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Fitness #468
How come all the chads at my gym are using machines...
As a black man, what physique should I aim for two attract a young beautiful blonde girl?
Jow Forums, what music have you been listening to brahs?
You guys have this wrong about the 30 year old boomer meme
I've literally NEVER see anybody who looks good squat...
College/Uni Gymbuddy Thread
How do I get my GF to start going to the gym again...
Captain America isn't that big irl
Straight / Safety Razor Appreciation Thread
Does alcohol count towards my "lean bulk" calories? Say I'm on a 3k cal lean bulk and 1,300 of it is from beer...
This is lee priest at 13
What do you bench Jow Forums?
Nobody besides your mom/dad (if you're lucky) cares about you as a male if you are weak and broke
I eat a lot of meat, everyone on the left says i'm going to die. Everyone on the right says it's good for you...
How many bowel movements per week is considered to be peak performance?
He really is DYEL as fuck when you think about it...
Who here meat only diet?
How fit do I have to be until it's socially acceptable to go shirtless outside...
Alright, Jow Forums, I really fucking need your help...
Is Jow Forums leglet?
How do you cure anxiety?
What is fit eating tonight?
What are the best exercises for grip strength?
How do fat people get fat?
Anyone have experience with rhinoplasty? Recently had my nose done (mostly functional reasons, not aesthetic)...
What am I supposed to say when a girl gives me a compliment apart from "haha thanks" or "thanks you too"? Seriously...
All I want is a fucking GF. When will it be mine turn? I’ve been lifting for 4+ years btw
What type of headphones do you use at the gym?
Bro split, u/l, or ppl?
So my mom got me these after I told her I was cutting. The macros are ridiculously good, what's the catch?
That guy who brings a gallon of water everywhere with him
Be me
Have any of you used iodine supplements? If so, what was it like?
Post inspiring transformations
/shat/ - skinny fat general
>training less than 10 hrs per week
Reminder, you could have the best lifting routine ever and be 100% committed to it. But if you have a shitty diet...
Any tips how to overcome gym anxiety?
So I started doing Phraks Greyskull LP yesterday, and I have a couple of questions about it
ITT It’s Jow Forums but 2115
Thoughts on this body?
What is some good manga about people training hard as fuck to grow stronger?
Gym necromancer is doing deadlifts again
Whoooo nelly!
No matter what you do
Tfw female
Fucked my lower back up attempting autofellatio
Genetics aside, what kind of roids are needed to look like this? How much time?
Cant do pull ups at all
He doesn't realise that you get noob gains for practicing social skills just like lifting
/mirin/ thread
Who actually fucks the hot IG/gym girls?
How long would it take to go from complete beginner/skinnyfat to Patrick Bateman? Is it achievable natty?
What day of no fap are you on Jow Forums?
Who do you lift for?
I just went vegetarian Jow Forums, say something nice about me
Powerlifting General - /plg/
How do I become the ideal cute male?
How do I target obliques without raping my spine?
P l a n k
Just matched with her on tinder, dubs decides what i send
Be me
He unironically lifts for women
This will always destroy your pasty self esteem
MMA/Martial Arts Thread
Match girl on tinder and chat
Good shape
Who here /homegym masterrace/?
Holy fuck this just happened, I cant be making this up
What does Jow Forums wear to the gym?
Will wearing weighted clothing help me become stronger like in my japanese animes?
Did lifting change the type of girls you attracted?
How do I age gracefully like an asian?
Do partials
Sunbathing nude
Is fruit healthy or too much sugar
Post your fav girl who literally motivate you to get o your limits while lifting
Steroids in crossfit games
Why do I look like I've never lifted a day in my life...
ITT: Post Routines and rate them
We all onow every male poster lifts for sex appeal...
What are the most effective cardio machine to burn fat in short time? Hard mode: excluding treadmills
How to fix bad posture
Prey or Hunter eyes
Jow Forums help
What are the pros and cons of fat acceptance?
I suffer from weak erections. It's all good for the first few minutes...
If quadras zeez will be revived
How much food do i need to eat to gain weight?
Which of these 3 products would you rather buy from the shelf?
