Haven't been here for like 5 years but want an honest opinion.
I used to be terribly insecure about my body weight to the point where I wouldn't take my shirt off at the pool. I lost the weight but now I have excess skin from all those years of carrying the weight. The excess skin makes me just as, if not more insecure. As a result I've never felt like I could pursue a romantic relationship.
When asked about why I don't have a gf I usually lie and make excuses. Finally I confided in a friend and he told me I was an idiot for not trying. He said that many women wouldn't care and I should just own it. I somehow have my doubts. If I put myself into the woman's shoes, I feel like I would be put in a disappointing and awkward situation.
Right now skin reduction surgery is out of the question because I'm a broke grad student. My plan is to save up when I graduate and get a job.
Am I doing myself a disservice by not trying to find a relationship? Or do you feel like my plan is more reasonable.
Femanon here. There's nothing disappointing about someone who has the discipline and desire to improve themselves. Date, explain it as you have here, if they are a good person, they'll understand and not care.
Also, not sure where you are from, but surgery in California and Illinois can run upwards of $16k out of pocket with 4-12 months of aftercare. It's painful and expensive and it won't guarantee a supportive relationship.
Lucas Morris
Women won't care stop sounding so gay...
Hudson Edwards
Batman pj guy here. Girls dont care as long you dick them nice amd propper. And if youre looking for surgeru go to colombia. Quality procedures and mich cheaper than anywhere in the jewnited states of america
Any surgery will leave a scar and a weird patch of skin; the truth is that being overweight for so long just changes parts of a body in a manner that makes it impossible to have a perfect body.
Please don't deny yourself happiness! The average women IRL aren't as mean and shallow as people like to pretend on the internet. Your arms and chest for most girls in their twenties looks great and you shouldn't have problems with stuff if you work on confidence. Don't wait any longer or do surgery for what you have, it will get a bit better over time but you'll never have some moment where you say "finally I feel happy enough with my body to feel completely comfortable about women".
If there was a friendly nice attractive chick and she had a proportional loose skin on the bottom of her stomach like this, would you reject her? Most guys probably wouldn't.
People on the internet with inexperience like to act like that's different for women, but it's not, most of the time. Women overlook flaws all the time for people they find attractive, and this honestly isn't as big of a deal as you think it is.
Luis Bennett
keep the skin as a mark of accomplishment also as a reminder that you should never go back into your horrible ways
Benjamin Sanders
Literally who cares what women think.
Levi Taylor
You could get a bunch of butterfly band aids, cut it off yourself and use the butterflies to hold the remaining skin together while it heals.
Ethan Clark
It's not that bad, any girl who's not a thot will not care about it.
Gavin James
If you meet certain donor qualifications, there are doctors and hospitals who will do skin reduction surgery for FREE. The skin is used to reconstruct burn victims and veterans.
you look very good even with the loose skin, and I assume the loose skin is even less noticeable from the front.
Christopher Gomez
imagine being so insecure you interpret someone looking good as him stealing your spotlight
Elijah Bailey
It's alright user, same age and have loose skin/covered in stretch Marks from shooting up to 250lb quickly years ago. Still manage to get laid. If anyone cared they've never said anything.
Logan Ramirez
No worries dude. Everyone has flaws, using them as an excuse to not try to date won't benefit you. You wanted to drop the weight bad enough to stop making excuses for your old lifestyle and change it and you succeeded. If you want a relationship, don't make excuses, go ask girls out. Some girls will care, some won't. Find one that doesn't. You've already accomplished harder shit.
I lost 50 lbs 2 years ago, I've still got loose skin but there's less of it now. I do 72 hour water fasts every once in a while, but mostly I just keep hydrated. Your skin may never be perfect, but don't let it hold you back.
Fit with loose skin is better than fat with tight skin and fatties still get laid. You can get laid.
dude you look absolutely fine. I had a similar image problem after losing weight but when I was in my late teens to mid 20's. You gotta just get over it and go for it. It's hard to shake the harsh self judgement especially when you used to be fat or have loose skin but really most girls don't care and any who do wouldn't be worth your time anyway
Nolan Morales
don't listen to fad believing idiots
Wyatt Bennett
First of all stop being a faggot. If you're at the point where you are shirtless and ready to bang some poon, she probably is too horny to care. You have probably got some other issues unrelated to your kangaroo pouch.
Aiden Ortiz
Dude boom shot ghrp2 and cjc without dac 100mcg each three times a day for 3 months take anavar and do lots of cardio. Your skin will heal itself. You will get rid of it if u do this. No need any pct or anything just watch your cortisol levels on the ghrp2 dont.take anavar for more then 8 weeks 50mg a day. God bless son
Wow! Thanks for all the kind words! Pleasant surprise.
Wyatt Gonzalez
Just keep an open mind and look up autophagy and fasting.
Jackson Phillips
>The thousand year old fad Fasting WILL make you lose fat and there is literally nothing wrong with it
Tyler Nelson
yes but it won't remove lose skin you fucking mongoloid
Michael Cruz
Prove it, bitch :^)
Easton Rodriguez
That's what I thought You sure seems certain for someone who doesn't actually know the facts. Why is it always like that?
