How much do you pay for your gym membership?

How much do you pay for your gym membership?

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60 CAD a month with no commitment

20e a month

$25 for nationwide la fitness through my health insurance


$300 a year

$30 USD which includes access to a pool with lap lanes and diving area and sauna.

24 AUD a week :(


The equivalent of 13usd a month. The company I work out offers big discounts on this chain that offers swimming pools, meme classes, sauna and boxing.

$0 because I am home gym MASTER RACE hahahahahaha I'm laughing at yall BROKE niggas

24 USD for a gym in walking distance, too bad it's constantly assaulted by mexicans and towelheads

When I went to a normal gym, $16 AUD a week.
When I went to a powerlifting gym, $20 AUD a week.
Homegym master race

$50/month for a NYSC passport membership.


970/fortnight (my building has a pool and gym)

$50 a month.

I know it seems like a lot, but it's worth it. It's a hospital wellness center directly across from my house. It's huge and has everything, but it's never crowded even at peak hours. Nothing but old people and cardio bunny nurses go there, and they all stick to the treadmills and machines so I almost always have the free weights to myself. Not to mention the fact that it being so expensive means there's barely any minorities and filthy pedestrians.

It's great.

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>Not to mention the fact that it being so expensive means there's barely any minorities
The only reason I pay extra. I'll even go to the expensive grocery store to avoid these fuckers. Maybe in another million years they'll be able to integrate with humans.

$10 bi-weekly deducted from my paycheck + $65 for my rock climbing gym which also has a pretty good free-weight room in it.

only thing I'm missing is a pool/sauna.

0, usually sit outside and wait for the lazy front desk worker to take a break and run in. Sometimes sneak in if a group of 4 or more go in

35 canadian a month,supposed to be 60 a month but I'm low income so I get a discount

0, home gym master race

20 euros a month

I live in eastern Europe and even in the "capital" of this country there are tons of incredibly shitty and overpriced gyms who literally want money for nothing

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Same. But I think pool and sauna is worth it

$120 a month at Lifetime Athletic Princeton. Pretty nice resort-style gym.

$15 a month.
Its a shithole but its right next to my apartment and is 24 hours. Also my apartment has a free gym but its machines only.

About $30 a month.
I really like the place and it has free weights and two power racks (three if you count one in the training area, but I almost never need to go there for one).
It was the best one I saw in the area, and it has a yard with tires for fucking great cardio conditioning. The location is also close to home and on the way home from work which I need for maximizing TIME efficiency.

I don't think it has a pool, which is the one drawback I can think of, especially since I feel like I really would benefit from the cardio of swimming. Also swimming is fun.

The girl who signed me up said she would get me a good deal because I look like a serious weightlifter so I only pay $80 per month not including the initiation fee.

Haven't gone in a year already

$35 per month, plus 20% tip to the front desk girl

20 quid a month get access to 200 gyms in the UK 24/7

80 euro for a a year

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19.99 for Golds

>Same dumb goys who complain about Jews having lots of money

$19/mo for local rec center.

I work at golds so i get one for free.

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$85/month. Picked it mostly for the Olympic sized pool. Tho the equipment is also top notch.

my mom pays for mine

based and redpilled

69 a month

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$25 a month for a six month contract.


>giant ass indoor lap pool / outdoor dive pool
>pretty big gym w/ hella squat racks but old equipment
>giant sauna
>4 basketball courts
>running track
>2 soccer fields
>6 racquetball courts
>4 tennis courts
all for 275$ a year

Ymca? I pay 60 cad a month and thought it was expensive, but the pool makes it worth it. Good cardio plus i get to creep on girls

40/mo 24hr fitness all club access

Oh shit bro, sorry to hear about the infinite faggotry. Don't get aids, ok?

>>golds fullerton
>.99 a month with 29.99 initiation fee

>mfw qts wearing gymshark and meme insta leggings at every hour

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Around $8 a week, when converted

Free for town residents. It's tiny and shit but I don't want to drive.

>free gym

Yeah you don’t understand how apartments work do you

$34.70 a fortnight for 24/7 access in Australia
Not bad desu they are always adding new stuff to the gym and it is pretty quiet when I go to workout there.

85/month at a s&c gym, isn't 24/7 so also 55/month for anytime which I use once/week...

47 canadian a month

I work out at home.

$49.99 annual dues
>24 Hour Super-Sport

$20 monthly for access to all of their classes and every location in the country

I was gonna say that's a lot but then I remembered in Australia a burger fries and a drink cost me 25 bucks so I guess that's not too bad

Ah, I see you, too, fell victim to the schemes of the Jews.

I don't follow
Yea i pay premium to live in a nice place.

80 a month, japanese gyms are fucking retarded.

you only tip once a month?
christ, she must hate you, user

lift in my lounge room and garage.
home gym masterace reporting for duty sir


>Used to go to a small gym
>Stopped for a while
>Start lifting again
>The code is still the same
>Start using the gym for free
>Just wear a hat and avoid the cameras
>Owner only goes there when I'm not lifting

Feels good

About $250 a year

t. Shameless nigger

Which chain? I pay ~26 aud a fortnight. Could pay extra for any location but I'd never use it.


£100 for a year with about 8 power racks and 8 squat racks. Plenty of benches, another floor for cardio and classes. Uni gyms are actually pretty sweet.

Why do you need 8 of them lol just use the one

65 euros a year, so about five euros per month. There are several gyms around the university area, and you get access to every one of them. Generally nice gyms, mostly free weights with some basic machines included.

about $8
It must suck being a first worlder

>ripping off a small gym owner
kill yourself

$25/fortnight AUD, for a 24/7 gym that’s right next to my apartment building. It’s only small, but I pick the quiet times because I’m a paranoid autist so it suits me fine at the moment.

7 euros. God bless German health insurance

>Paying currency to be among the unwashed masses at the YMCA or franchise gym

Or you could pay nothing and instead sneak into the local college's gym. Free. Clean. Modern equipment. Friendly. Everyone is young, beautiful and fit.

$24 a month and $11 a year for "maintenance fee".

100 euro a month for my BJJ and MMA gym then my power rack I have at home is free


whats the point of a gym membership when a one off purchase of weights and a bench will do you good for a lifetime?

$10 a month for a 24/7 gym. During the day its filled with dyel's doing meme workouts,but after about 11pm,that's when you actually see people liftng heavy with correct form,that actually look like they work out. Plus it's the only gym on the area that's fine with deadlifts.

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£42 a month. I'm getting ripped off but it's right next to my house so I don't care.

Office has free 2 floor gym with Small 5 person suana, Yoga room, 150ish machines, free trainers 0800-1600 except Sundays. Just gotta be full time employed for 3 months and take a 20 minute safety course. Family gets in free after youve been working for a year. They only get afternoons though, no weekend

I do not currently have any place I can put a rack and weights, or I would have a home gym.

20 k tuition lmbo

I work at a hotel as a cook and get free access to it along with salmon every day

30 nigga. Has sauna which is why im willing to pay more than it's competitors ask. Downside is it's small and overcrowded after 5 so i have to go in the evening but i like it.

10 dollars no contract. I get what I pay for though. Small weights section. Majority of the place is cardio and machines.

Same; but $900 a month, plus utilities, plus $300 for all the equipment...

700 Mexican pesos
Like 35 US dollars

20 cad a month no commitment, but I could've gotten the standard pass for 10 cad a month

27 usd a month.
