Is it true I'm a chad If I lift and right wing? Studies show conservatives are stronger than basedboy libcucks

Is it true I'm a chad If I lift and right wing? Studies show conservatives are stronger than basedboy libcucks

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>(((Columbia University)))

ahahhahahahahah holy shit the absolute state of drumpfkins. no wonder they're all so angry all the time

that's because they're fucking enraged illogical manchildre that no women want to approach

Not surprising.

But commies probably never lose their virginities

drumpf btfo!!!!!!!!!!!!

i pretended to be commie to fuck like 3 different arthoes in college. it's so easy it should be illegal. just say you read marx and they get instantly wet.

>libtard """""""""""university""""""""""
>libtard """"""""""journalism""""""""""

The absolute state of drumpfies

forgot chads were fucking at 10

Pussy is just another psyop fed to us by the media and fake news fucking bullshit. Nobody needs companionship to be happy.

Yea I did that in uni too.

>voted for Romney in 2012

It's nice that commies are dumb. The girls are good in bed tho

>Nobody needs companionship to be happy
IDK bro I'd be bretty sad without my dog

You seriously think that "alt-right' and "incel" aren't going to have a lot of overlap as self-descriptors?

Because the alt right is for pussies who don’t have the balls to be a full blown Nazi, but too edgy to be a church going conservative. So don’t worry

>Be "alt-right"
>Fuck any random thot
Pick one

>Roasties and Betas complain men only want women for sex
>Calls any male that disagree with their worldview a virgin and a loser

Fuck off

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Well incel implies that you cannot get pussy regardless of how you try so it doesn't really fit the "facist rapist" narrative


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>this is somehow a bad thing

Nice try normalizing promiscuity, kikes.

ahahahahahahah holy fuck it's true isn't it?

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I’m married, 25, and identify as very far right. I’m not a big fan of the magapede alt-right neo-boomer shit.

The only people who are this obsessed with pussy and go off on people with low sexual partner counts are insecure beta fags who have had so little sex that they think it is the ultimate achievement and will give meaning to their sad lives.

Sex is great, but there’s a lot more to life my friend.

>Normalize promiscuity
>Why can't I find a woman worth marrying
>Le flirt with on social media despite her having hundreds of other thirsty and sexually frustrated guys kissing her ass on the daily

>mfw I didn't even vote
>Fucked lady friend 3 times last night

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lol of course its true. there are two places on the entire internet where you see this nu-male obsession
>Jow Forums

most normal people never heard of these terms. always laugh when some retard who just dumped his entire cuck folder start larping as a normal person.
also the people who talk about family unit usually never had a gf in their life.
its just larping on both sides

If you spend time developing or improving a relationship with a woman who isn't your mother then you are wasting your time and are almost certainly a very weak man. I wish I had never pursued relationships with women; I've wasted countless hours and dollars doing so.

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Most incels are indians and hapas.

Good thing your mom ignore that advice, huh?

If you continue down this road you will die alone and full of regret. Don’t let your bad experiences hold you back. It’s good to not be a slave to pussy, running after every woman, etc., but you’re going a bit far.

most of alt-right isnt even white

incel detected

just admit that you only want to fuck your mother

People who buy into these meme ideologies to feel like they have an identity and a group they belong to are extremely desperate.
The more personal a connection is, the better. Waking up and having a text from a friend or gf is always gonna be more meaningful than random comments on the imageboard or a discord group message. It's not that alt-right makes people virgin, rather the people who are satisfied with this kind of interaction are outcasts.

When you treat someone else as a casual sexual partner, you treat yourself that way too, is that all you want to be? Aren't you worth more than that?

Casual sex is bad for you and if you engage in it you are not going to make it. It gives only superficial validation and impulsive pleasure, at the risk of infections, unwanted pregnancy and rape allegations.

And yeah it's no surprise that men who get into white nationalism are frustrated permavirgins. Blaming the jews for your problems is unattractive, taking pride in the accomplishments of people who look kinda like you is unattractive. It's an abdication of personal responsibility and agency.

But the same goes for male feminists and sjws, a fair number of them are going to be permavirgins too, because you don't become a male feminist unless you've fully accepted that you can't compete with men directly, and the only way you can gain access to women is by pretending to agree with them. And there's fuckloads of male feminists who have been outed as molesters.

But yeah, lift weights, develop yourself, make yourself attractive to many women, but then only pick one.

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>lifting for liberalism
>lifting for communism
>lifting for the alt-right
>lifting for neo-conservatism
>lifting for germanic nazi autism
>not lifting for fascism
>not banging sweet ethiopian babes and libyan cuties
Are you even a med bull?

Everyone but Germans and Anglo-Saxons allowed.

