The hell? How are redditors so attractive?
The hell? How are redditors so attractive?
Other urls found in this thread:
>my best friend
you just know
reminder that her beta friend will be forced to watch her get into another shitty relationship
>high saturation level
>abhorrent roots
>caled in makeup
>jew nose
Yeah fucking right
Reddit will upvote anything female, especially with a sob story attached. Reddit is just an extension of the sexual marketplace.
Reddit has tens of millions of users. Obviously there's attractive ones.
It's a story we've all heard a thousand times over
the majority aren't, they just upvote the most attractive ones
idk ive seen some pretty cute ones over at r/sex
The nose knows.
Originally so.
Redditors are normalfags so it stands that a good few are attractive
She doesnt look happy at all.
It looks like the friend is controlling her.
Apparently you've never been to any subreddits before
That's a bad thing, redditor?
A moment of silence for our desperate brethren
Daily reminder that normies and robots are essentially two different species
>Sometimes I still feel his hand on the back of my neck?
but you don't? why say this
How much longer with the JEWdicial system reward and spare roasties for having holes?
He is inexperienced and she put up with it? I'd wager that he's average looking but with a big dong.
Or maybe he's someone with an impeccable personality
Yeah, that could be it too
lmfao check out Amy Schumer here
idk my classmates think im funny
she's going to kill again but "it was an accident this time something went wrong with the opperation i sware"
the absolute state of the inevitable robotization of the judicial system
>not wanting to be operated on by that qt 3.14159
death would be a bonus but we will never be her bf so its sadly unlikely
this is why men lose, it is ingrained in our DNA to love pretty women
Matriarchal societies are actually the most natural but humans keep ignoring their base instincts (disrespecting women, living in cities etc). GO BACK TO THE OLD WAYS.
>proof: muh amazons
the empirical evidence suggests patriarchal societies are the best so quit your shilling faggot
Fuck off cunt, resisting the natural order is the basis of advanced civilization. If we succumbed to our base instincts we'd still be in loincloths ugga buggaing. It's humans' ability to aspire to be something greater that has propelled civilizations to the heights its enjoyed. Matriarchal societies would be stagnant and awful.
lol i did that with a girl, she told me to do it hard, she literally had am out of body experience because i almost killed her
i didn't even like doing it
b-but why doesn't the human female want to be dominated by chad? she was living the dream, had to make no decisions for herself!
So strange how all these empowered and well educated women always end up in abusive relationships.
>muh aspire to be greater
Why link to some shitty video by some faggot nstead of making a point yourself?
She has that look on her face like she wants to be thrown on the floor with a cock shoved down her throat.