Anybody else laugh their fuckin' ass off when they see somebody at the gym squatting while having a dyel upper body...
He doesn't do physical work
How does everyone on Jow Forums hit 1/2/3/4 in only a few months...
/fast/ #233 - Fast Glorious Fast Edition
1 Year fitness transformation
Female Jow Forums
Stifler mode
Any anons ever made a career of drug dealing?
Why are you not taking testosterone yet and tell me at least 5 reasons why you SHOULDN'T take it
What's your excuse for still being fat fucks, Jow Forums?
Jow Forums do you shave your armpits?
Muscle imbalances - And how they make you look like a bitch
/fat/-CICO is bullshit general
How long will it take for me to go from 127kg to 90kg?
Im doing shitty pump chasing brosplits over 1,5 year and i want to switch to powerlifting/strenght traning
White man, I’m concerned about your health. Please stay at home... do not lift, just let the rest of us do this
Our first lady took the plasticpill and is on top of the world now. Why haven’t you taken the plasticpill yet?
Symmetric Strength thread
If money was no issue, what would your diet be like Jow Forums?
Romanian deadlifs
Is she overweight/fat?
How in God's name am I supposed to eat 180g protein a day? What the hell, what am I, a machine?
How diverse is your gym?
/life/ #4 - Dreams
Is this exercise useless?
Gentle reminder that if you are under 6’2 this is what girls think of you
/sig/ - Self Improvement General
What is the ideal female body?
Why do people fit shame?
Jawlines and the mystery behind them
He still believes in CICO
Future wife
Demi Lovato can outlift 95% of Jow Forums
This is all it takes to get onto Australias biggest reality tv show and make thousands in endorsements/prize money...
Im balding
Name 1 (one) lift
Ay bruh, do me a favor and put yo shirt back on. You scaring all the ladies away, homie
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Hex bar
If every meal doesnt look like this, you arent going to make it
ITT: We list the biggest Chads in the Disney Universe
This guy was just before my time, can someone give me the story of this dude? why is he a meme...
Tfw no gf
Why do dicklets hate the idea of women preferring 9 inches over the average 7 incher? bigger is obviously superior...
How different do people treat you now that you got Jow Forums...
What is the largest non-human primate that a fit man could best in hand to hand combat?
I recently discovered I got this cyst in my upper wrist. anyone have this before? how do I get rid of this shit...
CBT Thread
Should i larp on tinder with the pictures of elliot?
*saves your dirty bulk*
Underbite vs overbite
Hey guys, which weigthlifting shoes, from your experiences, are the most optimal for squatting? Which ones do you use...
My hair is thinning badly help
Why do I keep shitting out mucus?
Monster Zero Ultra sales up 18.5% last month
What is the best treatment fot pic related
If you go to the gym, but don't train neck, you don't really believe in looks maxing
Does amazing cardio and deathgrip translate over into extreme sexual stamina? Cardio is both HIIT and steady state
User got banned for saying nigger
That guy who plays with his cell-phone between sets
I want to get better at running. I run a lot, at least two miles Monday and Tuesday, and 4 on Fridays...
Am I making good progres?
/Neck gains/
Tfw just came in my gf’s mouth
What's the best way to achieve a butt like this?
How the FUCK am I supposed to eat 5 chicken breasts in a 4 hour window?
How do I achieve 6ix9ine mode so girls will want to licky on my blicky uh?
Well Jow Forums? Are YOU strong enough to fight someone taller than you...
He doesn't have brown eyes
Don't ask why but I really want to lose my muscle...
Very fast weight loss
I wrote an essay showing how the prisoners in the Holocaust camps were guilty of crimes and Hitler was a good leader...
Watch the fuck out prey
What’s for dinner tonight Jow Forums
Why do I like these so much? is something wrong with me?
Tfw the laundry hamper that had 20+ cum socks hidden in it from over a 2 year period isn’t in my room anymore because...
Was supposed to stop eating at 2000 calories
What kind of skills and physique does it take to defeat this in a fight to the death?
Why do the zoomers and basedboys that work out fall for the 100% cardio meme?
Is keto safe?
Gamers can't be swo-
How to bulk for cheap as a University student?
