So tell me again why you arent doing fulll bodys trainings user
But I am user. No one here actually fell for the brosplit meme... did they?
me too,who only trains one part of there body on one day?pussies,that's who.
But I do train fullbody
Everyone at my gym is doing push pull meme
Post your routine my dudes
I focus on specific parts of my body because it was how I was taught and it allows me to always have something to work on without too much trouble throughout the week.
Because I like my current routine.
>PPL cucks that go to the gym 6x per week for 2x per week frequency
inc. bench 3x10
back squat 3x5
ohp 3x10
farmer walks 3xf
weighted pull up 3xf
neck curls 15/12/f
flat bench 3x10
back squat 3x5
arnold dumbbell press 3x10
farmer walk 3xf
lat pulldown 3x10
neck curls 15/12/f
how retarded am i
>has taken the neckpill
You're not retarded, user
i am a noob DYEL
arnipress 3x8 reps
benchpressing 3x8
reverse butterfly 3x8
butterfly 3x8
rowingmachine 3x8
vertical situps 3 x Max
Rotary torso machine 3x 10 (each side)
Hammercurls 3x8
plate loaded seated dips 3x8
"squad steps" with weights 3x10
some core training at THX
Rope 3 times 30 seconds
couldn´t find the right terminology. Hope you can figure what is meant.
I think you should probably add some form of rows and drop one of your inc bench, ohp, or arnold press. Or keep them all.
You should probably have some more big compounds and fewer meme core exercises.
i can add C full body day i dont give fuck lmao
That's the spirit. Honestly just don't want to get to push dominant. Gotta keep that back healthy. Consider deads as well.
Thank you for the advice. Will include more big compund exercise wich one would you recommend to me?
>he doesn’t enjoy going to the gym
why are you even here?
Deads, squats, barbell rows, bench, ohp, pullups, dips, farmer walks are all phenomenal. Supplement with whatever other exercise if you feel like you aren't hitting a particular body part enough.
>no floor pulls
>no rows
Kinda retarded. At least you're doing the farmers walks and neck work though.
much appreciated. Thanks user!
Yeah man. And if you want core work, some really good stuff is isometric. Planks (normal, side, reverse), hollow hold, superman, L-sit. That'll especially help with stability for big lifts so you don't fuck your back.
how would someone get this type of body without steroids? I'm skinnyfat
kek are you retarded
Because I don't care that I'm out of shape and 30lbs over weight. I came in from the Popular Threads panel on the front page.
I do PPL, because i need to occupy myself in the afternoon. I could easily switch to full body, but it's boring.
Do you do 3 rest days?
Luke Glanton is my ideal
What was his routine hmmm
Volume my friend, otherwise how the fuck am I gonna build muscle if I only do one excercise per muscle group every 48 hours?
Example of Full body 3 times per week
Is this a joke?
will this work?
for achieving goss mode?
Heavy compounds are the true way to get big if your natty. That's the only thing that matters
Squat, Bench, OHP, Deadlift, Row, Chin Ups
any more compounds?
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Rows 3x5
DB Press 3x8-12
Lat Pulldowns 3x8-12
Lying Leg Curls 3x12-15
Facepulls 3x12-15
Barbell Curls 3x8-12
Triceps Pushdown 3x12-15
Deadlift 3x5
Chin Ups 3x5
DB Bench Press 3x8-12
One Hand DB Row 3x8-12
Leg Extension 3x12-15
Cable Flyes 3x12-15
Hammer Curls 3x8-12
Skullcrushers 3x12-15
You can do volume work with a full body set up easily if you really wanted to but natties don't need a ton of volume anyway
Ask me how i know you're lifting bitch weight
I'm straight.
Squat 2x3
Bench 1x6
Deadlift 1x1
OHP 2x2
would that be better Mr Powerlifter or even that volume could kill me?
Please post an example of high volume full body routine and another fullbody routine with optimal volume for natties
3x per week Full body with a Heavy/Medium/Volume set up
2x a week Full body with heavy day and volume day
Butthurt much weakfag?
How does it feel that people do literally half the volume you do yet are bigger and stronger than you?
show your amazing body then Mr. Powerlifter
Lol you are a butthurt dyel who benches 1pl8 probably
Those tats are effay as fuck
>t. Fat
>full body means SS
no more like monday:
tricep iso
shoulder iso
tricep iso
shoulder iso
tricep iso
shoulder iso
with plenty of volume on compounds
You have that backwards.
Natties are the ones who need volume, unnatties are the ones who need little to no volume period.
Ask me how i know you're lifting bitch weight
tell that to the studies that show drastic diminishing returns after the 2nd set