Skelly thread

Skelly thread.
Post your weight and what you’re doing to hide those ribs.
>160lbs, 6’
>min 3200 calories a day with shakes to get me there

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feels good because I can already see an improvement in chest and bicep
feels bad because I eat so much that I am bulking my belly and it gets quite big once I stop flexing

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hopefully I will look like a normal person for the next summer

also 5'8.5 and 140lbs

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nothing wrong with a belly if you are lifting a lot

I mean it literally sticks out like if I was some old man

5'9 130lbs

Well, maybe you are getting old lol. Fast approaching boomer status? the rest of you will grow to catch up. Keep those squats going

don't be shy, post what gains you do have. We're all non-judgmental here. Some of us were just born to be ectos

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tfw 5'9" 135
tfw can see ribs from side AND front

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The ribs will disappear. Keep those shakes going. Oats, banana, whole milk, couple eggs, scoop or two of whey protein, tablespoon of nut butter and coconut oil. easy 1000 calories right there. If you have two a day ( I wouldn't because having one a day is pretty gross on it's own and hard for the liver), you won't see them soon. Oh I put creatine in my shake too. I probably shouldn't do that. Really just dumping on my liver with this thing.

literally 18 lmao

yeah I'm doing squats, probably will start doing deadlifts soon

thank god I have a guiness record holder, and a world champion in bench press, an european champion in powerlifting and 18 times in a row polish powerlifting champion at the gym to help me out
a funny old man but very wise

6'2 150
reading SS right now, but i'm too pussy to join a gym and i have to figure something out for diet because my house is a shithole and the kitchen is virtually unusable, which is why i eat fast food almost exclusively. wish me luck boys

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oh wow that is a fuckin seasoned lifter right there. Make you sure you work fucking hard, show him what a human can do with the gift of life. Don't quit when you start seeing progress (if you do this you'll do something I've never been able to do)

will post nogains later senpai so you can tell me which groups I need to work harder

Just take all your roomates shit and dump it in a bin on the floor when you need to cook. If those are the only dishes then go buy your own cheap ones and keep them in your room.

As for not joining a gym, is it a money thing? Location? You can't do SS at home

If you're like me then I only have one answer: everything. Just do 5x5 beginner programs. They work.

No offense maybe I'll post in the cbt then
>Taking advice from people smaller than arnold

those roomates are my parents. i'm probably gonna buy some pans and a mini fridge or something to keep my food in. i haven't joined a gym yet because i'm afraid of people, but i'll work up to it at some point. i'll try to go in the middle of the night if i can

yeah that's what I would do too.
24 hours gyms are what got me into it.

sure thing user, I won't quit and I will show mr. Jan Łuka and the entire world what I am made of

Remember that what works for someone like that might not work for you. Like sometimes you might feel the need to do some endurance or mobility exercises, or do some sets of 12-15 reps to get that burn in. Someone like a powerlifter might tell you "no no just lift really big and in smaller sets" but they are a different body type.

go to a dirty gym with just metal, the guys there are bro tier

if you go to a nice clean cardio gym club with spas there's going to be women there and the guys will be douchey

im 5'9 and was 120 lbs last time i checked
how are you guys planning to gain weight?

this is true. For a lot of us though, there is really only one option of gym.

not with those lovehandles

Mine happens to be in the "sodasopa" of my city, and man, VERY busy and VERY douchey. Have to go in morning or late at night.

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I'm 6'5, what weight is considered the start of skelly?

yeah my legs are the real skelly part. My stomach has some fat on it. I'm not worried about it, as the rest of my body grows the gut will look more natural...I hope

Well, I'd say anything under 180 is definitely skelly for a 6', but since this is America and people are used to fatty bodies, they will still say that's skelly. For you? Probably something like 190-200.

I think the guy on stronglifts says until you can squat 2.5x your body weight, you're still skinny (lol wtf I can do like 1 plate..)

force yourself to eat more at every sitting
eat meals consistently instead of when you feel hungry
eat calorie dense "unhealthy" food
4 meals a day, especially before bed
carry around granola bars
sneak mcchickens into your diet
find a breakfast that's hearty af

basically just make food available to you at all times and make sure it's food that you want to eat
broccoli doesn't do you any good if you refuse to eat it


Don't worry about getting a belly now. Worry about catching all those gains while you're young

6'3, about 185lbs. Eating is a struggle bros

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>To lustro


>last month
>166lbs, finally some gains

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How is it not?

Flabby. You need to work harder.

It's a bulk m8, I'm not arsed about gaining fat

>eat calorie dense "unhealthy" food
5'10 129lbs here. That shit just makes me skinnyfat. especially carbs, i:m assuming

uhhh eat maybe??? fucking retard

tips on high calorie foods that are easy to eat?

6’5” 165

Just started creatine

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5'10" 140 lbs
Why do I look so weird?

Shit,forgot pic

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is my body fucked, I feel that my body is crooked in some way but doctors never mentioned anything about it during a checkup.

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is that skelly?

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This is a very cute post!

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5'8.5 and 140lbs

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>eating is a struggle
Sure doesn't look that way

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Holy shit you actually look wierd af

and am I out of auschwitz mode yet

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are you me?

63kg(138lbs) when starting out
75kg(165lbs) currently
goal weight at 80kg

Could be that I just discovered this in my self that I am seeing this looks like you have scoliosis. Your spine looks like it's rotated to the right, causing your right shoulder and chest to stick out further than your left side.

I went to a chiropractor for this about 1 month ago and I'm currently doing a training program to stretch and improve strength in my back. I go see him once a week to get an adjustment too. Got a rib that overcompensates becasue of my shifted spine, feels fucking great as he snaps it into place.

Not sure this applies to your local chiropractors but I went there for a consultation which cost me nothing. I'd do that if I were you, might save you some trouble down the road. The increased mobility can also help your deads and squats, I noticed a huge difference anyhow. Good luck user

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what's your height and weight?

awww fuck, alright thank user ill get it checked soon

nps, dont sweat it tho. You are not as crooked as I am and I havnt suffered noticably from it yet except fit tells me I look like an alien.

6’0”, 183lbs
>post what you’re doing to hide those ribs
Well I guess other than starting lifting 6 weeks ago, I’ve switched to a macro-counting diet
>Cottage cheese/eggs/almond butter/oatmeal for breakfast every day
>calorie dense meat and whole milk
>building up compound lifts
I’m going to put a heavy focus on chest and arms the next 2-5 weeks. So far I feel pretty good

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Drink your calories in shakes or go full GOMAD. I’m 5’10 and I Went from 145 to 160. I still feel skelly tho

Forgot to add pic. Kek

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like this user saidshakes are the easiest way to get a lot of calories
>145 to 160 in 3months
>vast majority was muscle build

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Go out of your way and ask. I had kyphosis and I’ve never been told by any doctor. I only figured it out because of photographs and friends telling me to stand the fuck up.

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Atleast the lighting ain't too bad.

Haven't weighed myself in a while, but I'd say I'm around 70kg, 190cm.

Work on your lats a little more and you'll escape Auschwitz mode. We're all gonna make it.

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Am I bulking too fast? I went from 143 lbs to 176 lbs since March. I have made considerable strength gains since then, but I read about people only gaining like 10 lbs in the same amount of time. What do?

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If you feel like you're starting to get a bit of a flabby belly, then it's definitely time to cut down.

I mean I do have a little belly now, but I wouldn't call it flabby. I don't care about aesthetics only strength and I'm scared that if I start to cut, I'll lose strength.

Hahahahah. Is this what you really believe? Men peak at 15.