Tell me your stories
Do you remember you first DOMS?
>wrestling tryouts
>unfortunately I was extremely weak
>get my ass kicked
>wake up the next day with extreme soreness, can barely move, even worse I can barely perform in the next tryout day
Very humiliating experience but I would like to have DOMS again
Glute doms AKA CHEEKDAMAGE feels so real guys
Calf doms, epic pain walk like fairy.
>squat 50kg for the first time at 68kg
>next 4 days legs are paralized glutes and quads get stiff and fucked if i moved them
kek cheekdamage
doms on my shoulders and tricpes are crazy now
can barely put my shirt on
No, but you're gonna have to provide the full res version of that picture.
My first doms was when I was 13 or so. Since I was that young and didn't want to cough up for a PT session that would've allowed me access to the free weights, I was doing some bullshit full body machine circuit. I could barely move the next day and my mom kept saying how I needed to stretch every time before and after a workout.
If only I could go back to those days and keep at it for real...
>bicep doms - arms locked into semi-L shape
>calf doms - shuffled feet like a retard instead of walking normally
>glute doms - sitting down and standing up sucked
It wasn't just the glutes, it's that part where it meets your hamstrings whatever that's called
here u go cheers
Hamstrings.. had those too and was walking werid for 3 days
Did a set of 50 concentration curls when I was a complete beginner. Unironically couldnt move my arms for like 3 weeks
After I did squats for the first time it hurt to walk for like 2 weeks
fuck you op
bless you, whoever you are
thanks user
My very first leg workout.
The glute and quad doms made walking up and down stairs take over twice as long.
>freshman in highschool
>Coach: "we're gonna do pushups anons"
>smug as fucking thinking, "I got this"
>a few hours and a few hundred pushups later
Yea... only took a few hundred...
it was me lol i'm op i found the full res photo
My hardest DOMS was in college when I took my friend's Adderall to study but went to the gym instead. I could lift however much I wanted and didn't feel tired so I smashed some plates for a couple hours till I said "huh. this probably isn't good for me." and left. The next 3 days were the hardest DOMS of my life and I could barely get out of bed. Absolutely 10/10 DOMS.
If you want to feel your first DOMS again, go to your local track and do a quarter mile of lunges. You won't be able to walk down stairs for two days
I got the flu right when my first doms began, was a bit rough
damn I need to get some adderal
>help my uncle dig in his backyard to install an rainwater distribution system when i was 16
>embarrassed that I'm getting worn out faster than a 50 year old
>push myself to the max for hours out in the sun with a breaker bar to bust up the rocks
The next morning I had to struggle to raise my arms high enough to pull a shirt on. Shit was brutal
name that ho
guy behind her looks hot
Millennial Mogged by a boomer what's new lol
a yo chill watch your mouth bro we respect women now
first time doing powercleans killed my traps
washing the dishes later that night was absolute suffering
but now I love those trap DOMS
couldnt even stand after this during my first week at the gym
maybe i did them wrong but who cares its a meme anyway
>military school
>higher up makes me do 300 body squats because I didnt say hello to the barber when I walked in
Lilias Right
I fucking love back extension doms
Fucking lol
>military school
lmao debe ser un maricon rolo
> Be me, learning to lift from friend who played lacrosse in HS very competitively.
> Didn't do jack shit in HS, total weightlifting noob
> First day is heavy squats followed by leg press
>"Ok coach always had us finish off leg day with sets of 100 unweighted calf raises but we'll just do sets of 50"
> do 250 calf raises
>Wake up in so much pain and calf tightness I can't walk, have to cancel class for the day
I still remember that feeling. Never felt DOMs so bad since then
Thanks my n*igga
>Work out for the first time
>Muscles hurt for a couple of days
What the fuck do you mean stories? Everyones is the same as what I posted.
I started working out because skinny asian twink lmao. Went to the local park. There is a place there with dip bars and a few pull up bars. Did about 50 pull ups in total and went home. Woke up the next day unable to move my arms.
Same here, age 13, I woke up the next day and realized I’m fucking paralyzed
your life is boring if you never had any Jow Forums stories from your childhood
My first body pump class, I had to use the lift at work for the next 3 day. I then started going to that class twice a week trying to feel that pain again. No pain no gain
>be lazy fat body
>go play catch with dad
>first ball he throws I should've caught
>have absolutely no strength anywhere in my body just fat
>try to catch ball, lose footing, fall on my face
>get back up, throw ball back
>finally get more into the game of catch
>wake up next day
>unable to move entirely
>thinks his gay stories from "intense" exercise isn't the most boring shit
what a faggot
>he didn't try to out-lift his m8s in his early teens
sad tbqhwy
I was a dishwasher and took 2 days off cause I couldn't use my biceps
thats an ugly ass bitch
Aha can you imagine if you just kicked her in the poon
>be 16
>walk up a small mountain, maybe 300meter height
>run down said mountain afterwards
>moved like I was 90 for four days, could barely sit down and stand up because the doms throughout my whole legs and core were killing me
I never had a hard time with muscle soreness but my then-gymbuddy did.
>both 19yo then
>hit gym for the first time
>doing a machine routine at the beginning, both get slight gains all around
>doing hyperextensions at the 45° bench (roman chair?)
>i have a thing for the exercise, going for 3x25 reps as i always had back pain in the past
>he keeps up
>next day: he is unable to get up from sitting without help, one time has to crawl from the toilet back to his room as his lower back and hamstrings are fucked
We were weak back then and our diet was shit but him being practically disabled for five days was something else.
>had gym membership for a while, just casually working out every now and then
>hit the gym with a gymrat buddy
>follow his routine (leg day) and he pushes me to kill it, no more holding back on the weight, he makes me max everything i can as long as my form is good, pushes me to do that last rep properly or do another few reps because i still have energy in me
>most intense workout in my life
>wake up
>legs are so sore
>just lie in bed and stretch my legs, the burning ache feels so fucking good
>get out of bed and almost trip because my legs just didn't hold me up at first
>have to walk across town for class
>class is on the fifth floor
>literally have to hold on to the handrail and help pull myself up because i got mogged by the stairs
all and all it was pretty good, leg DOMS almost feel orgasmic
> Be 12
> Dad just had surgery on his knee from a vehicle wreck
> Starts doing physical therapy 2x a week
> Start asking about it
> Dad says sure, let's try a few exercises
> Go outside to front porch
> Sets me up for some sort of modified extended range single leg pistol squats over the steps
> Dad says do 25 on each leg
> Barely get through both legs on 1 set
> Dad says you still have 4 more sets for each side
> Only get through 2 more sets
> Dad sets up and straight up does all 5 sets non stop
Even though I was 12, my dad still fucking beasted through all of those with a busted/post-surgery knee. This started my early age journey for physical fitness. He always had my siblings and I do hard labor around the house, but this just added on to all of that. My dad is still a solid wall of muscle after turning 54 this past year.
I need your help.
Every time I do leg day, I'm excruciatingly sore for about 4 days afterwards. It feels like there are knoves stabing my quads every time I walk.
I work legs out once every 1-2 weeks. Each sessions session consists of cardio, squats (ass to grass), and deadlifts.
I'm making gains and my legs are lookin thicc but this pain doesn't seem normal. What can I do to mitigate the DOMS?
How do I get gf like this?
Fucking faggot I've been digging trenches for pools since I was 15 lmao.
But desu those 50+ year old bricklayers could dig circles around me in 95 degree heat
your experiences, how did you handle it, if anything funny happened to you during that day If you had school, work, or something
U fucking lame faggot
What the fuck lol
damn lol what did you tell your boss?