Cals IN cals OUT
Curvy butt
Chad Dad Expectations
How Many?
Rest days are pointless
What the fuck do I need to do to go to fucking sleep easily?
Does Jow Forums swim?
How to recover from a 7 day holiday where you ate about 10.000kcal a day and didn't exercise?
Spirit animals
Can't wait to have my bi-racial kids to make my gene pool more Jow Forums
/GOAL/ bodies
Scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you taking your shirt off in front of a qt?
Tfw you realize you're the creepy guy at the gym
What's the animal cutoff that a man can take on and kill without suffering fatal injuries? A house cat?
Eat healthy fats, they said
So Jow Forums what's the verdict?
ITT: Faps you regret
Bench press is an ego lift
Do these things even work?
Feels Thread
Me on the left
ITT: Hobbies unrelated to fitness that are still really Jow Forums
Daily reminder that if your eye area is shit you will never make it as chad
What's the point of natty lifting? No matter how much you eat or bust your ass...
Some girl is going to visit me in 1 month...
Protein shakes
Am I a puss for deadlifting with this now?
How can I get a man to love me back Jow Forums?
Military fitizens, what is the best fitness routine to become combat ready?
I am starting college in the fall. When I go there...
Shoulder Health
I don't know if my hips are wide or not
Do women like ass as much as we do?
Have any of you faggots taken iodine? Experience? I put two drops in water this morning now I feel like shit
Keep to myself at the gym, with a neutral face
How to /henry/ mode?
Are climbers the Jow Forumsest athletes?
Paid a personal trainer to write me a workout schedule
How can other deodorants even compete?
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
So do Asians like ass now too, or have their women started squating to attract men of other races?
Jow Forums approved anime
When did you guys first start seeing physical results?
Is this achievable natty?
Cringe Thread
Exercises that makes you look like a tool at the gym
What do you wear to the gym? What is good gym attire?
Did you see those kids in cages?
Faces of Jow Forums
Me and my gf were in the track and field team for the entire high school...
How do I grow a beard like this? What number do I ask my barber for?
I just masturbated to some fucked up porn and feel shameful right now
Why are my biceps so tiny
Just shave it off bruh
/boomer/ general
Magic happens when you put women together and they can just do their thing!
Why some people say that Monster Ultra, also known here colloquially as /sip/, is actually bad for you?
What am I doing wrong?
Why does this type of body makes me so fucking hard...
ITT we post meme diets so we can make fun of them
What motivation tool are you using to keep being motivated on your fitness journey, especially during a hard cut?
Oh shit time to tell her something sexy
Most masculine men in the world right now
Jeff Nippard
Baldy but goody
/plg/ - powerlifting general
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do
Is water fasting the easiest trick to get rid of bodyfat, or its main purpose is only wellness?
Who here morning /Cuppa/?
How many warmup sets does it take you to get to your 1x5 deadlift max set?
Take The #DigestivePill
You know things are bad when even turbo-chads go MGTOW
Fictional goal body thread
Double neck shit
If masturbation is so pleasureable that it densitives you to real sex doesn't that mean it's Objectively superior to...
Is it normal to ejaculate at the top of a deadlift?
Does Jow Forums swim?
I’m thinking about taking the plasticpill and getting rhinoplasty. Does anyone here have experience?
Ok Jow Forums
What's in your gym motivation folder?
Crabs in a Bucket Mentality
PPL split VS Linear begginner program
So I went ketogenic and although I've only lost a little bit of weight, my energy levels went through the fuckin roof
Should I get drunk?
What do you think of her weight gain?
It is ok for men to cry guys ?
Jow Forums - Nofap and sex
Boomer here
Body weight bullshitery
Was he our hitler? can there not be another one who lifts as many people up as he did?
Now that you're Jow Forums who would you cosplay as?
Skin health
ITT: Why we lift
Oi lads
I want to be like him
How often do you actually see somebody who has hit 1/2/3/4 in the gym?
ITT: Pornstars who lift
How do you guy's have sex that allows the girl to orgasm and not have you run out of stamina?
How many of you incels have even had a 5+ minute informal conversation with a girl from outside your family?
