What the fuck happened? Why he looks so fat suddenly? And, no not in the face due to new facial hair style. His body looks way fatter.
What the fuck happened? Why he looks so fat suddenly? And, no not in the face due to new facial hair style...
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I kind of think he hopped on something haha
Orc mode training and bulking like a monster.
> fat suddenly
hes been fat for 40 years
no one gives a shit jason stop making threads about yourself
I think he's one of the leading lights in YouTube fitness scene
This is an Ork.
And this is Coach.
Do they look alike to you?
using ancient picture like a liar you are
hes been a fat piece of shit for ages dude
He looks worse now,than he did before.
Some user,has the picture of coach in 2018 in his shed.
But I don't.
I found it.
Now we're talking. What do you think about that, Dale?
How long do I have to do ICF to look like the Blahino?
>that shit beard trim attempt at making him look less fat
imagine lifting weights for decades and still looking like this, holy shit.
his shirt.
His video calling out Omar Isuf and Eric Helms was pretty epic.
He is right most of the time, but one thing I don't like about Blaha: he is very arrogant and stubborn and when he is in the wrong it takes a lot for him to admit it
He himself admits ot having 17" arms despite being that fucking obese
I have 17" arms with abs, that dude is literally a sack of fat.
what was it about? I don't wanna boost his ad revenue
>>that dude is literally a sack of fat.
So are you cuck,so are you.
I like Jason, so fuck off. If you want to know watch it
he is indeed a fat fuck
kek this is what a fat fuck fedora wearing faggot would say
>>this is what a fat fuck fedora wearing faggot would say
You would know fatty, you would know
>>I like Jason,so fuck off.
I hate Jason so you fuck off.
hes upped his "trt"
You first
Post body
What the FUCK are you doing man???? Are you trying to get us all fucking killed??? THE CIA IS GOING TO TAKE OUT EVERYBODY THAT VIEWS THIS THREAD.
fuck off, jason
His bane impression made me laugh.
"You merely adapted the deadlift. I was born into it, molded by it..." 1:40
I had a dream about blaha.
I saw him walking out of the supermarket with bags of butter in hand and I shouted "WOW, YOU'RE MUCH BIGGER IN PERSON" or something along those lines at him
His posture is so bad Jesus fuck look how rolled forward those shoulders are
>Wow, you're so much bigger in person!
It should be mandatory that everybody who sees him in person tells him this
is loading your own ammunition supposed to be intimidating in some manner?
why does he do this every video
Peoples of Tex ass do that. Blaha is a traditional and Free Texan.
Why does productivity trigger you?
i unironically saw blaha in tesco once back in the uk era
he looked fat then and he looks fat now
btw he's a manlet
>bruh I did snatch n grab ops in Afghanistan. I've already said too much. No I won't tell you any details and I don't even know where Kabul is, stop that's classified anyway.
He's an incredibly flaming faggot for that. His advice isn't stellar and he's not on the level of any other YouTube fitness personality, seriously he gets mogged by non-lifters.
Jason pls go
Go fuck yourself jason you fat fuck.
I wanna see this, too. Not to compare it to Blaha, just because 17 inch arms with abs sounds worthy of mirin.
Muscle density is what matters, balloon boy
>Blaha complains about the public school system
>Laments schools aren't teaching technical skills
>Technical skills like crafting your own bullets like so!
>Literally just pulling a lever up and down
Is muscle density a meme? it sounds like bodybuilder broscience but I could be wrong. I would think that all muscle has a fairly consistent density.
requesting Blaha version of Freedom Aint Free
He's almost 50 and has an immune disease. Cut him some slack.
>conservatively totals 1450 lbs.
>shitposts for a living
>has sex on the reg
>lives in the best country in the world
Jow Forums
>struggles to hit 1000 lb total, even with ohp included
>works in stem, and hates their nerd life
>is incel or close to it
>lives in cuck countries like canada, UK, and india
>YouTuber did some trolling
Oi vey get the goy!
Bloho pls go
I read that in the Golem's voice
>Fucking porn addicts!
Shut up incel
You already did fag
Jokes on you, I love my nerd life!
never forget this guy is actually mental
no, he definitely got fatter, even in the face; if it wasn't for the voice i barely recognize him
Jow Forums
2/4 effects me
I total 1600 and have sex on the reg. Does that mean I can shit on Blaha?
But why does he have to do it during his youtube videos
What exercise do I do to get my pecs to go all the way around to my back like Bloohoo?
>”criticism” that is actually sort of a compliment
Oh fuck off, Jason.
Im not going to post my body because i lied
What the fuck happened to his accent?
Sure, go ahead