>sorry boss it was arm day im gonna need a couple days off
Ran away from home when I was 14 over some long distance girl I lost virginity with. Lived like 250 miles away. Stole a bike and made it like 35 miles. Got caught. Next couple days my legs were fucking done.
>First day at the gym with a personal trainer
>never lifted before
>my car is 60 years old with no power steering
>to weak to steer
>get the bus for the the following week
based and redpilled
> fatass falls on his face
> next day face hurts
hahah doms amirite
>working at a factory where I move bundles of paper onto pallets
>constantly gripping and lifting 20-50 lbs for ten hours
>the forearm and wrist DOMS were real
Lemme tell you I have some daddy ass forearms now
First wrestling practice is the best because you realize how easily those guys could kill you with there bare hands. Thats why you dont give up.
>Be me, 16 yo
>Decided to start lifting because of reasons
>Father had a very decent homegym in the basement, machines, barbells, plates, bench...
>Do meme routine I found on the internet
>First time ever that I exercise muscles (in school we only ran and played football and stuff)
>Next day
>Can't move my arms because of chest pain
>Spent three days without even being able to use my PC because putting my arms in the desk is too painful
Only lasted lifting a couple of weeks back then; but at 18 when I got heartbroken I decided to start again and haven't stopped since then (20 now).
Also, PLOT TWIST, just because:
>Apparently he wasn't my father
>Spent 16 years thinking he was, but wasn't, don't know who my father actually is
>He got caught cheating on my mother
>Left home, took all his stuff with him
>But no real probs about the gym, I worked that summer to buy a barbell, plates and a rack, that's all I need
>First day of wrestling practice 8th grade year
was a fat fuck Before that and it was the first sport i actually stuck to
private liberal Bogotanian school made us literal faggots
she has an ugly face
I'd rather talk about the worst ones
>off season training for hockey
>fucking pissed
>destroy the weights with all my pent up fury
>only legs
>hadn't touched a weight for 6 months and just went off
>next day legs were dicked
>had to physically lift them up with my hands at school to climb the stairs
It was fun
So me and my friends all started working out together in our final year of secondary school. Try to out-alpha each other.
>"You sore user"
>"Cool me neither"
Had T-Rex arms from curling and tried to hide it from my mates by doing this weird squat just to pick up my school bag.
Fast forward a couple years, reflecting back to when we first started.
>"I remember getting DOMS the first time, jesus I remember trying to hide my T-Rex arms from everybody"
>" had T-Rex arms too???"
We all did and we all tried to hide it from each other.
first thing would be make sure you eat/sleep enough. 7-8 hours/2.5k-3k cals
i do pretty high intensity leg days + I bike to/from work every day and I never got DOMs severe enough to hinder my progress. if you're absolutely sure you're eating/sleeping enough, try lowering the intensity or volume and see if that helps. maybe drop the cardio?
>tfw no chubby dairy queen gf
>Year is 2011
> 15
>Weight Training course
>Had no clue what Im doing
>Does 15 (Mandatory) minutes of Cardio
>Walk in threadmil
>Use machines
>Eventually find hamstring curl machine
>Start doing 5 sets of 30 reps
>Forearm curls after xD
>Next day was sore - limping around school
>Day after I was too sore to move
>Used that as an excuse to stay home
>Play Runescape all day
>Good shit
friend of mine wanted to get me into lifting, so we did a crappy brosplit. first day was chest day, i still have nightmares about db flyes
Some girl took me with her on a run and I was so out of shape that the next day my legs were sore and I even.had doms in my chest from the heavy breathing. Made lung gains. Looking back I can't believe it was me because I've taken breaks from lifting and cardio and then returned and I certainly don't get leg or lung doms from running a couple of miles. I must have been extremely out of shape.
>things that never happened: the thread
estos ellos maricones
i have had minor doms since 18 doing weights on and off always got them after weights played soccer for an hour even when lieing down my abdomin hip flexors spinal erectors everying wash brutal agony all i could do was laugh about how much it fucked me up