Push up thread. Last two digits is how many you do. Rolling
I did it Jow Forums I tell her I like her
These muscles won’t make her love u user
Respect killers
Ever had someone try to sabotage your workout meal or plans to be fit ?
Why does exercise have so little effect on fat loss...
When did you realize Arnold was a sham faker steroid abusing faggot with no actual talent or skill? Garbage bodybuilder
I know you guys are more into the lifting part of being Jow Forums but probably are not as knowledgeable about the...
Who /hiplet/ here?
24 years old
I broke up with my gf because she wasn't Jow Forums enough. She was tiny...
Does squatting make your butt big?
Is Jason Blaha /ourguy/?
Get gf
Who /fag/ here?
>getting STICC won’t make me white
6ft/169lb new to all of this, just need some guidelines
Increasing chinups
Official /fat/ General
/fat/ - Fatty General
Grug pick up put down rock many a time
Post your preworkoutfu
What mode is this
/Cbt/ thread
Be me
Post your DOMS face
Anyone here with anxiety, depression or some other mental disorder? Does lifting and/or cardio help?
Is lamb /our/ meat?
Lanklet mode
How much time do you spend working out
I got diagnosed today with early onset dementia. Doctor says I have 5-10 good years left, if I'm lucky...
How does it feel to fall in love with someone who has fallen in love with you as well?
About to start university
Online Pharmacies
Looking at these Amazon Prime Olympic Weightlifting Shoes. Any recommendations?
Dad is in his 30s
How do I exercise to get a more feminine body...
Enter gym
Girl mogging
Eating before training
Get Jow Forums
Got wolf whistled by three teenage girls today when coming back home from the gym
”natural beauty” girls on Jow Forums actually believe this girl wouldn’t mog them and that guys would hate her...
Faces of Jow Forums
Blood pressure is 134/62
My resting heart rate is 124. I don't think that is good
What is your neck routine?
Literally why arent you running everday?
20-24 hour fast?
Should I go with the creatine monohydrate...
Review my diet:
How do i escape auschwitzmode? Please help
How effective is martial arts? Ive been wanting to pick it up for a while, I was thinking karate or kung fu
I have been stuck at 14 kg bicep curl for two weeks. I feel so weak and dumb. Today i got lightheaded doing just 3 reps...
Why shouldn’t I take steroids
/fast/ general - OMAD edition
How do you manage to excersize on your period...
Running shirtless?
Does anyone have experience with the roll of shame during benchpress fails?
Hey Jow Forums, do you have some ideas of sauces that I can put in my rice/pasta during my cut that is tasty as fuck?
Be depressed
Home cook diligently for a few weeks
Just went to snap city for the first time
Being alone isn’t bad guys!
Third time telling a girl about GOMAD on the first date and they ghost me after
/WDYLF/ - Who Do You Lift For?
Which exercises are you mostly looking forward to do? And number of women you're talking to right?
Get Jow Forums
How do I avoid this fate?
Calories in halal cart food
What can i do to stay as young as possible for as long as possible?
Jesus christ, just attempted to log everything from yesterday and this isnt good
How many scoops do you use in your shake?
What the fuck is with this Monster shilling all over the internet? Jow Forums I know you started it...
I only like BBW's
QUICK, give me your favourite myprotein flavor!
I've been eating clean for a while now so that i don't worsen my cystic acne...
Mom threatens to stop buying protein if you don't get a job
What the fuck happened
Gf made me this
Redpill me on PSMF
Anyone here have followed a keto diet?
Please Roast Me
Struggle with performance anxiety my whole life
Girls who go to the gym in nothing but a sports bra and shorts
Eric says to just do 1, or 2 at most, exercise(s), every day and go for a pr. The bulgarian method apparently
How does Joe rogan weight 200lbs at 5ft 7
What's the point of lifting if this is the ideal body girls want?
Just ruined the relationship with the girl of my dreams, gonna kill myself, thanks for everything Jow Forums
Jow Forumsfashion
What would happen if some guy who literally feels no pain hits them gym regularly?
These are the strength standards for a 75kg male
When Jow Forums says FACE, what they really mean is EYES...
