How're you feeling tonight, fellas? if you need some subjective advice or just someone to listen, drop a line!

how're you feeling tonight, fellas? if you need some subjective advice or just someone to listen, drop a line!

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I'm fkin dead inside, bye.

What are the dangers of leaving NEETdom and how to deal with them

i feel terrible what do I do?

i'm sorry to hear that, friend. don't lose faith in your ability to experience contentment.

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it's hard for me to say what transitional difficulties you'll face because i've always been a wagefriend, guy. though i can definitely see the appeal of NEETish lifestyles, i have no doubt you'll gain access to unexpected avenues of fulfillment through this change. even if you decide to return to your former way of living, you'll always have the knowledge you gained through these new and challenging experiences. what exactly are you looking to do?

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i can't say for certain, my friend. though i'd be happy to listen to the details of your troubles and then potentially provide some educated input!

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I don't want to tell you too much

Flipping burgers sounds good, what do you do wagefriend? Do you recommend it?

i most certainly do, my man! i'm sorry to hear you've been on the outs, just try to remember that you're fully capable of doing whatever you want. as for your academic endeavors, i have to say it's a tough call. it's a major investment, so try to make sure it's a professional realm you won't eventually come to hate. if you think you can sustain happiness and continue to work, then go for it. fifty or sixty grand, even when paying off loans should they be necessary, is a fairly comfortable lifestyle. however, if you're only interested in working part-time, you might be able to find a conparably-profitable career that won't require several years of high-cost schooling. it's entirely dependent on what you value doing with your time, man! academia is a wonderful craft and an enjoyable experience, but so are an infinite number of other roads. it's awesome to hear from you again, dude!

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I went running tonight, so I accomplished that today.

Other than that, I feel like I am no longer making progress in my journey and have spent the last like 3 days staying home and masturbating. I really hate myself.

How do I find objectivity op? Subjectivity has no real worth to me and I require objectivity to feel any motivation.

no worries, friend. privacy is an invaluable thing. my general advice to you would be to always remember that you have a fleeting amount of time to enjoy your waking experiences. make sure every decision is one that leads you to take advantage of that time in whatever fashion brings you peace of mind.

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Is anyone else just not attracted to 99% of women anymore. Everyone is just so vapid and uninteresting, I unironically want a fembot gf

or guys if you're a fag

i have a number of friends who do that and they seem to get by just fine! i've taught middle-school literature for the past few years but i'll be moving to a special education position this year, thanks for asking! i enjoy it and the individuals i meet in the process, though i can't deny that i value my free time much more.

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Thanks, I appreciate the response. You mentioned other avenues I might want to consider seeing as I only want to work part time, can you provide examples? If im being honest I really only have aptitude for kinesiology, but im willing to consider other things.
Nausicaa of the valley of the wind is an anime I plan on watching soon btw, maybe tonight.

that's killer, friend of mine! long-distance running is a very cathartic thing for me and i can't advocate continuing this habit enough. running, hiking, and the like can (in my experience) instigate some great leaps in motivation. don't be so hard on yourself, my dude. life's journey is an extremely intricate web of experiences and circumstances so, occasionally, some time decompressing isn't such a bad thing. every now and then a good snake-handling might just be a more fulfilling endeavor than a night out or a five-mile run (but just every now and then).

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you can't, unfortunately. your life is too vast an ocean of impactful and influential variables to see the entirety of reality as its naked self. however, in my opinion, the fact that you even recognize your subjective nature shows a degree of understanding not many people possess. my advice would be to never stop reflecting on your responses, both internal and external, to what occurs around you. objectivity can be a healthy goal, but i believe that the subjective nature of people is a beautiful thing in that it is reflective of the ancient and bestial heart of an animal that continues to beat beneath our (relatively) high intellect.

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i wouldn't stress too greatly over the nature or intensity of your sexuality, it isn't indicative of the level of joy you can experience in life. i believe i have a high-libido but i detest the less-than-empathic behavior that mindset can lead to, so i make active efforts to excise those feelings.

