Why arent you saving the white race user?
Why arent you saving the white race user?
Because I am not white sorry
Why are none of them wearing skirts or dresses?
Why would i want to save a race whose males are pathetic weak little boys who have tiny dicks? I'd prefer my kids to have strong, virile alpha african genes
White girl here btw
Look at all these roasties who hit the wall and are now looking for a betabux provider. Obligatory pic.
This lol
I guarantee you all those women have taken multiple black dicks and are looking for beta whitebois to man up and take care of their little tyrones
GI aren't good enough. We need something different... a new machine, perhaps.
Why would i want to save a race with people like you in it? Why would i want to save a race with germans in it?
I don't get this "save the white race" thing. I'm already white. If there was some kind of spectator mode before you're alive, sure, I'd want to save the white race so I could be born white. But I'm already white. I don't care.
honestly its always annoyed me how there hasn't been another real recording of it. good song lad.
>tfw theyve been taken by Chaditarian
first off this thread belongs on second off I'm not white
It's just neckbeards larping, that's all
did we start the fire, robots?
>letting your flag touch the floor
they're no better than the plastic nationalists or the white power skinheads.
They're even stepping on it with their shoes
Shows you how much these roasties value the movement
Who cares? Hungary and Jow Forumsand is already working on creating a 100% Pure Bavarian Phenotype state, whites already have the safe havens they need to get by if push should come to shove.
As a Norfag, I can see that my country is spiralling down a black hole of many mixes, but am I supposed to care? It's what the people around me wishes.
god i wish i was that flag
>When white people are superior but jews control everything.
>we were ugly unpopular bitches in high school with bland personalities so now we're nationalists so we can feel superior to society
I'm an Italian who lives in the Middle East, not very related to me.
They aren't ugly, they're just european
hey if i could be bothered to edit the meme, i'd take out the twp and league of the south, and put rex in their place.
said the mixed race virgin
Ugly bitches are overwhelmingly feminists.
No girl finds me desirable, interesting, or even funny.
Ugly bitches are contrarians left or right, hot bitches are centrists because they benefit from the current system
It doesn't fucking need saving.
Have a kid if you're so concerned.
The fuck you mean? i have 3 kids with a 4 on the way.
>neckbeards larping
I used to be into left anarchism. That seems to be that state of all third party political movements.
You ostracize me and treat me like dirt for 20 years and now you have the audacity to ask for my help?
Go to hell
Only the middle one looks good why do they all look like pale ugly fishes or goblins
That's pretty much my attitude towards politics now.
They're foreign.
because im a tranny and i cant have kids
>Nearly no niggers where I live
>All muslim monkeys that get put here by Europe, instantly fucks off to Sweden or Germany
Nothing needs to be saved
No, nobody's asking for an edgy teenagers help. Don't worry yourself.
you have a big problem in 10 years
Saw 20 at most in my life so far
>Jow Forums
here's your problem then
>Putting the flag on the Floor
Women, everyone.
Where I live I see lots of whitebread couples carrying little blonde children. Sometimes I wonder if there are any other phenotypes in this town. Just because your nerdy asses aren't getting any white pussy doesn't mean your race is dying.
not worth saving. Natural selection will kill whitey. I just care about myself
Generation identity is "strongly against" anti-semitism and racism
not for me mate
>save X thing. not like it'll go to shit again in a decade
Trust me buddy, you don't want these Amerimutt genes tainting your Aryan bloodline.
That and brown anime girls have ruined pale skin in general for me, I can still jack off to 3D just fine but I find that white and yellow women look weird and unhealthy to me.
I'd love to but I can't really do much in these times
I can't even hold a job or go outside without having a panic attack.
I'm just gonna enjoy this comfy times and let the people know what they are doing handle things for now.
but when SHTF I probably won't have much choice and will probably be forced out of my comfy zone to fight or some shit. It's probably the only thing that's going to fix my shitty life anyway, some major disaster or war
can't fucking wait
why are these people all standing around an overwatch flag is this some professional team or something?
what does overwatch have to do with your nazi larping?
that "girl" sitting in all black in the right corner is 100% a trap
Because I want to breed black pussy
I work in retail and barely see any white families and the few that do come in barely speak English and are probably from Ukraine or something.
you're never going to breed and pussy, user
For several reasons.
>I'm Catholic and don't care about "the white race" because every group supporting "the white race" hates Catholicism
>I might have some Jewish DNA, but it's unconfirmed and just a family record based on one of our surnames from like 50 years ago
>I care more about values than race
Who says I havent already
Please fuck off you Turko-Cuman rapebabies
>why aren't you saving white normies user?
>care more about values than race
>is jewish so has neither
go find an oven to sleep in, cohen
It's a rumor, and anyway, there's definitely Hungarian on my dad's side if not Hungarian Jew.
What are your values, if I may ask?
if you don't put your Volk above all else you're not white. Simple. Your family and community are everything.
then most white are not white, you dingus
the fact that you're here confirms it
We can't win
What'd he do wrong?
>tells everyone about his jewish DNA
>doesnt care about race
yeah, of course, shlomo. nobody is falling for your tricks. back in the oven you go
He's bin Ladens ex bodyguard and a high ranked al qaida member . Germany decided to deport him because he's still a islamist but now they want him back because he could be tortured
Fun fact he gets 1100 euro /month
The White Race will be saved by us living forever.
Artificial wombs will make roasties permanently obsolete, and genetically engineered White children will them be mass produced.
>roasties permanently obsolete
gosh, I can't fucknig wait
based but unironically and originaly
This, nothing worth saving.
>Holy Roman Empire
LMFAO at this image!
>In a famous assessment of the name, Voltaire remarked sardonically: "This agglomeration which was called and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was in no way holy, nor Roman, nor an empire."
Fuck that shit. I care for my family and my friends. I'm not going to look out for somebody because they happen to share a skin color with me.
This is the first time Ive been on here in months
Damn, that would make for a great movie, but instead of being a dark dystopia it would be a bright utopia, with the remnants of the radical feminists as the antagonists, a violent breed of jihadi terrorists.
Thanks user you truly are a good person remember if you ever need help somewhere out there this black guy would take risks for you
You No it's not hay if you're Los Angeles Angeles
My "Volk" are the members of the one, universal Church. Pagans are fucking heretics and should be DEUS VULT-ed as soon as possible.
Because I would never mate with a non virgin.
Im saving it by not breeding since I'm a mutt
>ustase spelled wrong
this picture from pol is very credent my friend
I see you're a dolt with no mental clarity or knowledge who this faggot was. Not to mention the only type of nationalism and chauvinism he knew was german type of it.
Holy fucking shit user there's no way in hell you just said that I'm laughing the best I've had in a few days
user. I am wowed by this. Good day lad.
dont like croatia mate
These girls will hurt my feelings
>no mental clarity or knowledge who this faggot was.
Enlighten us.
>Not to mention the only type of nationalism and chauvinism he knew was german type of it.
Not really relevant when you're not Jow Forums tard enough to buy into national pride since your own isn't enough.