Thought on this routine?

Thought on this routine?
Inspired by Texas Method, but need to try and keep volume low as I will be starting BJJ again or trying wrestling for the first time, and will be doing those activities 3 x a week besides lifting.
Also wanted a little hypertrophy work.

Attached: Intermediate_Routine_WIP.png (397x348, 11K)

Whoops, I fucked up, forgot to erase rows from the wednesday workout I think. Can't think of anything to replace it though, any recommendations?

you only work out 3 days a week?

Not op, but should novices work out more than that?

A full body program with 3 days a week is recommended for beginners and can be done by intermediates, especially is they are seeming strength gains.
It's about not having too much volume, so you dont fatigue and ruin future workouts.

Get the fuck out of here you dyel shits.

Yes. Work out every day. Do you think these skinny hollywood actors work out 3 days a week when they need to bulk up for a role? No

Workout every single day.

Rest days are fucking memes.

Not sure if trolling or legit retards.
Hollywood actors are roiding, its the only way you can workout everyday and still recover.
And if you workout every Day as a natural you are either doing too low volume / intensity to be actually doing shit or youre not recovering and will plateau very fast.
Fatigue management becomes increasingly important as you get further in your lifting career, and you will need rest days and deload weeks to recover.

it works, but you have to actually work out hard no pussy stuff each time and just cycle between upper lower body basically

Or u could do like all these duel anons here and just lift like shit withc shit quality bro splits not even going hard every single day lmao

satan trips confirm

Looks good for a base, now add like 3-4 accessory exercises at the end of each of those for some extra volume and it will be good.

>that routine
no wonder you fags are dyel

>shit quality bro split
>not even going hard every single day
you call ONE fucking set per week "going hard"?

The intent is to work Hard and the 1 x 5 sets are for reaching a New 5RM, which can hopefully be done weekly. I tried to make it less volume and more focused on intensity since I will be grappling on non lifting days, which would hinder recovery from high volume workouts.
And I agree on shit brosplits where you only train a muscle group one time a week, its dog shit.

I'm conflicted about adding too much volume, because I'm gonna do BJJ or wrestling 3x a week also, and have had some really sore elbows if I grapple after having benched a lot, so I'm hesitant to add more sets.

There is a dedicated attempt at a New 5RM each workout on a compound lift, and on other days a 3x5 light volume workout. I coupled it with a bit of accessory work, just for small hypertrophy and balances.
Keep in mind I will be doing sports on non lifting days, which is why I dont want to have too much volume, like 5x5 sets om compounds for example.

I still don't think that's enough volume. Back when I was really competitive in bjj I had way more volume than that and did fine. If you're rolling on non-lifting days you should go for more volume.

Add in some more arm stuff and core stuff. Try some bodyweight stuff too.

What would you change about the routine then?
And Pull ups and dips are the only real body weight stuff I enjoy, but will add crunches for core thats a good idea.

abs are made in the kitchen brah

none of this shit is enough volume for anything

Have you seen the Texas Method?
You can do lower volume, but high er intensity if you want strength gains just fine.

god you are stupid

keep working out 3 times a week, a guy who works out 6 days a week will literally double your progress through sheer volume

you need to recover don't you?

core muscles are strengthened in the gym turd. grappling isn't a fuccboi photo filter contest.

3-4 accessories after the compounds. Maybe one day do some db lat raises, db hammer curls and some general arm stuff. Another day do a whole bunch of core stuff: bicycles, planches. The last day add some more back stuff like cable rows, lat pull downs, kb swing/get up.

Plyometrics on your non lifting days. Maybe some HIIT or barbell circuit with lower weights once a week somewhere.

So whats your routine?

>higher intensity
his goal is sports oriented, he doesn't need to go rich panini every lifting session. drop the intensity and pop up the volume, keep the lifting days to 3-4 days a week

I will be grappling on non lifting days, so dont think plyometrics is required.
I might toy around with more exercises, but will probably try this out and if I can handle it will add more accessory. Probably more arms and chest work with some crunches.