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an aptitude is often correlative with an interest. if you enjoy working with physiology, then i'd argue you've already make your choice. however, many trade schools will offer short-term courses for licensing in some applicable and high-paying technical jobs like welding and mechanical repair. i have a good friend who never finished high school but makes several thousand a month brokering real estate sales. it's crazy you say that, guy! i was just suggesting to my partner that we watch nausicaa earlier this evening.

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Okay a follow up question and honestly a bit of a better one I suppose is how to get past the need for objectivity and simply accept subjectivity's worth or assign worth to subjectivity I guess. Although I suppose me thinking objectivity has more worth than subjectivity is subjective itself but you get what I mean I assume. There's just something devaluing to me about subjectivity since objectivity in theory is well, objective. It's guaranteed like a gold backed currency I guess whereas subjectivity is fluid or individual tier I guess? I'm not sure and I'm awful at putting things into words but there's just something empty feeling about subjectivity compared to having an objective purpose imo. But there's seemingly no objectivity in regards to value for anything in life or anything in general since worth itself is probably a strictly subjective thing I suppose. There's seemingly no objective purpose to anything and I can never make it past that fact.

The usual, quiet, emotionally flat, dreading tomorrow though. Have to pull fucking weeds. I literally would prefer anything but that. I am a hikki for about 5 years, leave the house only once or twice a year, or property I guess since we take out the trash and help mow the lawn. Just god do I fucking not want to pull weeds in hot ass july, I can't sit on my knees and I am horrendously out of shape. Okay got my bitching out of the way.

i consider subjectivity a valuable or worthwhile mindset in a connective sense. there exist thousands of years worth of history that dictate the circumstances, both physical and ideological, that have shaped you as a person. the idea of our species being a beacon of emotional and creative depth, at least within the context of our planet, is an incredibly powerful concept for me. so, i can find peace in the subjective, and often combative, nature of people. like you said, chances are (though nothing is certain) that there exists no cosmic or divine purpose for our collective existence, but our intelligence begs for validation so we had to invent purposes. now that access to information is prevalent, subjectivity should be used for cooperative and creative purposes, but when that subjectivity is doing nothing more than causing you to incite argument, it's better to attempt take an objective viewpoint. ultimately, i guess i try to find and embrace a comfortable mix of subjectivity and objectivity in my responses to and reflection of things. i appreciate this stimulating conversation, friend!

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your bitching is welcome here, friend! i'm a hot-natured person, so i understand the lack of enthusiasm. i do have to say though, after spending excessive amounts of time in the sun, i've come to really enjoy the feeling. are you pulling weeds for a garden?

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Im not so good with my hands. The only things that come naturally are fitness and nutrition. But youre totally right about being 100% sure I wont hate a field if I pay a lot to enter it. Theres P.E teacher but kids make me kind of nervous. Im shy and anxious and kids pick up on that and rip you apart. Yeah?
Anyway I want to watch that film so much because it is one of the first films Joe Hisaishi composed the score for. Big fan of him.

i am ruined. i am a ruined person. i destroy everything i touch.
i could've had a better life if i had just tried. but i didn't and now i'm old. is it too late for me? am i doomed to be unhappy until i die at this point?

No, just have this rock ved out front, and the tarp under it has degraded, so now weeds and stuff go through. I don't understand why not just drown it in weed killer since it's just rocks. I half suspect it's on purpose busy work. I honestly would prefer anything. Cleaning the bathroom, mowiy lawn. Anything then pulling weeds.

