What do you reward yourself with for a month of discipline?
I’m a major slut for Five Guys.
What do you reward yourself with for a month of discipline?
I’m a major slut for Five Guys.
that looks repulsive
Yeah I’m a dirty boy.
quite simple but a bag of chips while watching a kino to be quite honest
Everyone on Jow Forums secretly wants 5 guys inside them.
the only thing worth ordering at 5goys is the (customizable) milkshake imo
Sometimes it’s the simple things that make it worth it.
Mmm yes daddy
Well, mytwo yearly cheat weeks consists of going to
- McD
- Burgerking
- some expensive Restaurants
- Kebab-Shops
buying and cosuming lots of sweets and salty snacks
and also drinking like a madman (beer, pricey wines). It's usually a really dirty bulk of at least 12 lb After that I need a week to recover.
>those sunglasses
That looks great. Not crazy about fast food but Five Guys burgers are an occasional treat for me.
5 guys is tasty but so overpriced
Whats a kino?
it is what pretentious people call movies.
why is that cheating ?
nothing unhealthly in the picture
its a good movie
That’s like a shit ton of rice also
How much you order?
I hate how expensive it is I always have to get the large fry and 3 cheese burgers.
It’s not that expensive. 13 dollars for a bacon cheeseburger and a literal bag of fries. No matter what fries you order they always fill the bag
>Why is that cheating?
Because pussy faggots are afraid of a little rice
STFU Five Guys is amazing
Nothing really, I just eat good tasting food every day that fits my macros. If I go out (rarely desu) I just order whatever I feel like eating
Five Guys tastes 100x better than it looks
Brah I can smell that Five Guys through my computer screen. Kinda disappointed by your burger unoriginality, though. I usually get a double with bacon, mushrooms, jalapenos, and bbq sauce.
5 guys is gay.
5 guys and chik-fil-a
A couple times last UT football season I would go to In-N-Out and get Two Double-Double with whole grilled onion and animal fries well done. Then fast Sunday..
zoe quinn was a major slut for 5 guys
Pic related has to use normie phone.
Five Guys is great, but god damn is it greasy.
The one on guadalupe?
Nah, off of Airport Boulevard I’m an oldfag who lives on Pflugerville border. My most recent cheat meal was the banana split from Sweet Ritual the vegan ice cream shop right by that In N Out. Take a girl there and you’ll get insta laid.
That’s only a cheat meal if you’re a vegetarian. Ooooo wow you ate meat and lettuce. And oh wow a bun.
Oh wow this is terrible!
Jesus Christ. Football players eat this every day and both perform and look better than you fags.
Also like a fuck ton of cajun fries. Like a whole bag mang. Also that grease. Even so, if I consider this a cheat meal and its not even that bad then good for me right?
You probably look like shit irl and are just memeing
What sport do u play?
I’m a UT Junior, thanks for the advice oldfag
I played hockey but not so much anymore. I work and shit for a living.
Cuban sandwich, bag of cheetos, hershey's cookies n cream
I’m a doctoral student boomer but I date girls your age.. I also have luck at Ramen Tatsu-ya and Terry Black’s BBQ.
How is eating literal garbage a reward? Fucking Americans.
I eat a cheat meal twice or thrice a week
Uh huh, go eat hummus
Changes depending on what I'm craving. If I've been eating clean during the month and had a lot of tuna fillet or chicken breast I won't want sushi or the like. I'll usually get a pizza since I won't touch it in the four week period.
Jeff is that you
> go to five guys
> order small fountain drink
> eat peanuts and sip diet coke until you're full
Place nearby that puts like 10 different types of meat in their burrito, that's mostly it. I eat burgers the whole time but I just don't so fries/soda.
I know who you are fucker
Wanna meet at greg gym brah? Got a throwaway email or snap?
It's a cheat day for my wallet
Oh shit man I just had one for cheat day like two hours ago as well.
I go for the jambalaya fettechini at boston pizza
most of their stuff is shit, but the jambalaya is the best thing I've ever tasted
If you see a dude wearing a FSU hat hit me up.
Also mercury's no big deal unless you're at a really cheap and shitty restaurant.
Their cheese is fucking disgusting but I love Five Guys too.
I've been having ramen a lot for my cheats, it gives me the most satisfyingly full feeling I've felt from food.
I should mention I could be wearing glasses and keeping facial hair short and maybe too tan for a white dude. I’m going out of town most of next week. Just walk up and say “Hey, you feeling fit buddy?”
>there are people on this board who have to try to eat LESS
What the fugg. You guys don't know how good you have it.
t. 6'2" guy trying to get his big 3 up while moving furniture 8 hrs/day
mercury is in all fish you brainlet. It doesnt matter how expensive the restaurant is if all the fish supply is infected because of chinks dumping shit in the water
>being retarded
Entire landmasses eat raw fish daily, it's all about where they're sourced. Small amounts of mercury aren't going to kill you, pussy.
order small fries.
they still give u a lot in the bag. and im not no skinny fuk either
The girl I'm seeing is such a bad influence on my diet, but I'm also a slut for Culver's. Her metabolism is crazy, I stay pretty active, and we're both young though, so I don't really sweat it.
>Her metabolism is crazy
kill yourself you dyel fuck
Oh shit I forgot there’s a Culver’s in Austin Texas
Maybe she just doesn't eat as much as she thinks, but every time I'm around her it's like she's dirty bulking. The point is that she stays skinny as hell so I'm not concerned.
Theres this place near me called joellas that makes these really good Nashville hot style fried chicken tenders
My Midwest nibbba,
Culvers butter burger, cheese curds, and their custard. Unfff
Only scotsmen will understand
t. inbred brit nigger