Stopped Drinking

>haven't had alcohol in exactly a week

Has anyone stopped drinking after a large period of heavy drinking? I feel pretty good, and I think I'm going to see how long I can go.

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I'm drinking some vodka right now, had 5-6 pints of beer earlier.

I prefer this life, but more power to you.

6 weeks for me. It's helped tremendously on my cut.

Have you ever abstained to experience the alternative?

Same. Been a week for me and I'm a little bored chilling in on a Saturday night but I went for the longest run I've been on in awhile and it felt great.

I was trying to out train my drinking for the past few months and it wasn't a good idea. lol

I only drink on special occasions, and usually it's minimal anyhow
And considering I don't Have much friends, that cuts out a lot
So, other from family birthdays, which are few and far, it's mostly just Christmas, my birthday, New Years, Thanksgiving

No one gives a fuck. Go blogpost elsewhere

That's what's the hardest part for me. Literally everyone around me is drinking.

No u

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freshmen year in uni i was drinking ~18 beers a weekend(6 a day on weekends)
after freshmen year i stopped drinking and had no troubles because i'm not a brainlet who gets addicted to poision
its your fault for being so god damn retarded

Yeah, went through a heavy drinking period during my first 2 years of college; been sober/minimal drinking for over 6 months now. Never felt better; helps that my friends all jumped on the no drinking train at around the same time, so there's no pressure to drink

I don't feel addicted. That's why I decided to take a break.

You sound mad about something.

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Yeah, having the people around you doing the same thing as you makes it much easier. I'm envious : |

You just need the willpower, man
I never drank much anyhow, so going "Drink on special occasions" was easy
Just don't drink. It's not going to kill you

Yeah I guess I'm pretty lucky in that regard; we all went through the same period of drinking way too much, and one of us had to stop drinking for medical reasons, so that made it much easier too. One thing I always found useful was to never keep alcohol in the house, whether it's whiskey, beer etc. since I would always end up just drinking it if it was available

i never drink but i feel like shit

lost 40lbs was kinda cool

>go to the gym
>burn 700 calories busting my ass for 2 hours
>go to the liquor store
>drink 800 calories of liquor

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golly user, it seems like you're going to start gaining weight if you keep that up.

Nah, I just eat less food on days I drink

>get off work
>exercise at home
>once workout is complete walk over to fridge and open a beer
>sip beer while snacking and cooking dinner
>finish beer with dinner

Having self-control fells good, man.

>tfw in the military
I legitimately have no hope of kicking the liquid jew.

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That beer is getting to your head buddy, better take it easy.

I haven't gone a day without drinking in 2 years.

I've been averaging 2-4 drinks a day for 3+ years now.

I hover around 15% bodyfat, but I otherwise eat clean so I don't really notice.

Hi Satan, the tempter.

>spends 1-2 hours trying to raise his testosterone
>cancels it out right after with testosterone-inhibiting hops

Good job, man.

Try it out friendo. I've not been off the sauce for long, but I already notice a huge difference.

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>testosterone-inhibiting hops
Yeah and salt causes hypertension, right goys?

I drank heavily from 21-29. I'll be 31 in October. I feel really good and don't plan on drinking again, though it was a lot of fun for the first 5 or so years. What surprised me was how much better I continued to feel after staying sober for a few months. The first week or so was definitely different, but the improvement continued.

Hearing that you felt the improvement in feeling continue well after the first few weeks is actually really encouraging. I assumed it would taper pretty fast.

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Not him but what have you noticed?

I binge drink heavily on Fridays to blackout generally, then don't drink at all the rest of the week. Haven't drank in a month now and don't notice any difference aside from more productive Saturdays desu

No, (Ch)Air Force.

Where you stationed man?

Waking up feels way easier, and I'm not even referring to mornings after a bender. There's a noticeable difference between waking up now and waking up after just a few beers.

More generally, I just feel like thinking is easier. I feel like my executive functioning has increased, and self control has become less mentally taxing. Thinking is just easier.

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Uh oh spaghettios

Looks like I'm fucked

Anyone here able to moderate themselves and find all the alcoholics/prohibitionists on this board to be fucking retarded? I end up drinking with the boys about twice a week and I usually have about 3 beers when we go out, sometimes less. I feel no problems from doing this.

>Muh Testosterone
Alcohol only affects testosterone in a non-negligible way when you hit .5g/kg. Which depending on your body weight is about 2-4 standard drinks. You'd drop your Test by about 7% if you drank 3 beers a day for a month. When in moderation its not as big of deal, being an insufferable faggot is worse for test than adult consumption of alcohol.

>the site that literally never links their studies
>the site that always says "according to a new study"
fuck that

Haven't drunk in ~18 months, only thing is you realise how much drinking is linked with socialising (at least here in NZ) so I spend less time with friends because being around drunk people while you're sober is extremely irritating.