You could inject 1 gram of test a week
How can Chad be defeated?
If you don't stare down you are a beta male
Here is your lunch bro
Got my first Jow Forums approved tattoo, how did I do?
Jow Forums4chan researcher here
Does Jow Forums look to their ancestors for inspiration?
Are there any specific exercises fashion models do or do they just don’t eat? Also...
Strong/fit women thread
Does anyone actually do these?
Yesterday i went to berghain, i danced around with my short off and in the end i had a threesome with two mid-20 girls
9:30 AM
WHEW!!! Just measured myself boyos!!
Is Coke Zero okay to drink?
My wife of 2 years wants to freeze her eggs and concentrate on both our careers (we're 31)
Lads i found out i'm 5'11 instead of 6'
ITT: the secret to your success
Has anyone EVER lost belly fat while at the same time gained muscle?
Anyone here did gzclp?
Redpill me on water fasting
Go on holiday or not?
If you were caught in a "Groundhog Day" style time loop, could you become the ultimate warrior ?
Music that gets you pumped
How do I stop being a bitch and quit smoking cigs?
Lifting for women? This is the average woman. Why can't we lift for the virgin wife Jow Forums?
Show me your forearms m8
Why does this look so wrong?
Addicted to onions milk back when I was 10
Jefferson Deadlift
How much do I need to bench to wake up in between pic related?
/fraud/ - Your Daily Dose Edition
How do you go to a pub or restaurant without fucking up your diet?
Is this the ideal female form?
What the fuck happened? Why he looks so fat suddenly? And, no not in the face due to new facial hair style...
Finding it hard to hit 200g of protein and keep calories down. Any tips?
Anyone have that trap workout thread? It was made with the help of /fit so I thought I'd ask here. Thanks!
28yo boomer here with 4 months lifting 5x5 SL and a non consistent(but good) diet
Progress thread
Is it wrong that young Stallone is my goal bod? Also general goal body thread, I guess
Fitness - career
Help pls
New king of Jow Forums
What are some Jow Forums approved movies?
I'm a skinnyfat noob thinking of joining. how Jow Forums can i become using it as my gym?
Caffeine and L-Theanine
Is going to a chiropractor a meme?
That boomer that does martial arts
Enter dixie gym
OMAD with delicious fast food
How'd he do it, Jow Forums?
Only with steroids can you be this weak but look this strong
Does this disprove "calories in/calories out is the only thing that matters"?
How to deal with hornyness
User, are you sure this diet is working?
Am I gay for liking Broadway musicals?
Mods are awake. Post DEENZ
What is the shittyest part of my physique
Few weeks into nofap
/plg/ powerlifting general
Martial arts
Have we tried this recipe yet?
This guy consumes a gallon of milk everyday
What the FUCK fit? I thought this shit was healthy but apparently it has a shit ton of estrogen sugar and toxins?
Noob arm gains?
Tfw asked out co worker and got rejected so now I'm sitting awkwardly in the break room an EVERYONE knows and the shame...
Actually get to fuck a girl
5’10, 220lbs
You walk into the club and this guy slaps your girls ass
Tfw lifting will never make her yours
Push Up thread
I started to squat but I'm a little ashamed to be doing it wrong, is that correct?
What do you call this workout?
Post phismosis erection size
Tfw 5'6" and ugly
Maximum physical combat effectiveness
How much do you pay for your gym membership?
/fat/ - Proper OP, Wojak, and Title edition
Will lifting help in self defense, or does it invite more trouble and isn't a deterrence
ITT: Your Last Rep Face
ITT: Youtube hackjobs
Do you have the plump forearms of Venom Snake, Jow Forums? Pics if so, or GTFO
Symmetric Strength Thread
If fitness was mandatory
I want to pick up a martial art to supplement my lifting but I'm not sure which one to go for
I'm putting together a team
Hate clubs
In a free for all, who would win?
/fat/ to Jow Forums stories
Beer for Keto diet
Begginer program
Are you Jow Forums where it counts?
Does anyone here went from fat/skinnyfat to fairly lean?
Be me in uni
Femanons, why haven’t you taken the plasticpill yet?
