Is overtraining a myth?
Actors claim they workout 2-3+ hours everyday for their gains, is this bullshit /fit?
Is overtraining a myth?
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We are not actors
When I was on college break I lifted and did martial arts everyday for probably 4-5+ hours a day, just ate and slept a lot, overtraining isn't real
They also claim to be natty.
Your body will tell you when its time to rest, i.e. you will start to feel pain without being injured
otherwise you cant really overtrain, there are people who have run a marathon every day for a complete year. If thats possible do you really think your 5 days 1 hour gym session is going to overtrain your body?
come on
Including cardio
actors roid
Yes its BS unless you are doing extreme amounts of aerobic exercise. When I was a runner I would run up to 100 miles a week often running twice per day. I always laugh when I here some gym bro concerned about overtraining when they spend an hour a day sitting on a bench looking at their phones. The only thing you have to be concerned with is overuse injuries.
If i do to much intense cardio i start having diarrhea, feeling like shit and having trouble spleeping. I don't know if it's overtraining but i take a few days off when i start feeling the symptoms and i can start training again
Yes. If you're already stressed, low energy, and get bad sleep, then overtraining is definitely something to watch out for. If not, you should be alright
Not a myth, and unironically what most people are doing because "le train big get big" meme spread by roidfags on social media
I workout 2 hours a day, but I'm also a NEET so I can afford to do it. It's okay as long as you eat and sleep enough.
>cut volume in half
>looks like shit
>cut volume in half
>make better gains
you didn't watch the video or even read the title correctly
But goes against all the studies which show more volume = more gainzz
because all the studies are done in the short term, when most people that are serious have been training for years straight, and that workload accumulates, meaning that these ridiculous volume recommendations are not sustainable for longer durations than these studies' durations.
also studies measure muscle size in non objective manners, for instance by merely doing 10x the volume you're doing, you are able to get at least 1" on your arms from the inflammation alone in like 2 weeks.
Does it mean you are actually growing? No, you are just inflammed to the max.
In reality even doing 1-2 sets to or close to failure a week for a muscle group(as long as muscle activation is decently high like it is on isolation exercises) is more than enough to SLOWLY gain muscle in people that aren't in their genetic limit, you're telling me that doing 20 fucking sets per muscle group a week is gonna give you more noticeable gains?
No, at best it will give you gains FASTER, for a SHORT duration, aka a few months at most, but then you WILL stall, hard.
Overtraining is largely a myth. CNS fatigue is real but you need to really do some retarded shit like compounds to failure for low reps multiple times a day.
But there is minimal benefit to be had from multiple sessions a day.
Returns from time invested really drop off a cliff after getting a 45 minute workout in each week.
> ultrasounds are just measuring inflammation in the muscle
What is this broscience
Actors are on roids
They are juicing, retard.
Actors are all on steroids so everything they say about their fitness is bullshit.
I work out two hours every other day, though. Is that overtraining?
>yfw eddie halls cns took 12 days to recover after the 500kg deadlift
when you say 45 min, i hope you mean 45 min of being active and not including resting
He had a brain bleed and couldnt even recognise his wife and kids after, thats not exactly normal bro.
I watched that shitty video and it looks like this moron was going heavy with a high RPE all the time which was fucking up his tendons. If you want to do high volume you need to do more light weights high rep stuff and not go to 9 RPE every time. Also no shit he did high volume and when he stopped he got stronger. Its almost like he was overreaching and that what happens when you taper off.
if you are going with moderate intensity and doing like 1.5 hours of cardio with 1.5 hours of lifting that's totally doable with an actor's lifestyle. I was doing that working a demanding physical labor job for like a year straight so easy peasy for richie rich sleep all day actor man