I got fired today

>Work an office job
>Make 16 dollars an hour
>Job required a college degree.
>Worked 60 hours a week working 5 12-hour days/
>New management comes in
>Says we no longer get meals, they are dropping insurance, and we still have to work 60 hour work weeks but there will be no further pay after 40 hours.
>Sure enough first paycheck I only got paid for 40 hours
>Complain about it. I am the only one who does. Everyone else seems too scared.
>Submit a complaint to better business bureau over the weekend.
>Work like normal all week.
>End of day managers tells me to come in.
>Says flat out I am fired and to get out right now.

I am done with society. How do I get welfare?

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Pretty sure you can sue

Not that I believe any of this happened but what country

I am going to look into this weekend.

USA. The new manager is some guy they imported from India with an H1B visa.

>Better business bureau

Kek. Why not try the department of labor and file a formal complaint?

Anyway there are laws for this if in the USA

G00d luck an0n

Yeah this shit won't fly. You can probably sue the shit out of these guys for violating worker's rights.

Give em hell for me op I got fired a few months ago for no good reason as well fuck the oligarchy

I am looking into that too.

>and we still have to work 60 hour work weeks but there will be no further pay after 40 hours.
huh? how does that work exactly?


Oh shit forgot this was r9k

these things are illegal thus your story is fake

Actual attorney here, get in touch with employment attorney. The Better Business Bureau is a total scam of an operation.

The only thing dumber than your gay-ass fake story is the gullible idiots who believe it.

They can't do that. You should seek legal recourse.

Good I hope you learned your lesson for trying to stand up for yourself

I am going to try and sue. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact the new manager is a foreign guy from India. Is there any chance they can keep this case out of court if they fire him? I have been trying to figure out how they think they can win a lawsuit. The manager acted like he wouldn't be there very long anyway. I think they just brought him in to fuck with things to cut costs and will drop him shortly after.

They literally never paid me any overtime last paycheck.

Get a good lawyer. They will name your manager and the company in the suit so they're both on the hook for it. Even if they fire pajeet, they're still liable. Also you can apply for unemployment benefits and get paid for any vacation/PTO you didn't use, but I would consult lawyer first and foremost.

but why did you work for free? once your 40 hours are up leave. what are they gonna do? fire you and have a lawsuit on their asses?

Pretty sure retaliatory dismissal is frowned upon

You should. Get a high-powered lawyer. It might seem expensive but you'll be compensated and then some. They'll settle or he will bury them.

If this is true then it will be the easiest sue in legal history

Start collecting any records of your work times. If you aren't salaried, this is highly illegal. Also, if you made any friends at the office, you may need them.

I have been looking for specialized lawyers/attorneys in this sort of thing. Going to get meetings ASAP.

They wouldn't even tell me why I was fired. I kept asking and they just kept avoiding it until security escorted me out and gave me a box of my shit.

Would he work for free if its an easy win and then sue them for legal costs?

I know people are saying that but they must have some sort of plan for this.
>what are they gonna do? fire you and have a lawsuit on their asses?
They did fire me.

It sounds like you're holding out on us OP.

They wouldnt fire someone over a complaint about pay. They know that's a fucking ticking time bomb of a lawsuit. They just straight up cant and wont.

So what gives? Give us more details or fuck of with your bullshit story.

They also have to give you a reason for your dismissal. You're not just pulled into a managers office and told "yourrree fired mr smith, get out of my office!"

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They fired him because he called BBB. That is not legitimate grounds for dismissal, and it sounds like the company is guilty of other abuses. OP has a good case here.

You'd probably have to pay the legal costs, but only if you win and then it would only be a small fraction of what you win when they reach a settlement.

Here is a more detailed version:

>Work in office.
>Manager retires.
>Replacement is some guy from India who got in through a work visa.
>Obviously paid way less than the last manager.
>First thing he does is says they need to cut costs and improve production.
>Says no more overtime pay. You will just get paid the amount you will get for 40. Still, have to work the required 12-hour days.
>Says we can't eat meals during work anymore because it kills productivity which needs to improve.
>Says air condition is too expensive and where he worked in India before they didn't have air conditioning.
>Says we're going to set temperate to 82 in order to save thousands every month.
>Starts ordering cheap paper saying the kind we need is too expensive.
>I speak up during meeting.
>He gets mad and starts saying shit in Hindi.
>I don't understand what the fuck he was saying.
>Give up.
>Things continue with the changes.
>Thought he was bullshitting on the paycheck.
>Nope he wasn't he was dead serious.
>Complain about it.
>Tells he me is too busy to give to a shit.
>File BBB report that weekend.
>Work whole week talking to coworkers about this shit.
>They seem to scared to talk up.
>End of day today.
>Pulls me into his office.
>Tells me to get out and don't come back because I am fired.
>Ask why I am fired.
>He won't give me an answer and keeps changing the subject.