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so youre a virgin

Absolute sweety

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>but what about this unrelated thing someone else said!
Even if all those guys are voluntarily celibate that's only 27% who are currently virgins so I'm not sure what your point is.You can still have twisted ideas about sex and women and be a virgin or lose your virginity later than average.

>Most A are B
>Most B are C
You're failing to even argue with anyone because you don't see how the above two statements can be true a the same time.

Unfortunately not, and I fail to see how my life has improved as a result of casual sex. Sure it's fun in the moment, but I give up other fun things like shitty food in order to improve myself. So it makes sense to give up casual sex in an effort to find someone I don't want to kick out of bed immediately after having sex with them. And fuck me how fucking annoying is it to have a woman you don't love in your bed when you're not horny anymore.

Also there shouldn't be anything wrong with being a virgin, it's pathetic how we snigger at it like insecure highschoolers.

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Where's the URL? I can't find the article.

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right wing =/= alt right =/= left wing =/= liberals

What studies, please don’t post the standard other vice salon headlines that have been disproved

Its not that we don't have the ability or sexual market value to get laid, some of us are just selective. Degenerate Jewish culture has made us think being a virgin is a bad thing, it's really not.

If you don't see a problem with being a virgin at say, 30 years old, you aren't thinking hard enough.

Most normal boys hit puberty and start spanking the monkey (to porn). The next step in sexual experience is experimenting with a (female) partner; hugging, holding hands, kissing, intimate alone time, dry humping, handjobs, blowjobs, penetrative sex. This is a normal urging of your hormones to propogate the species and young girls your age are going through the same thing.

So, to be a virgin at 30 is to be a person who is so far outside of anyone's preference (self-sabotage counts) that in the many phases of human sexual exploration you never came up as a viable sexual option...for anyone...ever.

Physically (sickly or weak), mentally (stupid), emotionally (immature), sexually (small penis or premature ejaculator); you have nothing to offer with the exception of being an ATM or a trap / gay cum dumpster until you "age out" and kill yourself.

You probably were not meant to be born

It's because they count taking it up the arse

>Degenerate Jewish culture has made us think being a virgin is a bad thing, it's really not.

it is. if youre virgin past around 22-23 there is something seriously fucked up with you

?? why would there be something wrong with a person mature enough to follow a system of personal beliefs..


The bad thing is that you haven't been able to do a thing programmed into humans specifically to do.

You are literally a failure of your race if you can't do it.


>literally comparing political parties like they are pokemon
Shut up, being a fascist or a faggot makes either of you superior to the other
Fascists are delusional in the sense that they think you can go backwards in time which you clearly can not, they dug their grave no stay in the damn thing. No one cares about your genocidal agenda you absolute waste of matter
Liberals are now hypersensitive and pussified, making everyone feel the same, like shit. We're all equal and thus any achievements must be shared with everyone and every boy and girl gets a gold sticker just for breathing
I hate all of you and i hope you watch your children die a gruesome death so that the PTSD will shut you the fuck up and i won't have to hear your bitching and moaning every time i want to ask about working out. The nazis are edgy larpers thinking that they are some sort of savior to western civilization meanwhile they can barely run a mile in 20 minutes and the left think they are defenders of the downtrodden when in reality they just coddle those who really aren't in need
I should even have to type this fucking bullshit on a board about EXERCISE. Just fuck off to your own boards and sty their until you die off and make the world a better place for it

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this desu
one day everyone will realize nothing they're arguing about really matters or effects their lives in the slightest. and then everyone will be happy.


you don't even understand schopenhauer you fucking idiot

Agreed that you should not be a virgin by 30; you should have found a wife by then.

>This is a normal urging of your hormones to propogate the species and young girls your age are going through the same thing.

You can't make a naturalistic argument for casual sex while on a board that makes fun of fat people for following their natural urge to eat fuckloads of sugar.

Gluttony is a sin, and so is lust. And at every other point in history people would have been married long before they hit their 30s. But our society doesn't work like that anymore, and I'm not inclined to believe that anyone is getting a good deal out of this new arrangement.

Much of the alt-right community were radicalized online on sites like Jow Forums, where incels also hang. Not a big surprise honestly even if its a Vice piece.

because its part of human interaction that needs to be learned?
you learn to wash your hands, tie your shoe-laces. you learn how to act in a proper manner, how to write a latter, how to behave in a professional environment.
obviously no one is going to teach you step-by-step how to pick up a girl or fuck her properly, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt learn it.
midschool and highschool are all about teaching you the basic skills you should apply in all areas in life. if you arent an engineer you not gonna use math that much, but what you shouldve learn in there is to
>identify a problem
>start looking for solution
>solve the problem
thats what you learning for 20 years in your life from tying the shoelaces and washing your hands to basic algebra.
you seriously cant expect your parents to ask "hey son have you finally fucked a girl yet" the same way they asked about your grades but that does not mean you shouldnt learn that.

