Stop Aging

>Stop Aging

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Stop eating food

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Halbestram! Nice tie! How the hell are ya?

>stopped growing at 14
>look pretty much the same
>parents both aging pretty well
>I’m ugly

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Dude, chill the fuck out. Eye shape is far more important than color anyway. Even the vast majority of people with blue eyes still don't have that "piercing" look anyway.

Fuck he found us again

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Can't age if you commit suicide

Brown eyes are cute as long as you aren't swarthy. Brown hair and eyes are nice on northern European phenotype men.

Are you fucking serious? Poll after poll show brown eyes are the most trustworthy and endearing, while blue eyes are more mischievious and untrustworthy.

>"But this celebrity has blue eyes and women always cum while looking at him"

Think about everything ELSE that celebrity has going for him, just with his face alone, not even counting his body or status, talent, accomplishments, etc. It isn't the color of his eyes that sealed the deal.

The color doesn't matter sinking as you have a good shape, and bonus points for clear eyes and a pronounced limbal ring.

As long as you're white really it doesn't matter. There's a difference between a white person's brown eyes and a brown person's brown eyes. Brown people have more cloudy/glazed/unfocused eyes where their irises bleed and blur into the white sclera. Most of the time you can't detect their pupils or their limbal rings either. Makes them seem very inhuman and untrustworthy, like they lack a soul.

not him, and just out of personal curiosity, did these polls account for ethnicity. I'd assume that europeans (especially northern europeans) are going to have a higher affinity for blue eyes than other groups like africans, indians, chinese, and so on. And since the vast majority of ethnic groups out there DO NOT have blue eyes as a common feature, I'd assume that they have less of an affinity for eyes that are foreign to them.

>that "piercing" look
What is that, user?

mommy mammario being the most striking example.

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That's just psycho eyes.

Positive canthal tilt, narrow eyes, iris placement, proper proportion on the face, double eyelid with a bit of the top lid folding over, clear white sclera with no discoloring. Pronounced limbal rings with little "blurring" between the iris and the whites of your eyes.

After all that you can worry about color. Color is just an added bonus if you have all of these things. Also some rare colors can look bad. For example very clear pale blue eyes look bad if you don't have a pronounced limbal ring. They make your eyes look smaller since they are so similar to white.

It's time to take the limbal ring pill.

It is OK user. I have blue eyes with neutral Canthal tilt but am still an incel. Although I do get compliments for them by girls...

psychotically beautiful

I keked

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>look up canthal tilt
>tfw I realize I'm the very definition of negative canthal tilt
why bother living

I'm ugly but have blue eyes. Desu the blue eyes do help. But even my eyes are retarded. I think 1 eye is higher than the other.

Stop fucking 17 year olds, creeper.

t. zoomer

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>tfw if your mom didn't drink and smoke while pregnant you could've been a Jared Leto

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It can work if you have a naturally wide skull. If your face is narrow and you have a negative tilt you're mouthbreather/jew mode. Negative tilts look pretty handsome and "trustworthy" if your face is suited for it.

That I know, it was white american males and females.

I really don't give a shit about "muh viking masterrace" lore. Everyone who talks about northern europe is either a deluded poltard pushing for a race war or a deluded lefty wanting a supreme utopia right now, based off a misconception of what northen europe is. I just can't be bothered to take any opinion seriously once northern europe comes into it. Who gives a shit anyway, that's a small micro environment of humans - now and hostorically.

Most humans on earth have brown eyes. It's just natural. Nothing wrong with being natty.

wow there bud, cool your jets. You're flying off onto an autistic rant just because I asked if this was the case in areas where blue eyes are more common. I don't even have blue eyes or scandi ancestry myself.

imagine caring so much that you go to these lengths to justify your mud eyes

Jared Leto is young since he has a vegan diet.

Even if northern Europeans didn't have blue eyes they'd still be the most attractive race in the world and it's not even close. This is just sour grapes by some semite who keep spamming northern Europeanso are just pale Somalians or some shit.

>On Jow Forums
>Right after Bisping lost to GSP
>That mad lad who posted "stop drinking water"

I'm still laughing about it to this day

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>tfw 23
>look 18 if I shave
so far so good

I just lose my shit when people cherry pick such small samples out of the clearly broad population. People who gamble on exceptions and not rules in life usually have shitty perceptions and never get close to reaching even one tenth of their potential. Just crybabies always asking "should of, would of, could of". I just can't deal with it when I come across these personalities. I can't be bothered.

Don't care. I've always loved brown eyes. Mine and theirs. I get laid regularly, so I literally do not give a shit.

I lived in Europe for a few years, and vacationed up north a few times. They are attractive, but I still prefer eastern europeans or asians.

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As a race, not just their women. Asian men look like pan faced bug people and aren't masculine or attractive at all.
Slavs you have a point.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
asians prefer asians, blacks prefer blacks, whites prefer whites. The appeal of lighter skin/blue eyes is mostly a social construct because whites pretty much rule the world.

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>this lookism faggotry

Incles pls leave my board