Ideals thread
After 25 years finally got a gf
Touch weights in yurope
Which Flavor Sips?
Tfw tubby friend that cannot hold a steady job gets literal model tier gf
Unironically mulatto
Fictional body goals
What's his routine, Jow Forums?
I lift so i can protect a boy
Dad was 6'1 peak, now 6'
User, you look so much like your mother!
Daily reminder if you train to avoid being skinnyfat/fat is to start with a cut
How much can you squat Jow Forums?
Drbbin frees
What is the most important, being big or being lean?
Why the fuck are you taking rest days, pussy? You're missing out on GAINS
Yo Jow Forums, former Jow Forumsizen here...
What the FUCK can I do about sciatica? It won't go away. The pain is excruciating. It's ruining my life. Help me...
What is possibly responsible for having absolutely zero results in the gym?
Met qt Asian girl on the internet 5 years ago
Whats a decent running/jogging speed/time?
Smol brane: lifting for yourself
Gym membership or buy equipment?
The deadlift is the ultimate back exerci-
Cut or bulk Jow Forums?
When was the last time you had to lift something heaver than 200lbs outside of the gym, in real life?
Beard growth
That fattie who goes to the gym
Eric Bugenhagen
Dick is only 17cm/6.6 inches
FPH Thread - HARD coping edition
Wakanda forever
Just started lifting 2 weeks ago
Gymbrahs show up to the climbing wall
Working out with fresh tattoo
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
How do you find time for gym?
There is no gym for your cock
Start balding
Would you like to see our menu? Today's special: THICC MEAT
Don’t girls ever think they’re sexually harrassing you when they grab your biceps or slap your ass?
That skinny fat guy that does nothing but compound exercises
What is the right amount of thicc?
Ray Peat thread
Has a girl ever started a conversation with you? Waitresses trying to take your order don’t count
I've been going to the gym for 9months and i made some shit progress with bro splits...
Hey, so today is my cheat day
Monthly Cheat Meal
What kind of physique is needed to attract a tinder girl who looks like this?
Anyone tried PSMF? If so, did it work well for you?
How do i fix APT?
Stop Aging
Home Cardio
Cereal commercials
Is such chest development achievable natty?
If you're not listening to uk drill you're missing out on new PRs
When and why do you think steroid use became so normal and wide spread Jow Forums ?
Jow Forums webms thread
Your go to tinder pickup line
I'm hungover Jow Forumsshould I lift?
What the fuck do I do about wide hips?
What kind of music do you listen to while working out, Jow Forums?
Female friends
Lift for almost 3 years
Tfw took the skullpill
Hey some, come down for dinner. I've made your favourite, chikky and broc
Hi Jow Forums, Im preparing to go join the army. What exercises should i do?
How was your workout, user?
So explain to me how Strongmen arent getting bloatmaxxed by eating 12'000 calories a day
Broken fucking spirit
What would you do in this situation Jow Forums?
Reminder that if you’re not inducing introspective trips on a periodic basis then you’re never going to make it
Book thread
When will you grow up and switch to the safer, more efficient trap bar deadlift?
How do i get a girlfriend like this?
Why do women wear revaling clothing to exercise in?
Helo? Is this the gf hotline? Yes I would like a gf pls
Can you explain this?
Oneitis is now in a relationship
Is S&M the peak of lifestyle and aesthetics?
Let's see those babies
Weird things you do in the gym that you hope no one knows about
Asking a girl out
Started a new job at a restaurant and a qt 3.14 coworker has been miring me since day 1...
*rubs dusty label on whey tub*
26 YO virgin with excess skin. Advice? (90 lbs lost)
Why do dicklets like to pretend that size doesn't matter, but getting swole does...
Is this good for gains?
Watch and learn boys
Why shouldn't I be vegan?
What routine for a body like this
Don't use shampoo
Do you remember you first DOMS?
What’s Jow Forums‘s daily caloric intake?
How much does getting Jow Forums effect your chances of employment...
Have any of y'all worked out drunk before? What's that like? I still need to hit arms later tonight
Inspiration pics thread drop em boys
Is smoking really that bad?
