What’re we feasting on today Jow Forums? Remember you are what you eat!
What’re we feasting on today Jow Forums? Remember you are what you eat!
>combining fruit with meat and dairy
Your colon health must be all kinds of fucked up.
>taking that much bbc
I wouldn’t be talking about anyone else’s rectal health, user
>that babby sized meal
are you a 90lbs girl?
Not everyone is bloatmaxxing, dude.
Looks delicious user
>projecting your obsession with fetish porn
Kids these days.
>it’s not one of 5 meals in a day
that carbmaster stuff is really good. i think they can't legally call it yogurt.
Thanks user, I hope you have a good day
I gorged on a bunch of protein bars and I immediately regret it. S o y always makes me feel nauseous and gives me stomach pain
It’s super cheap too! I was astounded it’s like 40 cents so 10 for $4. Felt like a robbery
i would ask you faggots to post body but no one ever delivers. You both are fucking twig dyels eating 2 eggs and 3 strawberries for breakfast
What’s up limey
I literally do this to maximize strength:weight ratio for a sport...
I mean I’m not mr Olympia but I’m not tiny or anything
cookies, crisps and toast with cream cheese.
fite me
>*covers fat roll on gut*
>"s-stay s-shredded"
>roll on gut
How about you roll on home buddy
>15% body fat
>stay shredded
it's because of fags like you normies think that 20% bf is "lean enough to bulk"
>All of those carbs
post body, skelly
So which one is it? Giant bloatmaxx portions or being shredded?
> sugar sugar and more sugar
Idk how people eat that many carbs. I had a piece or two of pizza at a work function yesterday and i physically felt worse the rest of the day because of it. Idk how people eat that much of the stuff
rate my protein hearts
if you want to stay small, eat girl portions
if you want to get big, eat big boy portions
if you want to get big and shredded, you have to embrace the bloat because it's the party of the journey
if you're lean, call others fat
if you're fat, call others dyel and weak
lifting for aesthetics is retarded
lifting for strength is retarded
that's all you need to know
Protein waffle mix or something? Looks good but a little high on the carbs
>Lifting for strength is retarded
>lifting for aesthetics is retarded
Kill yourself. Both of those statements can’t be true unless you’re lifting for anime or hitler or some retarded shit like that
>intermittent fasting
>tfw eating two pizzas for breakast at 4pm after hitting a deadlift PR of 180kg
im eating an egg mcmuffin and drinking a black coffee. a good post gym meal
Actually not that bad. McDonald’s has some good black coffee
RIP your asshole
>replying to obvious joke
>getting mad
how's your first day on the internet?
yup but not that high on carbs tho
>60g protons
I'll have a brotein shake with psyllium husks afterwards
My shits are smooth as fuark and I would highly reccomend that natty supplement afterwards
egg mcmuffin is the only thing from mcdonalds ill get. its so good and not all that terrible for you.
Damn son good on you. That’s a lot of protoons
I ate half a side of stockfish today, so I reckon that's about 1000 kcal and some 240 grams of protein.
Thinking I'll have some pasta with sardines later today if I'm feeling hungry.
Norway? Don't see how that matters, it's not like the calories here are any bigger or smaller than elsewhere.
I was curious is all
What's the best cutting meal
Fuck off
learn how to cook scrambled eggs son, those look like dog shit
those eggs are overcooked. Where is the pepper?
>sweet potato
>half avacado
>4.5 pieces of bacon
>4 eggs
>Mixing meat with diary and coffee
>Fried shit
Ya bro, if you actually train, you need carbs. /fit is not a keto board kys
Eat brocolli and beans, you bloatmax faggot
Why dont you eat broccli and beans and tell me how that works out for you? Bloatmax lol, if youre qctually active, this breakfast is neccessary. You keep giving yourself away as a dyel and you dont even know it, hillarious.
how many proteins are in that plate?
A pound of navy beans
Half a tub of salsa
2 scoops of mayonnaise
One meal a day
Take the bloat pill user
Hi from Miami 4 burger patties 85 /15
3lbs churrasco
Just brekky
where is the fire
Low and slow papito
Nana can see whats possessing her grandaughter
A desperate attempt to reach my protein goal for the day. Also, is cottage acceptable when I eat my daily onion?