>tfw you will never be this cute
>tfw born with the wrong genetics
I feel like life isn't worth living anymore
Tfw you will never be this cute
>I feel like life isn't worth living anymore
You're right you know. It will never get better for you. It's best to just end your life and improve the world.
Yeah I'll never be THIS cute
Wowie thats mean
>hiding entire face behind a mask and bangs
i don't see anything wrong with his face
he's a qt
Forgot this pic too
Dude has a huge English nose but his body is fine..
So you're sad that you do not look like a pathetic weak man?
Man up and you will be glad that you do not look like a weak edgy teenager.
he has a great body and face
i wish i had those
>Can't even see his face or body, totally obscured
elfyboy has a shitty jawline, it's okay user.
his body
Wow, now that is a cute human.
>you will never be this cute
he isnt that cute
>just a skinny guy
omg teehee how cute!
obvious butt hurt samefag
Being a degenerate isn't cute.
He's cuter than 99% of w*men.
how is he a degenerate?
what did he do?
>dangerously gay
No he's a man and it's gay to date men. Penises are ugly too.
trips of truth
he's a qt comfirmed
its a fag
gee op
i remember to found his porn hub account last year, but can't remember his name, walp
It's a tranner
Traps are their new target
Why do you feel the need to white knight men?