Malmstrom, Montana. Its worse than it sounds.

I guess you're in the Navy. How do you like it bro?

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you are already fighting for the jew

Not really, I work on nuclear missiles. So I'm helping prevent another global conflict for the jew.

Damn, didn't even realize that existed. I'm AF as well, Kingsley ANG in Oregon.

Hate the locations so far but the job is good

Trust me bro, you've probably got a nice gig. Malmstrom is in Great Falls. Which is filled to the brim with fat alcoholic girls we call "Montuffalos". Basically, every airman has smashed at least one. Many of them actively try and hook up with security forces guys for a chance to eventually get out of Great Falls. There is a casino and bar on every corner, and the locals hate our guts.

The saving grace is the gym is great because the commander dumps basically a fortune into it to prevent fat fucks from saying it is cold and that is why they can't exercise and why they fail PT tests. Also, Missoula and Boseman are great towns a couple hours away that love military dudes because they don't see us often enough to know 99% of the younger dudes are looking to smash and pass.

Man that's rough, at least you're fairly close to some decent towns though. I'm about 5-6 hours from Portland or San Fran and everyone up here is so liberal half of them hate us on principle. Luckily I'm rolling to Kadena in a couple months though.

>never really drank
>started lifting
>Got kinda strong ~385lb squat
>Started drinking a lot of beer
>Squat 500lb at 195lb
>Clean and jerk 345lb
>Snatch 265lb

So no, I never stopped drinking and I never will.

On a serious note though, it was a lot of things in my life that changed and made me, less stressed, more focused, more consistent and subsequently much stronger.

I still love beer though and I always will.

Just to clarify: at my strongest I was training an average of 17hours a week and drinking 5-10 beers a day. Upwards of 20 on my one rest day per week.

Now, having a real 9-5 job and training like 6hrs a week, I drink maybe 3 beers a day on weekdays and maybe 6-10 a day on weekends.

I stay away from hard liquor though. That shit fucks me up bad. Two shots and I black out, pull my dick out, try to climb something, and puke next morning.

>started drinking at an early age
>like 14 years old
>its normal here
>every time i go out with friends
>always heavy stuff
>hate beer and wine
>discover vodka
>start drinking a cheap bottle on my own every time i go out
>go on for years
I stopped drinking when i started going to the gym, its been 2 years now, pretty easy.
Just how i took a vodka bottle to every party now i take a water bottle, some roasties make fun of me i play it off, talk about the gym and stuff, its a conversation starter

I was a heavy alcoholic for close to two years, it effected me pretty badly. Havent drank in 3 months and I am starting to feel like a normal person again. And it made cutting weight super easy.

>thinks jews doesn't want you to drink beer
>doesnt know beer didnt have hops until jews from Netherlands imported them to London
>doesnt realize the beer highest in hops (IPAs) are the most popular among low test basedbois

I want to stop drinking every night

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If you wanted to stop, you would have.

That's not exactly how addiction works

Not true. I want to stop just like he does, just doesn't end up happening.

ya it is ur just a bitch

Haven't drunk in 4 years, didn't have a problem or reason to stop, just got sick of it. I was 25 when I quit.
Once you stop for a while, you really start to look down on drinkers

>I notice no physical difference apart from never having a hangover again, which is so worth it

sounds like you and your friends are a bunch of squares

exactly, and it drops insulin levels, if you drink normal alcohol (not sugary mixers) you will probably lose weight IMO

he does sound mad but wanting to take a break 'because you're not addicted' doesn't track, either

Holy fuck you are old, you should have red wine for your heart

where in NZ, bro?

Didn't stop drinking but I stopped smoking weed so much. At first because I had to save money but then because of how much I enjoyed being able to buy more shit. I also have gotten a few more things done than I normally would have.

Alcohol usually makes me feel like hella shit though and I barely ever actually get drunk like I use to.

The general procedure is to take two shots and mix with diet sodas for the rest of my half. Usually makes for a pretty fun night but I can only do it on an especially hard day at the gym. For instance, factoring in my 800 calories in drinks for today and my breakfast before the gym, I still have ~800 calories remaining for today. That gives me plenty of room for a drunk snack AND I am cutting to begin with.

its exactly how it works

Yeah man, I used to do that kind of thing, I don't now, but I admit it felt great to have a hard workout and knowing you can go home and slam a few beers or whatever

Do it mang.

Was in Hamilton but I hated it so am moving to Tauranga. You?

I've been drinking pretty badly the last year and I feel like I'm kinda chubby as a result of it. The beer, the eating when drunk, the eating when hung over, the eating to detox. I gave it up like half a week ago and am ready to be done with it. What kind of dieting and exercise should I start with?

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7x3 Water
5x1 Salads

True, Invercargill m8

haven't drank consistently in 3 years, i spent that money on vidya and bbj lessons.

I was drinking pretty heavily for a year.