So do you have a warrior skull or a wimp skull Jow Forums? doesn't matter how much you work out...
Why the fuck would anyone listen to this guy for anything? He looks like total shit...
Daily reminder if you aren't getting a fresh hair cut every two weeks and getting your eyebrows waxed once ever 1-2...
Bf% estimate
Jow Forums if we were mostly girls
Reminder that pic related is open about having used test, anavar, deca, tren and dbol (not all at the same time)
Jow Forums meet Thailand 2019
Im slowly beginning to understand girls only care about money
Just talk to girls bro, nothing bad can happen
Tfw you go to a gym with a higher number of homosexuals then heterosexuals
Is it true I'm a chad If I lift and right wing? Studies show conservatives are stronger than basedboy libcucks
Saturday night browsing the chan, eh? Come on, sit down, have a drink on the house. What's on your mind, user?
Is it possible to lose weight without having a massive amount of loose skin...
Stubborn lower tummy
Where do you see yourself in 10 years Jow Forums?
Tfw wide hips
This triggers the Jow Forumstard
Where is the gym thot thread?
Stopped Drinking
Get diagnosed with cancer
Boomer General /BGT/
Alright Jow Forums I am a mom of 3 and my tummy is a flabby mess. I can pinch it and it doesn't hurt...
How do people do 100 pushups a day, 100 situps, etc? Doesn't that prevent your muscles from healing properly...
/fast/ #231 - Just Stop Eating Edition
Would you rather have Kryptonian or Saiyan genetics?
Best friend started going to the gym and now it's the only thing he talks about
Who here /keto/? This shit is awesome I just had a bacon Angus burger on lettuce wrap with mayo, mustard...
/owg/ - Olympic weightlifting general
Is this the dumbest cope of all time?
Is it recommend to do both?
Interested in potentially supplementing selenium, magnesium, and zinc...
Well this is depressing
What kind of workouts should I do to build muscle mass if I'm too poor to buy weights or a gym membership?
This guy is actually fucking based and it right. Wtf...
Tfw you are the 25 y.o. boomer doing squats wearing old t-shirts and basic shorts
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
What made you decide to get Jow Forums?
Anyone else have an invented girlfriend that you tell your coworkers about but doesn't actually exist?
Is desiring to be strong just so that you can hypothetically use your strength to harm other people a good motivation...
Is this site illegal?
Skelly thread
Why does his beard look so terrible?
Wow user, you sure squat a lot
How do I reach this mode?
What's your favourite fit meme of 2018? i'm torn between boomerposting and BUUUTT ERIICCC
What does it take to become a male fitness instagram model?
The /fit blackpill, is that we all lift for women, so post your motivations. I need some before my session
I've found the secret to maximum natty test and HGH levels
What are your "home gym essentials"
Motivation thread?
Which fragrances are Jow Forums approved?
MIRE THREAD/ The ”Moggedishu” edition
Plg - powerlifting general
Alright Jow Forums, let's get serious for a sec
Is it okay to work out with your gf?
What's the upperbody equivalent of squats
One chance at life
Whats fit's go to song when they're working out?
The only nofap thread you will ever need
Jow Forums threesome advice
Me when I was cut five months ago vs my now on my holidays 20lbs heavier
All these big hulking guys in the gym with tiny calves
What country has the fittest people?
At picnic with gf, her mom and aunt
Sexual health thread
Does anybody have that picture that shows you how to "become attractive" or similar stuff?
How much do you need to lift for a qt redhead gf?
Just be more confident girl!
Left or right Jow Forums?
How do I reach this mode?
Any tips? 180 cm 70 kg
Question for Jow Forumsizens with a girlfriend:
Doing facial exercises including squinting to get that Hunter look, but I think eyebrows play a part too
Went to confess my sins
What's even the fucking point?
I've got man boobs
How many deadlifts do you do a week?
How can humanoids even compete? Absolutely MOGGED
So I'm poor, can't afford weights, and other than a chin up bar I have no equipment. Can't afford to go to the gym
Femfit Feels Thread
How do i add weight to pushups? I tried backpack but it keeps gliding off
Thought on this routine?
