How do I untake the redpill?
How do I untake the redpill?
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I don't think you can dude. Just try taking in large amounts of bluepill propaganda and then report back.
I'm also having issues with this op, bumping for answers lads
what is it like being redpilled?
>what is it like being redpilled?
you don't wanna know dude
Trying to bluebill is irreversible. I learned that with my last job.
what happened at your last job lol
Whoiops, meant to say that if you were redpilled it's irreversible and trying to bluepill again will only result in misery.
see for the full story
Go outside, live life and hope it contradicts the red pill.
this isn't funny dude
You will eventually become blackpilled, lad.
When you get deep into it you will find out that the NWO is a judeo-christian construct which seeks to bring about the biblical end times by building a third temple where the dome of the Rock now stands and instituting a one world currency and government. It's all happening RIGHT NOW. Trump is viewed as the Jewish messiah by high up rabbis and he can therefore be viewed as the Christian Antichrist. This is all very dangerous stuff.
Watch every episode of Star Trek TNG
this is all entry level stuff lad
How much further can you possibly take it?
>How much further can you possibly take it?
forests don't exist
fall in love
this is an original post
Take more red pills, it'll fix itself
exactly what I was gonna say; red pilling (such a cringy term, but w.e.) does not necessarily have to led to black pilling
which redpill? the reddit one or the Jow Forums one?
ugh, i knew a gold pill guy once. god i wish i never met that horrible pseud. he was a 6'3 nerd who grew a chad face, and everyone loved him because of his extreme emotional intelligence, just went around fixing everybody's shit without even trying. naturally it was a very addictive personality to be around for me as a bot and he fed my delusions of grandeur a lot by saying he used to be like me all the time, he really wasn't though. such a cringy time for me, he was a horrible influence.
forbidden knowledge never goes away, I'm afraid you must either wholly embrace being redpilled and everything EVERYTHING that comes with it, or pretend not to know what you know.
sounds like he was a really good influence but you just didn't want to change
Sexuality in Adolescent Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Self-reported Behaviours and Attitudes
>Results demonstrated substantial similarity between the groups in terms of sexual behaviours.
Sexuality in autism: Hypersexual and paraphilic behavior in women and men with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
>Individuals with ASD seem to show more hypersexual and paraphilic fantasies and behaviors than results from general population studies suggest. However, this difference is mainly driven by the male ASD participants.
>Of the individuals with ASD, significantly more women (n= 18, 46.2%) than men (n= 9, 16.1%) were currently in a relationship (p < .01).
>No significant difference was found in the number of women (n= 11, 27.5%) and men (n= 8; 14.3%) with ASD who reported having own children.
>ASD men reported a greater sexual desire for sexual intercourse than their HC counterparts (p < .05) (see table 3).
It seems to me that autistic paraphilias aren't a result of autism but thirsty men who can't get any because they are autistic.
It seems kind of horrible that because I am a man and autistic I will probably grow to become more degenerate and crazy over time if I continue in my social isolation (which is probable) unless I commit suicide.
Take antidepressants
no, i did want to change, and his inspiration to make me a better person (combined with me being a brainlet i guess) led to be ruining my life. he was really intelligent and a great friend for years, but he just didn't get it, he couldn't get it, because he was chad. he told me his stories of his robothood i guess and it was nothing like it is. he was just a normie sadly, but he got me to thinking i could be one too, and for years i tried to be really smart as well. in the end phase of those days is when i came to Jow Forums, started posting on Jow Forums a lot because it was a great way for me to get appreciation for my acquired pseudointellectualism but then i started to finally catch on to reality for the first time in my life and see how he ruined me.
just dug up an old email i sent chad of me probably ruining some kids life with my goldpill shit.
I was red pilled from bad experiences. Now I'm blue pilled from recent good experiences. Untaking the red pill is possible. Just have good experiences.
You really can't.
The thing about the redpill is that it changes your reality, your perception on life. It doesn't matter how much bluepill propaganda or other normie level shit you try digesting; the redpill(s) you took will always be burned into your mind, your very subconscious.
It's not just something you forget. You can go out and lead a fulfilling and happy life, and congratulations if you do, but deep down, no matter how much you try burying it with social media, hedonism and what have you, it's always there.
The thing is however is that you don't just wake up one day and get redpilled. Rather, it's a steady process in which you dig deeper and deeper into the abyss of the internet and discover things. It's not like one day you're scrolling on Facebook and suddenly *BAM* Golf Rumors, you know? Normies have their own "Red pills" but you and I both know they're shit.
What you *can* control however is how the redpills define you. Will you let the harsh realities of whatever you learned despair you? Or will you simply accept that whatever it is, simply is, and continue to live life to the fullest?
The choice is yours user.
Pic unrelated
But reality is only what you're currently experiencing. If the harsh reality doesn't apply to you at the moment it effectively isn't real to you.
>How do I untake the redpill?
The first step would be to get off your computer and go outside.
The only thing you gather from going outside is realizing that everyone is fucked up.
What's wrong with the black pill??
No, that's what spending all your time on Jow Forums gets you.
The redpill is just accepting reality. Blue pillers are all in denial and naive to the extent of stupidity.
>The redpill is just accepting reality. Blue pillers are all in denial and naive to the extent of stupidity.
fucking this
you can't. read this.
Just take the black pill already pussy
>Just take the black pill already pussy
fuck that shit!
What do you do now? That sounds horribled.
That sounds like a miserable fucking existence.
Want to know the ultimate blackpill though? Even if you do all of that stuff and get fit and rich you'll still be miserable because your brain is physically broken from your mental illnesses. Trust me, I've done it.
The final redpill, true wisdom is knowing that in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was GOD
You must still me blue pilled with that reaction.
no u desu senpai baka
Just accept that nothing matters not even how you spend your life and let me molest you, you blackpill spitting non swallowing big ass bigot.
I outta call your grandma and tell her how much of an optimistic homosex you are you big nipple having horse fondling bush wookie
just fuck me already gosh
Sorry user I'm a celibate I just wanted to say you have big nipples for not being an edgelord like me
Black pill is sorta like saying "shit's fucked, can't go anything about it, so might as well give up and kill myself"
Blackpills are usually people who take in too many redpills at once
You see the world for what it is. The degeneracy, the normies, the onions, the robots, all the lies you've been told. The things you have held as facts and as reasonable (for example 'girls want a nice guy') are no longer true. The Red Pill offers you the truth and nothing but the truth.
Wanna stay comfy? Keep it blue. Once you go red, there's no turning back.
Only if you accept that hitler and satan both did nothing wrong and in fact it was god at the root of all of creation including the more prominent suffering, and that you're the bottom. That only virgins should start relationships and we should never reproduce because it's selfish and that brushing your teeth makes you gay.
I seriously doubt the red pill is THAT bad.
Honestly. People who think they're red pilled and live a life of misery are probably operating on delusions..
Sure, there are some hard pills to swallow, but it's not THAT bad.
Give me one pill that is hard to swallow. Right now.
Also, Black pill doens't = suicide all the time.
>t. Bluepilled faggot
>being this mentally ill and retarded
OP, could you possibly be any more of a fucking retard faggot nigger?
You are fucked m8
we all are
Anyone who believes in a worldview that is clearly digestible and laid out for any newcomer is likely under aged, a faggot or has had their brain melted by memes. There is no "redpill" you fucking retard. Learn to interpret the world and form some fucking conclusions outside of retarded conjecture from idiots that can't even see reality without an autistic focus on boogeymen
Girls do want nice guys, you're just aren't as nice as you think
I always thought redpill was just internet slang for something that's like the truth or is the truth. Of course, it is used so loosely we don't even know what a "red pill" means to someone or what it's criteria is.
For example. I used to think I was smarter than everyone. Turns out I'm actually NOT
Red pill = I'm not as smart as I think I am
Doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing- red pills aren't bad
Fuck off and stop making assumptions about anons that are already at the bottom of the barrel and have their own experiences just like you.
I was nice to people while growing up constantly, no woman care about you, men will steal from you for meth money, you'll beat yourself up for trying to treat people like how you'd like to be treated. And I was average looking as well. Now I ignore everyone and they suddenly care just a bit more.
Normalfags and most fags are shit.
Girls want good looking guys. Nice or not. Preferably not
As the user who you are responding to, I agree with your post completely. Have a nice night
Remember that the redpill is red because apples are red: when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, they were thrown out of the paradise, there is no turning back. No turning back.
I wanna refute this but i'm already on stage 3 thinking about doing things that would move me along the stages.
I got a gf recently and I'm like 7/10 at best
I tried to force feed redpills to my family while high af on xanax
>at least my grandma agreed with me
Which red pill are we talking about? The MGTOW red pill or the Jewish/NATIONAL SOCIALIST red pill?
The only way out is the blackpill. From what i've seen it works out about like this. Someone who grew up in a red family and believed their parents without question can become bluepilled, same for reverse growing up in blue. A bluepill can become redpilled, but not the reverse. Anyone can become blackpilled, in fact for many blackpill is the inevitable result of overdosing on redpills. If you're questioning how to untake the redpill, you're one of these people.
It's all the same pill
What's this pill? "Shit's fucked for other people but since it's not happening to you it's not your reality. Only other people's reality."
Anons, I think I'm ready. Give me all the redpills you have. Destroy me, torment me, make me dread my existence, fear it. There's only one way to learn. That is by pain. Give it to me lads.
Use thw redpill to your advantage, don't go MGTOW, abuse the fuck out of female hypergamy while you're young and fuck countless butches, that's my plan at least.
Go get Jow Forums and /fa/ and /lit/ and rule the world while fucking as many bitches and spinning as many plates as you can.
Yes the game is rigged against you, but now you know it's rigged and you can take it into consideration to plan a better strategy, take the pills slow user, don't go blackpill, and use them for your own benefit
Read The rational male if you haven't, that's the best start
TRM is the most amazing book ever written about women.I can see you are redpilled to the core.
I just started actually, I'm still trying to process everything, only 18 trough and I got a few plates, but I'm still in the bargaining phase
Jump in front of the train. It fixed my issues.
i heard the pink pill negates all effects of red and black pill.
Yet you're still posting