I quite cold turkey at new years and didn't have any alcohol for 6 months.

I noticed withdrawal symptoms for about 3 weeks.

Overall it was a good decision.

I'm back to drinking now, albeit not as heavily as I did then, and I keep trying to convince myself to be completely sober again.

I take a medication so that I dont get the urge to drink and I couldnt be more disillusioned with alcohol. Its been nearly two years since Ive had a beer and I have no affinity for it whatsoever.

Alcohol would have killed me if I had kept on like I was.

What made you drink again after the 6 months? At that point I feel like I'd get hung up on my number of days at that point.

Some people are genetically disposed to addiction. I've never had problems with addiction of any kind, but I'm not autistic so I understand that people react to things differently than I do.

During uni I drank a lot to the point I developed alcoholism. I lived with my parents who were practically giving me local minimum wage and I drank it all away. I had to quit in the end because it turned me into a ticking timebomb that will one day rape/kill someone or get killed.

While I was drinking I did not even realize what it does to you. My body is way more active and awake and regenerates much easier. I don't even crave booze at all.

get out of here you reddit faggot

Not him but one thing you will notice is more dreams. Alcohol actually effects your sleep in such a way that you have fewer if any dreams while sleeping. That combined with going to bed at a proper time and quitting caffeine as well is an insane boost to restfulness and postworkout recovery.

It really is. Yes you have urges. All the chemical dependency results in your brain and body crying out for alcohol. But you are stronger because no matter what you think or feel your body will not walk itself to the store as swipe the card then start drinking. At any point along the way you can concously stop, turn back home, put the bottle back on the shelf, dump it down the drain, throw it out, etc.

>drinking absolute shit or smirnoff

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>drank extremely often and heavy for the last 4 years
>girl i aimed on marrying cheated on me
>drug use and drinking skyrocketed
>eventually managed to chill out a bit thanks to good friends at uni and a friend back home that convinced me to try religion
>somehow got a new girl, shes religious as well
>quit weed and cigarettes since i didn't want to scare her off, also knew i should quit anyway
>been clean for several months and am now almost a week into not drinking
>lifts are better and i look better
>for once even feel better

i drank for so long i don't really know what to do without it and i even crave it whenever im not at work, but i am very intent on not drinking for as long as possible. not sure if im going to continue hanging out with the same friends back home, they drink whenever possible and dont think im serious on quitting the booze. what i am sure of though is that church with my girl feels much better than any of the other stuff i used to do.

>i am very intent on not drinking for as long as possible.

Accept the fact that if you want to quit, it will have to be for life. Also do not hang out with your old crew, makes like minded sober friends instead.

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I've drank myself to sleep for around 10 years. Never went a night without. A couple of months ago it started slipping into may daylight routine and I started to fuck things up at work, my relationship, etc. Decided it was time to quit.

Now I drink like a day a week at most. Feel infinitely better, specially in the mornings. Have a lot less trouble focusing. Jow Forums-wise, I've lost 3kg without doing absolutely anything diet-wise, still hitting the gym as usual. Was never fat, either, so this actually surprised me. Now I have twink weight (65 kg - 178cm) but look pretty good, I'm sure I've dropped at least 1 or 2% in bf. Lifts have stayed the same.
Now I'm actually eating a lot more than before and not gaining weight and realized I have been eating like a literal faggot for years; alcohol would make a huge % of my macros. Being able to eat a lot without gaining weight (or even losing it) feels awesome.

if you manage to keep your drinking controlled, it can be done once in a while. If you can't, just quit altogether. I now realize it's not such a great drug after all.

>Binge drink till point of passing out
>Next 2-3 days are hell, re-assess my life
>Don't drink at all for a month or so
>Social, family or work thing comes up and have a couple of drinks
>Stop stressing about it and drink every now and then
>Binge drink till point of passing out, repeat

I can go months without drinking with ease but there's always something that comes up that sucks me back in.

smirinoff is actually a pretty good vodka

I've tried the $30/bottle shit and it's virtually no different

Drank for 5 years nearly every night or every other night simply out of boredom, my life was great just dull.

Stopped ~3 months ago, have had 1 beer with dinner two times since then. Absolutely zero desire to drink heavily ever again.

Lost bf%, lifts went up, feel happier I highly recommend stopping just to remember how it feels to not be hungover for once.

>stop drinking as a straight white christian male
>everybody tries to shame me because of it
>muslim coworker doesnt drink because of a ancient fairytale
>everybody is cool with it and doesnt mind

>stop eating pig meat because it is unhealthy and I am on a cut
>people try to put me down for being health obsessed and tells me I am becoming a vegan sooner or later with this attitude
>pajeet coworker doesnt eat pig meat because of some ancient elephant with 8 arms
>everybody is cool with it and when we eat lunch with him we always respect his wishes and choose the place we eat at accordingly

what the hell fit ?

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