I checked my paystub online and it is claiming I only worked 80 hours that paycheck and 0 overtime instead of 40.

I don't know if I can afford that.

The fact that he is basically an unlicensed immigrant combined with the unethical business practices gives you more leverage at court. But trust me, it won't make it that far. They'd rather settle with one wronged employee than face a class-action lawsuit.

Your payout will cover the attorney fees, plus the money you are owed.

If this is true, that indian guy has broken so many laws he will have his visa revoked and put on the first flight back to india.

>Require 12 hour workdays and no pay for overtime, only get paid for 40 hours
>Denial of fucking lunch. You have the right by law for a 30 minute break every 5 hours of work. That would be 2 meals for a 12 hour shift.
>Denial of a healthy indoor inviroment.

In my country, this would be news story.

does it say anywhere in your contract or any other document you've signed that you are willing to take on 12 hours shifts with no overtime?

you can sue them for the money they owe you in the usa

also you should consider becoming an emt, not only will you make the same starting pay in many major cities, but you can work much longer shifts thereby getting your overtime in fewer days, getting paid to take naps and having overall more waking free time for yourself

it's usually only about 600 - 1500 dollars to take an EMT basic course which can last generally from a 4 weeks to three months depending on the intensity of the course

So, wait. Did they reduce your hourly pay so you work and hey pay you for 12 hours but it matches what you preciously made at 8 hours? Or are they clocking you at forty hours and pretending you aren't working 20 extra hours a week?

you did good op for standing up for yourself

Two options:

You are hourly and you were being paid 20 hours OT every week. It'd be super illegal to not pay you those hours and even a fresh out of school lawyer would be able to manage an easy win in a lawsuit.

You are salary, in which case the company was actually being generous by paying out 60 hours. Salary exempts you from being paid over 40, which is why a lot of "project" oriented work goes salary so if you have to stay extra they don't have to pay you.

It's most likely you were salary, but to be honest you'd have to literally fucking retarded to accept salary compensation if work always takes 60 hours/week to complete. I'd quit or ask for far more compensation.

When this goes to court, they're gonna get reamed.

EMT is a garbage job, just suck it up and go to nursing school if you want to deal with dying humans. Or if you can go to medical school to do sporsts physicals on teens for boring easy money the rest of your life.

Regular 12 hour shifts are exempt from 5 hour mandated lunches. It's usually 1 30 minute and 2 15 minute breaks just like 8 hour shifts.
If you don't take a lunch and their not paying you meal penalties (state by state laws) then there is a case.
OSHA may penalize them for dangerous work conditions but you'll get fired even with whistle blower laws. It's a bitch to prove cases like that.

Getting money from a lawsuit is easiest way to get back at a shitty job if they were truly in the wrong, don't even try getting them "in trouble" that shit doesn't last and even though their not allowed to retaliate they do anyways.

>sue your former employer
>never get employed ever again

pick 0 or 2

>I am going to try and sue
PROTIP: you will never work at another company if you sue your employer

SOURCE: illegally evicted, sued the landlord and won. still fucks me getting leases

I don't know how visas work but I assume he is here legally?


I know other people who have had things like this happen like the company randomly stop paying them for overtime hours without saying anything.

Well, originally when I started we working 40 hours a week plus occasionally 2 hours of time once every couple of weeks to improve productivity. It increased to 12-hour days right after the tax cuts happened because the company could shell out more cash for employees. They also increased my pay from 14 an hour to 16.

Might consider that but I have an associates degree.

The paystub shows no overtime hours.

Not salary I was hourly. My office is not that great since most people make under 50k a year.

I hope I can afford to get that far.

I didn't think of that.

>we still have to work 60 hour work weeks but there will be no further pay after 40 hours.

what does that even mean, youre supposed to just work 20 hours for free every week? shouldnt that demand alone get some people sent to jail for a couple of years?

Go back on Monday and prevent your turbopoo "boss" from entering the building.

Access the HID card system, block his access, tell him he's fired.