That makes sense, on the one hand I can kind of view subjectivity as a whole relatively positive in some manners but I suppose the main part that I tend to fixate on ends up being the end. I mean sure you can value things and fill your life with all sorts of pleasures and achievements and subjective successes or whatever, learn, live basically but once you die there is presumably nothing. There was no real purpose, no objective other than death itself. So instead of being able to enjoy subjectivity I tend to fixate on the one objective I can imagine or see in existence, death. Nothingness that sort of thing which isn't a motivator. I also seem to have brain fog/rot from massive escapism to avoid thinking about objectivity or lack thereof. I can barely form coherent sentences let alone a thought out reply or explanation of what I mean I apologize again.

nutrition is an extremely cool field, dude! kids can be snotty but they're really not that bad. just remember that they aren't fully developed and any flak they give you is probably reflective of some issue they have with themselves (which, if it's in your nature, then becomes your responsibility to investigate). it's a killer movie! it has all the naturalist mysticism and whim of those other miyazaki pieces, i love that shit.

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i'm gay, not a girl
>in love with my incredibly attractive best friend
>we kiss when drunk, and we've fooled around sober once
>sometimes i trick myself into thinking that one day we can be together
I just want to be this man's friend without feeling like any semblance of physical contact between us comes from a creepy and uncontrollable place inside me.

how old are you? regardless of the answer, i'm not going to tell you that you're out of opportunities to find happiness. that self-deprecating mindset, though i always admire humility, isn't going to do you any favors either.

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One of the best friends I've ever had killed himself seemingly out of nowhere this last Tuesday and I've been having some trouble dealing with the loss. Got any advice for someone who's feeling pretty bad?

whew, i can't agree with you on the bathroom point, friend. that always bums me out. i'll take manual labor over cleaning toilet bowls at any given opportunity. have any enjoyable plans for your day post-weeds?

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i'm 20.
my life is so fucked, you have no idea. you'd think i was lying

Tell your story original user

If you dont have any felonies/sex offenses or physical deformities just walk it off you pussy

there's no need for you to apologize, you're being perfectly articulate. death is certainly an imposing figure and, like you, i've come to believe that death is likely a true experience of nothingness (though i can't say for certain because i simply don't possess the knowledge). however, since this realization, i've worked to cultivate a mindset where the inevitable nature of death only enhances the wonder and beauty of living rather than devaluing it. i feel less fear when i'm actively doing what i enjoy and eschewing the personal and societal expectations that have caused me to waste my life in the past.

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Just my usual really, probably take a shower after, because I'll sweat like a pig out there. Though after sit in my room playing games, and doing stuff on the internet. It's probably been 8-9 months since I last actually left the property. I usually just hold up in my room, or chill in the living room.

Sort if know what you're going through. My Dad committed suicide nearly a year ago now, looking back seems more obvious it was coming, but then it took me by complete surprise. You're just going to have to take things one step at a time, focus on the task at hand and push though. Don't let anyone tell you how to or how long to grieve. It's all for you to do for you. I cayn say it gets better, but with time, the pain dulls some.

there's nothing creepy about the natural desires that accompany being a functional adult. an attraction to your friend is not an insult or death-sentence to your friendship, but you should certainly come to a mutual emotional understanding. have you told your friend how you feel?

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I haven't, but he's not oblivious. He makes jokes about it all the time (not hurtful ones, just, y'know, bantz) and he doesn't really seem to mind it all that much. He probably likes the attention if we're being fully honest, he lets me give him massages and stuff when he's sore from the gym. I know I shouldn't feel guilty, especially because all the times we've done stuff that crosses the "normal" threshold it's been pretty organic and I never instigate anything on purpose. I just can't help but feel guilty because, well, he's at least like 90% straight and I know that nothing will ever come out of me pining for him.

I mean even if death weren't fading into nothingness, provided there were an afterlife to me it'd be equally as devaluing since why would you put effort into something that seemingly wouldn't carry over/is just a test or whatever depending on what afterlife if any existed. There's just something inherently negative in not only how short existence is but how seemingly nothing will matter regardless of what happens. Should there be a heaven/hell and a god then your actions were pre-determined and nothing you did mattered as a being like that would be omnipotent and have known everything anyways, and even then whatever you did accomplish in your life would be erased since you'll be elsewhere forever whereas this was temporary. Religion and afterlives are kind of eh though anyways and lesser concerning than the general idea of how nothing will presumably matter once you are gone. I guess I need a change of mindset. Not sure how though.

