How to lift to forget. I was browsing /b/ and saw some shit.
Is this site illegal?
>saw some shit.
we all have been there lmao stop overthinking it fag
>I was browsing /b/ and saw some shit.
go back to r*ddit then pussy
u bout to be v& boy
eat your hard drive now!!
/b/ is all porn now
Jow Forums is new /b/
Yo I remember 3 of us where browsing /b/ in high school Spanish class and we saw pizza related stuff before the conspiracy. Also it changed most of the 3 of us. One of us went to Berkeley and became drag, Im still in college browsing Jow Forums Jow Forums Jow Forums. Other friend is living in Australia, working as a dishwasher.
kek this shit turned me into autist honestly. i went too deep in rabbit hole for whatever reason. i was absolutely normal as kid when i started to browse in 2010-2011(???)
honestly never saw pizza tho, just shit ton of gore and crashes etc. wish i could turn back time
what is that cushion design on that couch? It looks like a fucking NMR.
Damn, you saw all the bad shit without seeing any of the good stuff. Shit luck, m8.
I've never properly gone on /b/, what is this pizza stuff?
pedophiles. id guess these fags all got jailed
>good stuff
>pedo shit
no thanks lad
Rika Nishimura made living worthwhile. Best left turn ever.
Cheese Pizza = CP = Child Porn
i forgot to forget. how do i illegal?
>how to lift to forget
If you find out, tell me.
What could be so awful to leave a lasting impression? The worst I've ever seen just leaves me slightly physically repulsed for few minutes, but that's the extent of the impact. Though I don't really lurk /b/, since it's just "pics you shouldn't share" and other porn related material.