How many deadlifts do you do a week?
How many deadlifts do you do a week?
0 because I want a functioning back when I am 40.
0 cause i do cleans
its a meme exercise and there are better ways to work your back.
5-6 days a week if you include deficit, snatch grip, snatch grip from a deficit, clean pulls, block pulls, etc
4x8 @ 80kgs (bodyweight)
0. would like to but i've got a fucked up back.
0 because its a meme exercise for aesthethics
once every 1-2 weeks
there are better exercises
Once a week because my cns is too weak to do it more often
0 I'm too scared of hurting my back hehehahaha
0 my pt said its bad for your back hehe
do jefferson squats count?
0 because I'm the average poster on Jow Forums offering advice
deadlifts are a fucking useless egolift. do literally any other back exercise.
1x a week frequency. in a 4 week cycle, typically
>10 sets week 1
>11 sets week 2
>6 sets week 3
>1rm week 4
>all the people not dling
holy shit youre retarded
Abs and having low body fat is the way
lift for more than 2 years and post again
2x a week, I'm planning to start Dl'ing a lot more in the 8x rep range.
Ive been lifting longer than, Im stronger than you and more educated than you. kys retard
>>and more educated than you
>yet he still deadlifts
apparently not...
What does that have to do with deadlifts?
he's probably some fatass that only cares about abs
Tips for deadlifting properly? I realized recently I've been doing it wrong, it's closer to a squat from the ground than a Deadlift. Compared to videos, my leg extension is much longer and back rotation is smaller angle, and my knees go further past the bar than most. I've tried doing it properly but it almost feels wrong how much the back is bent over
Right now I'm pulling from the floor for 8-10 working sets a week. Everything feels great.
Bar half way over foot, hip higher than knees, eyes over bar.
Close, shoulders over bar is proper.
learn to hip hinge and brace properly. set up with your hips higher so you have tension in your hamstrings. shins should be vertical. stop doing leg extensions
At least 20 sets varying from 5-3 reps because i actually like compound exercises
Lots of retards here who think one of the most natural human movements when performed correctly is detrimental to your health. SAD!
Does not even know how a deadlift is done
I doubt that. Deadlifting is redundant, there are better exercises that give better results and have less chance to kill your back. Dont cry when you are 40 with a shot back, edgy twink.
It actually explains alot of the dyel tier posts im catching on this board
t. DYEL retard who deadlifts with shit form
Natural movements dont include hundreds of pounds/kilos on top of your own. Brainlets, I swear.
None. Never even done one rep. It’s a stupid lift
If you are letting your back doing the work then you are not doing it properly.
post body, i need a good laugh
there is LITERALLY no risk unless youre a gde retard
ironic coming from someone who cant even lift 5pl8 off the ground
You're literally fucking retarded if you think you'll ever be pulling anywhere near enough weight to the point where it can actually be detrimental.
Post some good deadlift alternatives plz love u guys
around 70 reps per week.
Deadlifting more.
Jesus FUCKING Christ, does ANYONE on Jow Forums lift???
Several warmup sets and then 1 heavy working set of 5.
>samefagging this hard
pic related
there are none you stupid dyel
Cross fitting
Pic related
a bullet to the fucking head
if youre not a powerlifter you can reasonably substitute a block pull from a couple of inches off the floor tho to be honest
Any hip hinge.
Anyone who claims deadlifting is necessary ITT post a body pic in so I can laugh my ass off
uuhhhhh, no sweaty
Cleans are lifting, they are deadlifts into front squats.
You first twink
t. thinks his 150lb soaking wet frame is impressive because he's 10% bf but can't even squat his own bodyweight and looks like a starving child in clothes
Because i'm an an Attention Seeking Teenager at the gym.
Slamming the weights down on purpose for the sake of getting attention.
Simply because you are still dyel mode.
lol Natty fucks.
>he thinks because he injects exogenous hormones to cope with his insecurities that he's better than others
Just lol
Alright post up kids
like two or three my dude
If youre slamming your deadlifts then youre going too heavy, its important to control the weight all the way through or else youll end up in snap city
I take it thats why so many posters itt dont do it becauae they dont know how to have good form and they think slamming the weight is ok
>being so low test you need to shoot it up
i'd say never have kids but it's not like you will anyway
I've seen your shit posted before, you're literally 150lbs and are just abusing lightning and angles.
I compliment your biceps and your chest is decent, now lets see that back
how long have you been lifting bud?
>no legs
>no lats
>no back
>posing to fake v-taper
>if you cover the tricep literally a twink
Glute ham raise
Kettlebell swings
hip thrust
Romanian DL with lighter weight
Single-leg Romanian DL (dumbbell)
Deadlifts aren't mandatory (no exercise is), but they're good for you when done correctly, and they are a good test of your posterior chain. So why not do them? Do them once/twice a week and use the above exercises to work on any weaknesses you feel.
I'll post a higher resolution when i get home
About 4 years, but the first two I kinda wasted spinning my wheels after cutting down from being a fat kid and stuck at 145lbs ~5% bodyfat and was afraid of gaining weight
>afraid of gaining weight
I see nothing has changed
lmao thats pathetic. you look 15
Usually do 3x5 two times a week, so 30 DLs a week
Calm down kids, no reason to be mad at someone because they look better than you
Not him, but post body you faggots
And besides I'm eating 3100cals daily and have been doing so for months only to stall at 161-162lbs. Don't feel like pigging out more than I already am
I definitely see you doing lots of other trap and upper back exercises and that part looks solid but your lower back is disproportionate to the rest of you
I take it rows is probably one of your favorite exercises
Wow you're like a magician. Yeah lots of rows which leaves my lower back lagging a bit, trying to focus more on it lately
Currently 231 @6'2"
Continuing to eat at a surplus until November where I'll be somewhere around 240 then cutting to 205-215
I hate people that slam weights. Like what's the point? You're exploding up, not holding the weight, then just throwing it back down. So much wasted motion. Dude the other day doing rows this way pissed me off
found the dyel
full diddly once a week and deficit/blocks etc once a week too
Once a week. Deadlift for 5 sets then move on to doing pulldowns/rows for my back
None because I’m not a fucking retard
>I have been lifting for 3 months
slow eccentric phase during certain exercises, like deadlifts or rows off the floor, is just bad form and an easy way to snap your shit
>I'm just gonna carefully put down the barbell after my 1RM clean and jerk attempt without making a sound
just switch to Planet Fitness already
Which part of your physique is due to deadlifts, which part of it couldnt be substituted for other hip hinging exercises?
>None because I am a fucking retard
My gigantic spinal erectors, glutes and hamstrings. About the only thing that would give similar development are good mornings, SLDLs and RDLs. So basically the same movements.
Im not an insecure fag whose trying to roast your appearance like a lot of these kiddies, i think you look pretty good overall, i still think youll find deadlifts will blast your lower back and help even you out, along with other compound exercises like low bar squat
1rm weight slamming is forgivable, you should still demonstrate some control on the descent and if you cant youre lifting out of your class, no shame in going down in weight to have better form
74 this week, 32 being sumo. Th...thanks Boris.
like 70 or something generally
>running sheiko in the year 2018
Worst meme
>jefferson anything
>dyel, the post
Her nipples hard
>I have a sub 400 wilks but shieko will get me there!
>dyel, revenge of the angry twink
Projection, I bet you can't even pull 250jg
Well i have added a plate to all my compound exercises in 4 weeks so thats pretty good
Give it time ill get there bro, meanwhile you stay on that SS
Three, one set of five every session
Nigga I've ran sheiko 3 times and it's shit.