I have the opportunity to go on a great holiday for a week but I feel like I really wanna train and I don't wanna take a week of. I recently had an injury too so I'm not in my best shape and I don't wanna lose anymore gains. I wanna use that week to start training hard again and start to get back to where I was.
help me decide brehs
Go on holiday or not?
Work up to your 1rms the week before your holiday. Then you can enjoy not working out, knowing that you need the rest.
Don't pretend you are so invested in lifting you won't take a week off for a holiday, kek
not wanting to hijack the thread, but Im going to poortugal for 3weeks and wont be able to lift,
what can I do to prevent gainloss?
What a fag. Why would I pretend? Lifting is the thing I enjoy the most I hate when I can't lift for a prolonged period of time
Dude its just 3 weeks, you aren't gonna shrivel up and die, and even if you did lose a bit of muscle mass it wouldn't take long at all to get it back
I swear, its like nobody on this site has actually worked out before
Just eat well and don't get wasted too often
Made for that British Broadcasting Corporation
Look, you aren't a bodybuilder, you are probably some zoomer faggot who doesn't understand how the body works.
Nobody is going to notice you stopped working out for a week. I guarantee it
if you're natty your gains are loyal, 3 weeks is a really minor minor setback
go out and enjoy your life faggot
>work out
>You're not great and you never will be, take a break.
>I swear, its like nobody on this site has actually worked out before
At least you figured it out
I feel this way. Do what you want. Not many people have goals, if you dont think its time to take a break then fucking dont. You're the only one who has to live with your dedication, no one else gives a fuck.
pushups and situps every morning
also pooptugal has many outdoor exercise stations i could imagine so just use some of those while you patrole the beaches
>Waaah guys, should I go on holiday? But I want to lift still waaaaah
This is your thread
My nigga. That's what I needed. I'll keep lifting
Love you too
I went on vacation last week when I was about to do a new program, I was restless the entire time and couldn’t wait to get back an start lifting. So I would go with this guy’s advice. Alternatively, you need to learn to appreciate other things in life, so can’t you do a rest week or something?
*sniff sniff sniff*
Find somewhere you can do pullups, dips and pushups, it's not hard to workout without a gym.
You can always train but you don't get many chances to go on 'a great holiday'. One week will not make a huge difference, might even be good to give your body a break from heavy training. On vacation do pushups, pullups, ab work, hindu squats, things like that for an hour a day. You'll be refreshed when you get back.
Alternatively don't go on vacation and stay and train. Keep in mind that you tend to regret things you don't do more than ones you do. This is not a license to get smashed or be hedonistic, rather it means you should strive for balance in life. One week is hardly a setback. Two is where you start to push it but one week should be fine.
i dig this chick so hard. That ghostly pale skin, bag under eyes and dark hair.
someone give me her insta
If you're a casual bodybuilder, go on holiday.
If you are a serious powerlifter/OWL, you can consider not going.
IG: narduchita
holy fuk, thank you senpai.
>tfw her hair is brown now
you cant have it all i guess
>I swear, its like nobody on this site has actually worked out before
Welcome to nu-Jow Forums
OP, you are one cringey motherfucker. I know for a fact you're probably 16-18 years old, because no adult is naive enough to think missing a traveling experience that you'll remember for the rest of your life because the gyms abroad aren't as good is reasonable. Also, the fact that "you have the opportunity" aka your parents are going.
You need to be 18 to post here
ahahaa i bet you're not even benching 2 plates
Whatever, stay in the gym and chase the numbers, everyone who goes on that vacation will be jelly of your lifts. You know, if you went, you might have fun, see new places, meet new people, experience something interesting, but I think that possibly increasing your lifts by 2% is definitely the better choice here.
Also you sound like a teenager.
'Have the opportunity to go on a holiday'
So your parents are generous enough to pay for you, just go you pretentious fuck
OP, please, go fuck yourself.