What’re we feasting on today Jow Forums? Remember you are what you eat!
ITT: Jow Forums women
Happy birthday, you legend
What are your thoughts on wrestling Jow Forums?
>"he wears an M"
Helped my neighbor move out 2 weeks ago
I hope you bigots read this - it's not okay to shame a bigger girl when she is with her in shape, fit husband
What are you playing/reading during Cardio?
1 year ago
Turn on guys
Anyone cave or rock climb? I need a routine that will make me lithe, give good core and upper body strength...
One of my lifting buddies turned into a full blown hippy overnight. He just posted this, what do i do? 1/2
I’m going to be living in Croatia for a month and probably won’t have access to a gym...
Does anybody else lift on less than 4 hours of sleep
When does a drink become a snack?
Chillin in a hot spring
Is the gym a good place to pick up fatties?
Nether is back
So the other night me and my gf got into an argument and she stormed out of my place. I think whatever, and go to bed...
If you can do picrelated to your gf, does this mean she should go on a diet fit?
Why do roasties drink so much?
Gym costs $25 a week
Is overtraining a myth?
Sexy gym outfit for wife
Be me
Ex gf and childhood friend made slutty tinder account just to send nudes to other guys
Jow Forums tattoo thread
Is penis size genetic? My mom has mentioned that she knows I'm huge, but I've never shown or told her...
This board should be renamed to /lift/ because no one here does any cardio
Tinder notification
Why is Jow Forums the easiest board to troll?
The most brutal mogging ever
What's the point?
How do you Jow Forumslets stay motivated? I'd really like to start working out but idk how to start
When's the last time someone messaged you first just to talk?
Is dominating femboys the ultimage alpha male behavior
So we agree he's the next Zyzz?
Trying to get foot gains
Stop using the term soiboy
Be outside in short shorts and sleeveless shirt
What are we drinking tonight Jow Forums, and what's got you feelin
You're not one of those slobs that wears sweatpants in public, right? I see fit people do this...
Just a reminder that red meat increases testosterone no matter how much vegans say it doesn't while promoting onions...
I have unlimited funds and I'm overweight
Boxing and BJJ aren't the ultimate martial arts. No martial art is better than another...
What is the ultimate blackpill of Jow Forums?
Why even do leg workouts?
Are you guys close to your fathers?
What type of sport can I take up that is most practical for fighting?
Skele shitposters - ASSEMBLE!!!!!
Jow Forums
5’10, 155lbs
Jow Forums memes
I've been working out for ~2.5 weeks now and seeing no gains. I drink milk with whey protein every fucking day as well
Semen retention
God I want to fuk her so bad
I'm 5"9" 137 lbs. My lifts are squat 142x5, bench 135x5, deadlift 165x5, OHP 70x5. I'm 11% bodyfat will I make it?
Guys I’m ready to grow a beard now and be fit
Rip. Will lift for you today king
At what stage in my body building will I look good enough for average chicks to fuck...
What are the female fitness goals?
When do i stop feeling fat? Im down 250 to 195 and i still see a fatass in the mirror
/fraud/ - steroids general
Jow Forums approved movies
Running after dark
Go to the gym
User BTFOs me in a thread
Resting between squats
Friday night
That Manlet with an air of superiority who gives the most basic of lifting advice to two behemoths *in your path*
What's it like when people finally start noticing and commenting on you losing weight and getting Jow Forums...
Why is thre such a wide gulf between what impresses normies and impresses fit?
Is 3 plate deadlift max considered weak as FUAAAAARKK ??
Who/what do you lift for, Jow Forums?
Is 3 scoops of gold standard whey too much for a post workout shake?
Enter boomer gym
People who shit at the gym
Wat do
Can you get into it Jow Forums?
What mode is this?
Boomer General /BGT/
Im trans , and id really like a big butt. I also want to lose weight
Combine lifting with nofap
How can my lovehandles be this fucking big and not shrink at all even after losing 8 pounds ?
ITT: Why we lift
Can someone dump "ideal physique" photos?
What’s it like to have a hot mom?
Whatevre happened to Jow Forums going to Thailand?
Why does this trigger Jow Forums so much?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship