Gym costs $25 a week

>gym costs $25 a week
>$100 a month
>$1200 a year

How is this fair?

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>powerlifting gym
>$75 an hr for coaching

>24/7 open gym costs 20 bucks a month
>has literally everything I need
>sauna, beverages and solarium are included in the price
>PT costs 40 bucks per hour
Comfy desu

is this a real post? that sounds so good

It is, I always laugh at my brother for spending 90$ per month for his gym membership when I have mine that is a quarter as expensive as his and literally a few blocks away from my workplace

Why the fuck would you do that ?

home gym costs under 1k m8

>24/7 open
>12 dollars a month
>all equipment anyone can need

>going to planet fitness

you can literally buy everything for 1200 bucks and use it forever or even buiild youir own gym

LMFAO you guys are fucking dumb

>tfw my gym is just 140 euros a YEAR
feels good being a greek for once

I'm in a fucking apartment

haul that shit upstairs and start deadlifting on the wooden floor

rent a garage. split costs with your lifting buddies

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You don't need a living room.

>decide to start going to the gym
>get a rough idea of how much I can expect to pay
>go to the closest one to where I live
>cost is either a one-off payment of $680 +$100 sign-up fee +$80 keycard fee, or a weekly subscription of $14.95 + fees
>that's a little higher than I wanted but as far as I could tell its about what I was expecting to pay
>after a year I can't afford to renew, move to other gym I've heard about a few streets over
>$155 for 1.5 years, no sign up fee, no keycard fee, 24 hours
>gym is about 4 times bigger and has 4 times more equipment, has a pool, a health food snackbar, precooked meals, coffee, it's own supplement store
>bought 3 years worth of membership for $310
>been going there for a year and a half, still have membership until Feb 2020
It pays to check out all your options lads

yeah, but then I have to work out alone like a fucking loser.

If at least 5 people aren't going to witness my pump, I ain't goin


I pay £20 a month

Fatties complain about gym membership costs at $75-$100 a month (top tier quality gym with sauna, Olympic pools, etc).
Proceed to drink daily $5 Starbucks drink.

>not having a home gym

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>i have to pay just 140 a year
>"y DoNt U HaVe A HoMe GYm????"

Home gyms are best, i lift in my undies. Stay poor my dude.

Start a YouTube series or something you vain fuck.

Literally same. €25 a month I get gym, sauna, solarium and squash courts. Even includes free classes if I wanted to.

God sometimes I hate how small my city is but I bet bigger cities never get gyms this cheap and comfy.