Why is BBC breeding so wholesome for white women?

Why are white men so weak with small pencil dick?

Black men are taking over, white women are now producing black babies only!

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I love stroking my tiny white cock to interracial porn

i know right, all these white women are BLACK ONLY now.

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wite bois on suicide watch

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yummers feed me BBC jizz

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White girl here. It feels so wholesome coz you're literally being filled whole, and then stretched to your limits. Whitebois can't fill you, then can't even make me feel anything down there since their dicks are too small

Stop stop hejej!

I'm getting real sick of these bait threads.

What are you hoping to accomplish? I know I'll get a meme answer anyway, but every fucking day on r9k, another IR bait thread.

You know, if it wasnt for threads like these we wouldnt have that guy who's spamming interracial tranny porn all day long. Cuck and blacked threads are the root of the problem

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Us white girls are just discussing our appreciation of the BBC user

he ocasionaly post the pictures of black slaves having their limbs amputated as well though. I dont think he's gay, I think that all the blacked posting just fucked him in the head

Honest question user, when are you done with posting all this shit?

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I guarantee you, put a black man in front of him and he'll get down on his knees sucking the black man's dick and start spreading his asshole to be fucked

The author of this post is an Asian-American male.

>girls defecate through their vaginas
Jow Forums racists confirmed to be virgins

>put a black man in front of him and he'll get down on his knees sucking the black man's dick and start spreading his asshole to be fucked
how did you came to this conclusion?

He didn't, he's projecting.

Wrong. I'm a white girl

>Jow Forums racists
what did he mean by this.
Also no that's from Ylilauta when it was getting spammed with blacked shit about a year ago.

>Meme answer

Oh look, more low-effort shitposting. Fuck off already

I identify as a lesbian but black cock really turns me on. I'll go to a club in a predominantly black area and find the guy with the biggest dick and go home with him. I love being bred by the bbc. I justify it to myself by saying i'm not attracted to men just their cock but I know that i'm lying to myself. All I really want is a cute black guy to knock me up and claim me as his property. Being a lesbian is a lie just to keep whitebois away.

Well whoever made it were racists
Also those blacked posters must be finnish girls since they too are known for their love of black men

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Kara Lee for those wondering.

An e-famous Asian doctor who built a very large following from criticizing Trump on Twitter was busted recently using sock account to cuckpost about BBC and white genocide. It sounded exactly like the stuff you hear on Jow Forums.

As a white girl i really like this pic
The black man is lovingly holding her body with his left hand and is gently guiding his BBC into her pussy with his right. She on the other hand seems very comfortable
It shows that the black man is very caring

This is geynjj