Kinda peeved. I beat my meat for like 10 minutes and I didn't come. I was rock hard too. What's the world c.. what's the world coming to...

Did you feel like you came? If yes then you're just beating your meat too much. If you didn't then that's what we call stamina.

i just didn't have a great childhood and i think it severely affected my ability to grow and evolve as a person and it suddenly hit me how pathetic i am.
i live with my mommy, can't drive, can't cook, can't do anything. i can't even follow through with the most rudimentary tasks because i probably don't know how to do them and i'll likely fuck it up. it's pathetic.
when i see people my age who are stable and well-adjusted, it makes me sad, scared and angry. they are where i should be. i hate myself and want to die.

i'm sorry to hear about your loss, friend. take some time to enjoy things whatever brings you some joy. the other user nailed it and i don't doubt that you'll come to find many good times ahead of you.

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i'm sorry to hear that, guy. i hope circumstances come to be less severe in time.

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sounds like a good time. i'm a fairly avid media fan so i can definitely appreciate a long day on the couch. however, i have to gently argue the value of some time in the great outdoors. what kind of games do you enjoy?

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well, if you were both perfectly comfortable with your somewhat-fluid relationship then i would say you shouldn't worry about it. however, not to be forward, it sounds like you're a little more invested in the romantic aspect of your dynamic than your friend. If your friend is aware of this, and truly appreciated your emotional well-being, he shouldn't be allowing you opportunities to continue fostering potentially-painful feelings. however, i'm in no way implying that your friend is doing this intentionally. as you said, it's natural for people to enjoy attention and sometimes that can be a bit blinding.

The only thing keeping me alive is fantasy. I spend the vast majority of my day dreaming about a fictional life of mine that isn't shit.

Mostly single player stuff, can't really afford to do online gaming so been single player stuff for years. Though occasionally I'll revisit old stomping grounds like Halo Reach or something from my days of playing competitively. Just for nostalgia mostly.

well, most abrahamic religions base their afterlife on a polar dichotomy because it incites fear and, historically, fear is an incredible motivator of faith. i can definitely see how that might jade the concept of a post-mortal existence. i would imagine that, if the earth (or more specifically, the human race) were created by a tangible force, it wouldn't be anything that even closely resembles the gods of human creation. i don't doubt that there's a chance the hierarchy of universal (or post-universal) life could be vast and, should that be true, one of those beings may have the capability to intentionally or instinctually create matter or life. either way, as interesting as those thoughts are, they should have no bearing on your levels of happiness or motivation. we're small being and you should spend your time enjoying things, including this manner of speculative conversation if it's what you enjoy. questioning your purpose and the nature of being can be fun. those things only carries weight if you choose it to.

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i forgot my image! originaroo

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Teaching is so difficult. How do you do it? How do you deal with kids and especially those at the age of middle-school in which they seem to go from active to being too cool for cool.

as a fellow occasional escapist, i must say that it doesn't necessarily have to be an unhealthy release, but you should certainly make effort to find value in your tangible experiences. do you have any artistic interests to channel your imaginative efforts?

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that's awesome, dude. i'm not a huge video game guy but i have a strong passion for older jrpgs and the souls games.

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To be quite frank this is about the only topic I can manage to actually discuss and even then I feel as though 90% of what I do say regarding it is a jumbled mess. Death and existence as a whole, more specifically it's purpose or lack thereof are basically my go to topics for actual conversation. Though I don't talk to people outside of this site. Honestly though I've tried to think in the mindset of if nothing matters just enjoy it now or living existence with the purpose of hunting for a purpose despite knowing there's no objective one but I just can't. It's far easier at this point to remain in the slump and be held up by the desire for an objective purpose or meaning despite knowing it's pointless in itself. I'm not sure how to go about changing it even with the knowledge that it's a self made problem. I could come up with a billion excuses realistically all of which I knew in advance I guess. I'm not quite sure what I even expected to talk about in this thread tbqh

Can't focus on studying and getting my shit together.

