User, are you sure this diet is working?

>user, are you sure this diet is working?

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Yes my dear... Now remember to eat all your eggs and asparagus, you'll need the riboflavin B for its reverse transcriptase action on the palindromic site.

cute face, shame shes fat


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I told you, it's from the mayo clinic

Isn't that cherries?
>mfw i'm a degenerate fat fetishist

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I would regret it afterwards, but I totally would

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nice thanks

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>She looks a lot like the last girl I fugged

Has a cute face and you can't take your eyes off her tits. You sweet talk her and make constant eye contact and act as if you're interested in whatever stupid shit she's talking about. You do this in front of her thin and more attractive friends and it gives her the pride of thinking that her more attractive friends are jealous that a guy is hitting on the fat girl and not them, and that helps cement your chances of harpooning her into a one night stand.
Then you get her to your bedroom, which taking her back to your place is the first big mistake. Then you do all the hardcore heavy petting make out before getting into bed and you just have to get at them titties. Then she goes down and sucks your dick because fat girls always have to have something in their mouth, but it's like getting your dick sucked by an overly excited retard because she's not very experienced at sucking dicks and she can't contain her excitement of having a Jow Forums cock in her mouth and the anticipation of getting it in her hoo-hah and possibly her bunger if she's cool and I can find the coconut oil.
Then the clothes come off. She sees that you're comfortable walking around naked and is inspired by the natural confidence that you have about your Jow Forums body. So unconsciously she says "when in Rome" and walks around completely naked as well.

And there it is. The stretch marks on her stomach and ass even though she's never been pregnant. She has tits that look like an orange in a tube sock. Her belly button is pitch black due to it's 3 to 4 inches of depth and it almost hangs over her vagina. Her body has zero muscle tone. Her pussy and asshole will always stink; they might not actually stink, but her being so visually off putting while nude will make you hate her smell.
The sex is bad because you have to do all the work, and to top it off she now knows where you live.

I want to be wedged against this hambeast in the shower so badly

Still would.

REMINDER: banging fat chicks is the reason we still have so many fat chicks

totally ok with this,

I'd rather be wedged in-between.

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Yes, my dear. Soon you will be able to squat 315 for reps and mogg everyone on Jow Forums

I require high quality sauce

Hahahahahahaha fucking great. Shoukd have had her eat your ass, I’m sure she would’ve been good at that

So sorry OP, I meant specifically the two girls in the shower. Goddamn that makes me hard.

Not sure if it's the same girls.

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