Strong/fit women thread

Lads, do you find strong/fit women attractive?

Also, do you think women who are physically/fit/strong are less likely to be submissive to say.. a religion? Or to political opinions? Just something I've been thinking about

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>Lads, do you find strong/fit women attractive?

Couldn't help but shove some Jow Forums in there, could ya?

>do you find strong/fit women attractive?

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>Lads, do you find strong/fit women attractive?

yes, wish i didn't though

>Couldn't help but shove some Jow Forums in there, could ya?

How is it /pol to make assumptions about physical fitness and endocrine/hormonal changes in relation to social and cognitive behaviour, you fucking imbecile.

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For the most part yeah... I just find the humblebrag social media posts of their lifts (unless they are elite) really fucking annoying.

>Asking a Malaysian fishing forum for social and cognitive behavior advice on women

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post more

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Yes, but most are femlets or have serious mental problems which is the biggest nono you can have.

Imagine being this much of a faggot

>Lads, do you find strong/fit women attractive?
People are going to be all "muh high test" but no, I don't find muscular women attractive. It's fine if a girl wants to be fit and stay healthy, but girls with rock hard abs and muscles are a turnoff. Basically cardiobunnies are okay, everything else is meh.

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She's not supporting her weight during the pushup part of the burpie. Her quads touch the floor taking the difficulty out of the exercise. Ass and back should be straight and stiff.

Reps are too fast. Slowing it down would make for a better work out. Again quads take the weight.

i see captain autismo is early today

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gotta go fast

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this chick was at my gym yesterday

did you catch a sniff?

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Gana get a ban for this but it’s for you guys so enjoy.

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who dis? sauce

3 day vacation from Jow Forums starts now

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Jenna Fail

>Lads, do you find strong/fit women attractive?
Yes, my oneitis is a fit woman. Not only do I find the muscle definition and killer legs/ass sexually arousing, I'm also just greatly attracted to such women because I know they had to work hard to get there. The idea of having a lazy partner who can't take care of herself is repulsive. Also, chubby women can still be sexually attractive but watching them eat disgusts me.

I'm turning my gf into a wheyfu. She's 5'10" (me want snu snu), and was already thin and a runner when we started going out. She's been lifting for about 8 months now. Holding steady on weight, but obviously putting on muscles, especially in her back/arms (upper body was at dyel status), and losing what little fat she had. Sex is already appreciably better (combination of her going from 7/10 to 8/10 and that she is stronger and has more stamina). Gonna start her on a bulk this fall, see if we can break 0.5/1/1.5/2 by next end of winter. She's already pretty close.

And yes, she already is being less submissive in interactions with other people, to the point of mogging lesser females.

Best project I've ever worked on.

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You’re a good lad user, good luck

>And yes, she already is being less submissive in interactions with other people, to the point of mogging lesser females.

Do you think if Islam was to take over the west by tomorrow she would fight or submit? Asking for a friend.
Also based

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Nice job bro.

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Probably fight. But she hated religion already, so it's not really a fair comparison.

Why repost the same picture

Do I find strong/fit women attractive?
It depends: Some girls have good genetics with a small waist, long neck, wide hips in which case a fair amount of muscle will look good on them. Others have bulldog necks and broad shoulders and any additional muscle will look bad. Almost every girl can benifit from lower body training, but upper is hit or miss. Obviously any sort of PEDS will fuck a woman up.

I don't think training necessarily makes a woman less submissive. Especially if her husband is the one training her and he's obviously stronger and more knowledgeable than anyone else around.

Does anyone have the pic with the strongman girl that is doing a farmer's walk and is wearing a blue top?

yum yum