>lift 3 days a week and grapple 3 days a week
>lift 6 days a week
Seems about the same desu
You seem like one of those dyel newfags who think "more work is better, more exercises is Best", instead of quality compound work with 3 - 4 accessory exercises done with good form.
You can't do heavy reps with high volume, because if you can, then its not heavy enough.

Hey, I'm OP and the Guy you replied to.
I was of the thought that higher intensity would be better for strength and sport, since you get strength gains while not hampering whatever sport youre doing.
Thats why i thought the Texas Method style 1 x 5 set on compounds once a week would be appropriate, but space out the compounds to their own Day. And have a 3x5 set 2 days before the 1x5 to give the muscle some volume, but not make it too fatigued for the 1x5 set next workout

I dunno man. I can’t even do 6 days a week because I play rugby and have training for that.

I lift 2-3 days a week and have a 140kg x 5 Bench and 230kg x 5 Deadlift at 90kg bodyweight and I am only 171cm Manlet.

Actually, you can hit a high amount of volume doing 3x a week. Say you do squat for strength on the first day, then maybe pause squats on the second day, and why not high volume front squats on the last day. Now you're blasting your legs 3x a week with both strength and volume whereas if you workout 6 days a week you'd only hit them twice a week realistically. And this all goes for any movement too

OP here
What is your lifting routine senpai? Seems like youre in a simialr situation as me, but youre way stronger, but shorter.

Row or Power Clean

Deadlift or Power Clean

wrestling is better then bjj bjj is something even an old man could do wrestling requires much more

No arms or other hypertrophy work? No offense, but are you aesthetic as well? I'm a former curlbro and would like to keep my arm gains while I try and get strong, but know that I can't do too much.

I tweaked it and added a little more volume as you guys said. What are your thought?
I also think of alternating bench / OHP from week to week and maybe alternate squat / deadlift from week to week.

Attached: Intermediate_Routine_WIP2.png (541x403, 16K)

Not aesthetic, at all. Isolations dont help with rugby so I don’t bother.

I use the gym for strength carry over to rugby.

I only replied to that guy because he said you wont get strong only lifting 3 days a week

So on his logic if I lifted more than 2-3 days a week I would be able to bench far more than 140kg x 5? Some how I don’t think so, but whatever

I just have to be a meat shield for rugby.

The problem with aesthetics goals is that a lot of you need specific compounds like Tren, Anavar, Winstrol to actually obtain that aesthetic you’re most likely gunning for. You won’t get that crisp, shrink wrapped, dense aesthetic appearance without those compounds

Attached: DA1ECC38-FD02-48C6-9324-A60C14354607.jpg (1080x720, 146K)

You're a big lad. I will lift like this for 2 - 3 months and see if I can get strength gains.
I agree that aesthetics is a question of bf%, but you can be aesthetic while natty, as long as you dont think you will look like an instagram model.

Oh, and I forgot to ask, when do you increase weight? When you feel like it, or is it structured?

I know people in person who told me they started steroids because of how disappointed they were when they cut down to a low bodyfat because of how depleted, soft and weak they looked.

They don’t experience that with steroids, well at least their version of being flat on steroids is like a natties being pumped

Thats true. Luckily My expectations Arent like that anymore and I just want a fatter stomach while getting stronger so I can ragdoll faggots in BJJ and wrestling.

Flatter stomach, dont want to become fatter lmao

I only work on 1-2 lifts at a time for overloading, with a 3rd little focus.

I just maintain my Press, Bench, Row, Chin and Dip right now.

Overloading Squat>Power Clean>Deadlift right now.

It’s easy to maintain lifts once you get comfortable at a weight you do all the time.

I will sometimes do AMRAP on final sets of the lifts I am maintaining. Got 140kg for 9 on Bench last Friday. Lifting in a power rack with safety rails makes it incredibly safe and easy to do that. I generally do 5x5 though on all except deadlifts and power cleans.

Okay, thanks for the advice rugbybro. I Hope I will gains strength soon and get to 100 kg bench for 5 reps.

No worries just remember to drink a lot of water and eat a decent amount of food (food with little or no fiber) 2 hours or so before you lift. It makes gaining strength a lot easier.

Not a bad idea actually. Will start only eating pasta before working out instead of at dinner. Might help me lose some fat as well.