your brain soft. Rember soft heart not soft brain

Fuck off you annoying attention whore trapfag

It can easily be misread as romantic interest, dummy. Especially if he comes on too strong on a regular basis.

Fuck you nigger, nobody is ever going to enjoy talking to you if that's how you act for real, would be cool enough and cute at first but if you keep repeating your fucking shit with
It's just gonna get more and more annoying to the point you'll make everyone stop wanting to talk to you, you're also basically fucking everything up yourself with that kind of constant whining because you're reinforcing the idea that you're a worthless piece of shit to the person you talk to so in the end that's exactly what they'll think, that you're a big worthless fucking loser and they can just find someone else instead of wasting their time on you.

Fucking hell I know i'm not good at most things either but at least I try to act like I'm half normie or some shit and talk about having few hobbies like playing instruments so people would at least think a bit better of me than that I'm some stinking NEET that just plays videogames daily and browses Jow Forums.

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