Luke Scott
>As a result I've never felt like I could pursue a romantic relationship. Firstly, this is crazy. You look great and any decent woman wont be put off by a bit of loose skin. I'm not just trying to make you feel better. We all have weird parts. I have an unreasonably hairy dick. It doesn't matter.
Secondly, and I'm not contradicting myself here, but you should do whatever it takes to fix things that bother you and are easily fixable. Getting surgery after you get a job is an excellent plan and totally worth it.
Josiah Russell
Some girls care about it some dont. If you only want to have one night stands, well most of those girls care (still not all, because any girl who gets in bed with a semi-stranger is usually very insecure). If you want a long-term relationship, i think you should try to get one, most girls wont care if they get to know you and like you. Women overall dont really care about looks if you are halfway decent and presentable in public, etc.
Dont listen to the demoralizing assholes in the comments, go for it.
Mason Fisher
btw, how much weight you lost?
Christian Diaz
This. Congrats bro.
Jacob Harris
>Please don't deny yourself happiness! The average women IRL aren't as mean and shallow as people like to pretend on the internet.
I was 260 at my max. Went down to 160 when I was prepping for a muay thai fight. Now I'm at 180 ish.
Sebastian Rivera
how long were you heavy? my max was 260 about a year and a half ago too, and I got down to around 210 like 6 months ago, at this point im 200 and just trying to maintain all the muscle gains while losing fat, but I still have this belly, starting to think I'm going to have this stomach problem once I get down to my goal weight. I'm only 22, but I hit 260 at around age 20, so I havent been heavy my whole life, how did your weight fluctuate?
Leo Martinez
Go to a surgeon, ASK your parents for money, tell them how shitty you feel about it and maybe they will help you
Dylan Lewis
I was pretty skinny until I moved to Canada at 10. Then I started gaining weight and kept in on through most of middle school and high school. I was at around 240 for most of high school. I could tell that something was off as I was losing the weight I`m 5`11 so if you`re taller than me it might not have as big of an issue. It`s also largely genetic, I just have shitty skin. Hopefully you won`t have this. Good luck!
Jose Thomas
No dad. Wish I could mooch off my mom but she`s dead.
Luis Sanders
>so you literally post the same fad video user are you retarded or intellectually challenged by chance?
Ayden Robinson
this guy has a shit ton more looseskin that you and have a gf
i also have loose skin and a shit ton of strecth marks and i had multiple gfs dont worry man
>Fasting is a FAD >not drinking Liquids for 18 hrs and then eating and drinking is a FAD (Dry Fasting)
Evan Martinez
You need to get out more, son. Stop being such an insecure, unconfident, bratty teenager and make small talk with women.
You're a gigantic faggot if you want to go through your entire life thinking that girls are your mortal enemy. Especially since one brought you into this world, even if she probably does regret it.
Did you even look at the link? It's showing direct, VISIBLE results.
Leo Martinez
ive lost 130lbs and i also have some loose skin, it also makes me very insecure, specially because my chest looks so saggy ill probably have a surgery on the next week but i doubt it will make me get a gf
Bulk more to make your chest fuller. I know that gaining weight might feel wrong but just dont over do it
Nathaniel White
its horrible i just wish i had normal chest but i always had manboobs
Gavin Reed
Fasting will tighten your skin. Start by protein fasting for a few days. Zero protein intake.
Camden Clark
I have loose skin from losing 150. I fuck girls and have gfs. They don’t care, but they do care if you’re an effeminate queer that looks for approval from men on an internet image board. Just go and fail a bunch until you grow some fucking balls.
Christian Diaz
yeah but his gf was BLACKED and had a fucking niglet too
Autophagy is the process by which your body eats the useless proteins in it when it is not receiving any outside sources of protein or carbs. The body will specifically target non essential stuff first, such a loose skin or skin tags.
It's the reason fasting fixes loose skin, because you don't eat so you go into autophagy mode. Just do 48 hour fasts and go on a high fat diet (since fat does not inhibit autophagy, unlike carbs or protein).
Leo Roberts
bottom feeding whore enablers like him need the rope
Isaac Parker
Also if you have the mental strength for it the absolute best way to go into maximum autophagy mode is to do dry fasts.
I think I remember some hearsay about fasting provoking autophagy wich migh help with it. might mean giving up on the gains for a while as you go stoic.
Jaxson Ward
:^) I lost 50 lbs in 30 day fasting It will take you 4 years to achieve the same result >stay mad fatty
why the fuck does this faggot get a lot of people supporting him yet when i post my loose skin everyone always says im doomed and and i get shit on? the fuck? fuck you fags
alright but she was dry fasting and eating meals. do i gotta dry fast the whole day, plus i dont need water while training?
Zachary Ortiz
first off congrats on loosing 6 stone
many people give out advice that sometimes only works for them, sooo all i can say is work on your confidence levels, women like men with balls, you just have to be a bit cheeky but not sleazy,
make friends with lots of different women ,one of them will like you enough to want you
don't end up a wizard !
keep up the effort and don't let anyone put you off, if they do fuck them the fuck off
i started cycling last year at night and lost 14lbs but my cat got seriously ill ( extremely bad bout of cystitis) and i gave up