>obviously no one is going to teach you step-by-step how to pick up a girl
That's been a thing since like 2002 tho.

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yeah there are books and shit but the majority of normal people just gonna experiment and learn from those and from their friends as part of socializing, rather than a task to complete

Yes, I'm waiting for the right woman that isn't sexually obsessed, and wants to start a family. I choose not to further corrupt my society by having meaningless sex and destroying the souls of women.

Depends how long, if you’re 25 and a virgin you most likely have issues
Inb4 muh Christian moral
Most devout Christian sects would prefer to have you married and fucking by 25.

Yeah I’m sure they’re just throwing themselves at you

You think weird
>5 years of casual sex
>find potential wife in late 20's early 30's and commit to monogamy because you have been in enough beds and relationship to know that this girl is great and you could do much worse
>occasionally reminisce about that one rave slut who swallowed you to the balls but for the most part are content and happy

Same with being a glutton. The fatties who truly make it usually never turn the ship back around because they remember what it felt like to have their joints ache all day, and how it felt to be winded rolling out of bed.

Life experiences help you to make educated decisions. Learn what shit you can't ever try (meth, heroin, kissing prostitutes) and experience the rest (sex in a tent at a rave, holding a girl's hand beneath the stars in the desert, tripping balls with you best bro and having one of your deepest relationships gain another level, making lifelong bonds based off having each other's backs through thick and thin in youth)

Life is a bitch. I really don't understand why some of you would defend yourselves against what little good is to be had down here.

Never gonna work. You put sex on the pedestal because you can't get laid.
Most people lose their virginity by being a part of a social circle. You enjoy spending time with a girl, she enjoys spending time with you. You invite her to drink, hang out a few times and boom. If both of them are in the mood, you fuck her. If not, you still spent some time together you enjoyed. Sex is just a minor part of enjoying time together, for you its the end goal. For this exact reason, you don't learn how to properly interact in the first place. thats why virginity is looked down upon. it means you never got far in enjoying time with a girl. and there comes the question, why? girls got scared of you at some point? you are extremely boring? something is wrong with you? because most girls dont fuck 6'4 ripped 12% bf dudes who go to Harvard. they fuck the guy they already enjoy spending time with and things like drugs, alcohol and the right environment just encourages both party to escalate. but its not as calculated as you would imagine

So you guys that """""choose""""" not to have casual sex and instead want to find a nice wholesome wife... What steps are you actually taking to achieve that goal?

Genuinely curious because I want one too.

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I am 25 actually, and I would have liked to have been married by now, but you can't always get what you want. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop looking or abandon my morals because some shitposter on a Mongolian basket weaving forum said there's something wrong with me.
I've been on plenty of first dates where the woman tried initiating sex and I left and never spoke to them again. I even could have got a date tonight with a girl who worked at the pita place I bought dinner at, but she had tattoos which is a red flag for me. I'm just not a weak willed man who gives into temptation, just to feel good for 5 seconds. You're all selfish

>I do drugs just to have a girl make me cum

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Don't go out of your way to pursue women. Have a passion and follow your dream. Women are attracted to men who have purpose, whatever it may be. It is personally fulfilling and will also get you a wife.
A lot of young men chase tail and waste their time and energy.

The Jew fears Nordic sexual restraint.

>I’m married

Unironically this. When you're not distracted by hedonism you're much harder to control. The only pitfall to avoid is mgtow and supreme gentlemanism.

>find potential wife in late 20's early 30's and commit to monogamy because you have been in enough beds and relationship to know that this girl is great and you could do much worse
And now both of you are well practiced in ending relationships as soon as they get difficult or boring, so you break up after a few years because there's no such thing as a relationship that doesn't require work.

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>muh tribe is more gooder than your weak puny tribe
>no your tribe is losers, all virgins haHA!
This is your brain on identity politics

Not the one you replied to, but I have a different reason as to give up the chase for sex and remain celibate.

Rather than a stuck up reason like muh pure girls, I know my place. When you hit rock bottom, you learn about the potential risk of doing the dance with no pants and just shrug it off like summer rain. To give you an idea:
> Getting her pregnant and raising a family with jack shit for income.
> Potential risk for false rape accusations. Especially if you're an uggo.
> If you're bad at it, rumors will spread and ruin your already pathetic life.
> You might be forced into a commitment that you don't want.
> etc, etc.

Fucking right on brother. Find a nice girl, have lot's of babies.

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Political beliefs only make you less attractive
If a girl starts bringing that shit up i lose interest and fast. You're not going to do shit but maybe vote and even that is super gay. You can all fuck off

>posting a picture of a drug addict
lmao underaged faggots

Decent bait