Can you get into it Jow Forums?
Can you get into it Jow Forums?
>no blacks
Yeah my keycard came in the mail with my official government Chad certificate. How else do you get in?
It's no cock blocks.
>no condoms
>no blacks
>no codoms
You should all be thanking these women in their efforts to save the white race
"white race"
Nice try globalist agenda shill.
It says no cock blocks you fuckwits
>Thou shall not suck the dick if he does not lick the clit
nope, i'm outta this hellhole
our race wouldnt need saving if you revealed your secrets of immortality
>no blacks
Your autism is showing.
this makes me physically ill
>no condoms
>drinking alcohol
underrated comment
can you imagine being a guy and going over to these girls apartment? like maybe you like one of these girls and want to get to know her, and then you arrive and see this. you just read through it awkwardly and fuck the girl before leaving and never talking to her again like the rest of the guys that evidently come through the pussy palace
imagine unironically thinking a "ha niggers" type comment is good comedy
Well it sort of gets countered by the no blacks thing, so on one hand they're getting more stds because of it, but on the other they're getting less stds because no blacks.
>t. Basketball american
Nah these chicks are hot id keep them as regulars. They're basically the female version of me so it'd be a good time.
so what dude
life is a fucking meme who cares
Not black, just not autistic to think that's witty / funny lmao
who cares
get some numbers and you get the hook up for effortless sex the rest of the semester
I would see it and leave. Life is too short to deal with thots
>t. literal virgin
Chick on the left looks like a girl me and my best friend used to fuck back in the day.
The one on the left is trying to look cool but she also looks like she doesn't want to be there.
post body
Hey, nothing wrong with that, big guy.