>one chance at life
>crooked yellow teeth
>can't afford braces/invisiligners
>can't afford whitening
One chance at life
Join the service, fix teeth
>front teeth are rabbit like
>get braces
>doctor is shit and she fucks up my lower jaw
>I had to remove teeth and wear braces again
>tfw at Uni
The fact that I have dick sucking lips and small teeth doesn't help. I literally cannot smile, because only the lower row is visible, and it makes me look like a pedo. I can only do the closed mouth, melancholic smirk...
First off, whitening strips are like $20... Are you retarded.
Secondly, look into "oil pulling". Basically just swish a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 15-20 mins in the morning (I do it while cooking breakfast). It is supposed to be better for you than flossing. I have noticed less plaque build up since starting and my teeth are pretty damn white.
Just make more money lmao
You can find local dentists that do cleaning specials occasionally. Cheapest whitening I got was 49.99 plus tax.
if only you knew how bad things really were
Teeth cooked but my breath fresh just like the evergreens
Brush your teeth if you don't want them to be yellow
Smoker confirmed
never smoked in my life. think its fucking disgusting
Does hydrogen peroxide work?
Wtf causes our teeth to be so fucked. Like this isn't a normal occurring thing among animals or indigenous people. Is it grains?
Mouth breathing and shitty soft diet while growing up.
Sucking plastic as a kid, chewing gum
Grains and refined sugar are the main cause of cavities. The yellowing is from coffee, tea, and wine. A weakening of enamel leading to more cavities is caused by high acidic food, like orange juice or carbonated water. None of this is common in tribal societies.
Move to a first world country or hop on Starting Money.
Can you afford 80 bucks a month? If so, you can afford smile direct club (knockoff invisalign).
that's some narrow as shit palate bro, jesus christ
get braces and palate expansion asap
I drink one small cup of black coffee plus an even smaller cup of black tea per day but I've noticed my teeth are much yellower than they were before
Is coffee and tea the cause of that? If so I'll stop right fucking now idgaf
I drink like a pot a day and have white as fuck teeth. I take my coffee black though. Cream and sugar is a bigger culprit imo. Also think genetics play a big role too in one's whiteness.
If only you knew how bad things really were
Yeah I asked my dentist and he said coffee and tea doesn't do shit to your teeth but then again he probably wants me to keep coming back so he can make money off of me lmao
jesus what can you even do to fix that? just pull out all the teeth and slap in dentures?
Are there any effective home whitening solutions lads? Also, does those ali teeth whitening packages work?
I've considered buying them, but always been afraid of acquiring mouth cancer instead. Also i fear the results might be non-uniform.
oh no no no
Pacifier is one of the big causes; nasal allergies and sinuses infection causing people to mouth breathe is one other, genetics might also play a role.
I know this feel, my canines are all F. At least my front teeth are kinda straight for now.
jfc what happened????
Baking soda
I loved chewing on plastic shit as a kid, is this why some of my teeth are pretty crooked?
Just swish some water around your mouth afterwards
An overbite is thought to be caused by using utensils to eat and by eating softened foods. Your teeth naturally grow over or under, but a hard life of eating tough foods naturally grinds them down until you have relatively even-looking teeth and proper jaw-alignment. You can actually use this in helping to tell whether a skeleton you've found is ancient or modern, at least in areas where modern methods of eating have been strongly adopted.
this is disgusting, no amount of muscles will fix this, it's over
My DSL are the real problem.
>The fact that I have dick sucking lips and small teeth doesn't help. I literally cannot smile, because only the lower row is visible, and it makes me look like a pedo. I can only do the closed mouth, melancholic smirk...
Get over yourself now, man up, and smile like a fucking pedo or your soul will be dead within 5 years. I'm serious
Yes it is, tooth decay and ensuing infection was a major cause of death in the past and is still a big problem in shittier parts of the world.
Genetic defect. Have a meeting with the head of reconstructive dentistry at an Ivy school in August. Most likely implants an either bridges or implant retained dentures.
Sucks because every girl I know says I'm good looking apart from this
I only drink carbonated water and my teeth are in perfect condition.
Those actually look kind of badass and intimidating
>>can't afford whitening
BRUSH TEETH AFTER DRINKING COFFEE AND AFTER EACH MEAL and be fucking thurough when brushing
jesus fucking christ, hurr durr only people who can afford theeth whitening have white teeth
ITT we blame minor flaws on bodies for our life failures caused by being uniteresting self absorbed autists
Is it too late for me to get braces as a 28 year old boomer?
was told when i was 12 that orthodontics would be "overkill" so was advised not to get them
now in my 20s, my bad bite has turned into a mid-line shift forcing my chin into crooked position when i bite down.
i can get this fixed but it would require jaw surgery.
should i do it brehs?
i need the harsh truth of Jow Forums because my irl people just say 'your teeth are fine'
TOP PHOTO IS MY CURRENT BITE AND RESULTING CROOKED CHIN -crookedness sometimes looks more obvious
Seriously faggot have you ever heard a cunt saying 'He's pretty muscular,he has interesting hobbies and talks to me in a sweet way BUT I could never be with a person who's tooth is in a wrong angle'
everyone in family has perfectly straight teeth and jaws- the current crookedness is a result of badly shunting front teeth while playing as a kid
Nigger no one cares if your teeth are in the wrong angle. you must be the most autistic faggot in this thread.
when i think about it objectively, this is how i feel
but the reality is daily nagging insecurity, very slight slurred speech, mild discomfort and insecurity about ever smiling in photos. yeah sounds gay but i can't get over it desu.
I'm sorry mate but I feel like it's a minor shit that can stop you from being better person.
Had similar thing, never approached girls because I always could find something wrong with me, finally got over it,slowly built confidence and now nobody could tell how autistic I am
Make peace with things you can't change
i just want straight teeth
I remember you from an old thread. You're the no enamel guy. How's things
A slight top overbite/crossbite is normal and good, your bottom photo is not good
No one notices the crookedness
Good. Just got back from my push day. August 6th I meet with a doctor that has more letters after his name than anyone I've ever seen. He's excited to see what he can do, so that's cool. I may end up in a dental journal
Stop obsessing about teeth you fucking mongloids men shouldn't ever show their teeth anyway
Thats a natural tooth color you cum guzzling faggot. Stop buying that hollywood white teeth bs its just meant to sell you shit that will ruin your teeth down the line
Check em
This. For fuck’s sake your teeth aren’t even that yellow. Everyone and their brother just has piercing white teeth nowadays bc of whitening tooth paste.
>mfw I still sucked on my pacifier till I was 6, had regular tonsillitis, nasal allergies and sinuses infections
Thankfully my facial structure actully turned out fine because I had my tonsils removed early on and used braces and even with allergies and sinuses infections I never mouthbreathed too much.
Those shitty people don't eat like the indigenous people he was referring to, most people in the world have adopted a "modern" diet.
Never too old. I got braces last year at 27. 28 now and still have them on, but I'm feeling much better with straight teeth.
So does this shit actually work or is it snake oil facebook meme science? I have a jar of coconut oil and my teeth seriously look like OP’s pic. I get that it won’t fix the crookedness, but does it actually fix the yellowness and the plaque buildup?