I need to know how to get an ENTJ gf

I need to know how to get an ENTJ gf

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She'll probably prefer it if you don't use that antiquated and inaccurate personality typing system, for a start.

>personality typing system
I don't use MBTI

Shit missed quads

Bump post in this thread you fucking faggots

I too am wondering this
Original comment

Are there any ENTJ femanons?

I don't think women can be ENTJ

Of course they can, but they're the rarest type. Regardless i will get my ENTJ gf whatever it takes

By being chad

Seriously this OP. ENTJ women are whores

>ENTJ women are whores
*women are whores

Lots of lawyer and high powered career women are ENTJ

Well how am i supposed to date that

You originaIIy don't

Be ISFj.

I can't change my personality type so it has to be something else

>falling for the opposites socionics meme

any girls looking for a taurus bf?

Nobody is looking for you because you're gay and retarded

im not gay and i had decent scores on my community college placement tests

As a fellow Entj I always wanted a girlfriend to be one till my best friend got one..she's insufferable
It makes me wonder am that annoying

My friend is beta and his entj girlfriend fucked his cousin..he's still with her

Lol no. Any ENTJ girls are off breaking the glass celling along with their beta wage cuck empoyee's balls

Yeah you are that annoying. Also lmaoing at that beta, he's gonna get abused by her until she deems him not useful anymore and dumps him for chad while making fun of him to his face probably, calling it now.

I think I'm funny at least enough to offset it but yeah I've told him he refuses to listen and bought into her bs

Surely can't be all of them as we have male ENTJs here as well.

>tfw an unironic ENTJ grill was interested in me
>quickly showed how much of a low confidence poseur I was in response
>she ended up cutting me off after I stood her up twice

still think about her alot, even though she doesn't give a fuck about me, and mocked me the last time we saw each other while hanging with a mutual friend

You know maybe the problem was not showing up rather than being a "low confidence loser".

How did she mock you?

What's your personality type, then?

Standing her up was 100% the problem, I was totally in the wrong.

And when we saw each other while hanging with our mutual friend, it was raining. I ended up holding the umbrella for her and she laughed at me, calling me 'an umbrella stand' while hanging on my arm, knowing full well she cut me off.

I stood her up because I had asked about taking one of the chairs sitting unused in her living room that apparently belonged to her roommate, for a little money too. She ended up contacting me a few days later saying [her roommate] will sell one of the chairs I didn't want to me for $20 and I could pick it up anytime. I agreed.

A few days later, while walking to school, she calls me and we set up a time for me to pick up the chair. I said 9, but when 9 rolled around, I really didn't want to walk over to her place to pick up a chair I didn't want, and I still hadn't told her I didn't want the chair.

When I texted her saying to reschedule, she called me out on it. Our mutual friend told me later that she had to coordinate with her roommate to be there to sell me the chair and all.

The first time I stood her up, I'd agreed to go swimming, even though I can't really swim and I have man boobs from gyno. I cancelled at the last minute, right when she said she'd walk with me to the pool.

Damn bro you're straight up retarded my nigga she went easy on you. That remark was just light teasing and shows she doesn't really hate you (though she'd be right if she did) and i'm sure you realize this on some level but want us to validate you. Stop being a pussy and sort yourself out, bucko.

Probably ENTJ too lol

>she doesn't really hate you
She left me on read after I texted her with a joke relating to a convo we had that day, pham

But you see where me being a low confidence loser comes into play, though. Idk about sorting myself out, I just kinda want to avoid these sort of things in the future, I kinda gave up some time ago.

I guess I do want validation. Just not sure about what, as I accepted it.

She even asked our mutual friend to tell me, 'she's interested in other guys now, he has no chance'. She was a college senior at that point, with many friends, yet no BF.

She must like you because all that wimpy shit especially that chair one is nauseating and I'm positive evaporated her ovaries. Entjs enjoy the challenge tho so if you stopped that you might last long enough to pull it off. Lmao at umbrella stand that's something I'd do but the key is never taking our shit talking personal if you can banter back she'll love you for it

>She left me on read after I texted her with a joke relating to a convo we had that day, pham
>But you see where me being a low confidence loser comes into play, though.
Jesus dude. She's obviously not going to feel the same way about you as she did before you stood her up TWICE. Doesn't mean she hates you. Most women would have never talked to you again and talked shit behind your back. You're definitely a low confidence retard.

Get out your feels when you talk to entjs they are going to have you misreading the situation almost every time. Being a bit abrasive is natural for us it's funny and we tend to be fascinated by how we impact our surroundings with willpower i.e. poking fun of you and seeing how you react you are free to respond in kind just don't be malicious or you'll see how precise and cutting those little pokes can turn

She had talked to me about this other dude she met during Spring Break, if she didn't hate me, then at the very least, she had lost interest even before the chair thing.

I pulled that stunt because of my fear of her reaction to me saying no, which is my idea of low confidence.

Anyway, now I'm here,sitting in a shitpost thread

She doesn't hate you and she wouldn't talk to you at all if she did and she definitely wouldn't waste her time trying to goad you into action by telling you about other men but you're right your confidence isn't high enough for you to take advantage of the hints she's given

Yeah that's a bit weird, talking to you about other guys is one of the biggest redflag, usually means you'll be literally friendzoned. But i have heard of some women doing shit like that to see how you react and to "test" you. That last part depends on if she is actually seeing the dude or if they even got close at all. Idk man it sounds like you fucked up either way though

You know i noticed this shit about talking about other men and comparing you to other men to poke at your insecurities with ENTJ women. I have heard of this several times now. How come?

Honestly, a good lesson I can learn here is to not be a pussy and say no when I don't want to do anything.

Just ask her out faggot
Not original kek

i've never met an entj that can stomach wimp behavior. if you are around them long enough they will start doing subliminal things to force you out of your comfort zone and make you more assertive and if subliminal doesn't work they may become aggressive with it if they care enough otherwise they will just ignore you and consider you a lost cause. however they are not quick to give up at all.

>A woman capable of thought


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But why the cuck undertones though

jealousy is a timeless motivator for men. if shes bothering to do it then usually shes exaggerating about another man to make you jealous enough to do something about it

I just find it interesting how they like to use that stuff in specific. Other women will also try to poke fun at your insecurities or try to get you to chase them but rarely will they ever compare you to other men. It's not uncommon for women to tell you you'll never get a girl as pretty as her or she is doing you a favor by dating you, but it's not exactly common in real life for a woman to tell you to your face how that other guy she fucked is so much better in bed.

They do exist though, they're just rare. The world doesn't work with absolutes