Can't stop thinking of the past.

I like to make music sometimes but it's hard and I don't do it a lot.

you could do it, man! you just take the bad attitudes with a grain of salt. i like people and i find poking about in how they independently develop to be enjoyable. that, coupled with the happiness i feel when making kids feel important, makes the job a fairly pleasant experience. i'm not very organized so the planning aspect is the shittiest part.

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that's okay, this is a topic that can provide a lot of opportunity for growth in many people. your ability to examine and expand upon the qualities of being is valuable and you shouldn't downplay it. that said, i do think you should make an effort to engage people outside of this site unless you are honestly and wholly content with that lifestyle, which i certainly believe some people of capable of.

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i fall in to that same hole far too often. retrospection, especially during self-reflection, can be a valuable thing when done appropriately. however, the past will never change and you will only continue to hate the past until you start living for yourself in the moment.

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that's very cool, guy. are you talking instrumental or a more lyrical interest?

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I'm not especially content with much of anything in existence but that's not exactly new. I tend to have little to nothing to discuss with others who aren't on this site or at least fixated with death. But even then there's only so much you can discuss regarding a lack of purpose or death before you start to repeat yourself or become burdensome/annoying. So the few times I have attempted to interact with others have just resulted in either me ghosting them or vice versa due to not knowing what to say or having nothing to really say or similar circumstances. It'd be nice if there were a site you could discuss and speculate about death and other related things in one or two off sort of encounters. Omegle's basically as close as you get but that's just a site where people look for chicks.

Most of it is instrumental but I have a few songs that have lyrics. They're mostly just sentences strung together without context

it can be tough to find like-minded friends, sometimes you have to just accept the disinterest for the benefit of the relationship. have you explored other avenues of interest outside of philosophical musings on mortality? smaller things?

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The only other topic I can really discuss in detail is music and that usually is mostly just me giving the other person various genres/obscure music or foreign music rather than any analysis sort of detailed discussion that I assume would go on in proper musicphile's chats. I don't really know how people usually interact in general though on a regular basis. The idea of needing to provide content on a daily/bi-daily basis seems really difficult for me to imagine actually doing.

that's badass, friend. even the most basic expressions of emotion and thought can be extremely powerful to some.

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in my less-than-professional opinion, i might argue that it's an overanalyzation of both the expectations of typical communication as well as others' interpretations of your behavior that keeps you from maintaining regular social interaction. there doesn't have to be rigidity, some people will be perfectly happy to listen to you ramble or listen to you say nothing at all.

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Probably. I've had a few people that seemed to not mind my shit but I still ended up ghosting them out of over thinking it and or paranoia regarding whether I was really capable of maintaining interaction. I suppose it's a lot of self sabotage and paranoia for the most part but I'm not sure. I have no idea how to go about initiating change when you've become static for the most part aside from "just doing it" type of stuff. Functioning seems quite tedious.

i wouldn't stop making an effort to explore those options until you're wholly certain that you're better off without. my social proclivities came about at an older age and emerged from a long period of hyperanxious tendencies. while our neurological makeups may not mirror, i wouldn't count out an abrupt perceptional change. how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

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I don't recall if I mentioned it but usually a vast majority of my time is spent indulging in some form of escapism to avoid thinking about said lack of purpose or functionality in general so I've not actually tried interacting with others outside of this site in quite a while now. I probably should eventually actually try again since I had the whole day today as down time from media consumption and spent it here instead. Also I'm 21.

Well shit..

Now that's given me some hope.
I like you, thanks man.