Gf made me this
Says the cakes are light
Gf made me this
Eat it, you don't want to be rude
u will never be a man if u cant eat fucking cake when u want and still be ripped and buff at the same time
tfw no gf to bake me cake
Am i chad now?
eat it and go burn it off with cardio
Just eat it and call it a cheat meal. If you keep stuff like this to a minimum and add it to your calorie count you’ll be fine
>big piece of cake
>It''s an actual piece
>That means there's even more cake out there
why the fuck did your gf bake such a massive cake if you're on a diet?
fuck you, eat that cake right now
Lol it's not like she "made" the cake. Tell her you're full after chicken and put it in fridge. Fitness community is most retarded community
Bruh, if she is insulted cuz u didnt eat some cake, than lmao@urgf.
If you change your eating habits, stick to 'em.
Its easy to ruin everything, even with only one bite.
>btfo virgin scums who encourages him to eat the cakerino
not until u eat all of it
she made it for her family
im not on a diet im 160 pounds and lean
>visible abs disappear.
Seriously. I need to stop coming here, but ofc I'm stuck here forever.
Good news: she loves you
Bad news: she wants you to get fat and stop attracting other women
it's already july, you still look like shit so why not just eat it? fuck your diet, it's not working and your girl has done something nice for you
Just eat one slice. You aren't going to lose everything by eating a small piece of cake.
it's gonna become 1 slice every day
>cutie makes cake for you
Eat it you fuck
so much dis.
you fuck
you don't even know how she looks,retard.
what are you on a cut or something? eat that shit you goddamn pussy
>she wants you to get fat and stop attracting other women
Your sugar crash should be happening momentarily, leaving you with an insecure empty feeling that you will want to fill with more chocolate cake
>going out with someone you do not find cute
you're the retard
sugar rush is a myth made up by dumb moms
>the virgin bite
Just eat it.
I used to get mad at my mom for making me fattening dishes like this and then she suddenly dropped dead of heart failure one weekend. Now I'm left alone with my deadbeat father who only cares about gambling and wouldn't care if I starved. Be grateful you have someone to make you home cooked things.
Why are you posting here now if you are with your gf
Why do you assume she didn't make the cake? You know baking is a normal hobby right?
Does this really happen? Girls intentionally fattening up their boyfriends? Seems counterintuitive, pic related.
All the time. She'll justify it by saying that you're "making her feel bad" by being so fit compared to her, but in reality, she wants to lower your sexual attractiveness in order to ensure the likelihood that you'll stay with her. I fucking hate the female mindset sometimes but God damn that pussy is so good
Maybe if she ate better she wouldn’t have heart problems. I mean that’s really shitty but I’m just saying
Anyone that makes cake for her man is a cutie at heart, if not face
That seems so weird because eventually she'll have to have sex with your new tubby body instead of a sleek muscular one.
Fat people are so dumb. Why not save half of each for tomorrow?
>I guess I must eat it all at once oh well I tried guies
It absolutely is not you witless ape. I'd tell you to spend time around children so you'd understand, but you probably aren't allowed within 500 feet of one
Exactly, and she'll lose interest and move on. It's a constant pushing of boundaries with girls man-- they'll take as much as you let them take. Gotta stand up for yourself and keep your priorities straight: fitness, hobbies, friends, and her second. And she'll go crazy over how driven you are and how sexy that is, and she'll constantly try to "win you over" lol. And she'll do anything you ask. It's funny actually, "nice guys" dont win because they never present a romantic challenge to a woman
She was a smoker and developed flash pulmonary edema because she wouldn't stop smoking 2 fucking packs a day.
This user is right my ex did the exact same thing when we were dating
I hope you didn't let it get too bad.
wanna know how i know ur from balkan
Didn't a blind study disprove this? Parents were asked to report their childs behaviour after they were told that their child had a sugary fizzy drink (they weren't given anything) and they basically all reported that their child was experiencing a 'sugar rush' but actually were just acting like normal hyper kids.
Not taking a side here because I can't verify the study but parents often fall for these myths.
Any anons confirm that sugar rush is or isn't a thing? In soft drinks I could imagine that the CAFFINE is the issue, not the sugar.
Does an insulin response cause extra energy in children? So many questions, too many retarded parents.
Yeah but at least she doesn't have to worry about stacy looking at you at the gym, doesn't matter if you die of heart failure
>tfw no gf to make you gf cake
who cares ya bitch made you some FUCKING CAKE, be thankful she LIKES being in the kitchen. Give her a kiss and fucking eat it, imagine thinking 300 extra calories made out of LOVE is gonna ruin your whole day. Fuck off cunt.
>has a gf
>she literally cooks food for him and remembers about his lifting
>goes on a monegasque comptetive teabagging image board to ask if he can eat it
t h i s
>Does an insulin response cause extra energy in children?
Yes you faggot, especially from a sucrose bomb
Actually I think extra insulin causes the exact opposite effect, I've been looking into it and I think you've got it mixed up, an insulin spike causes sugar to be taken away for storage, so it isn't avaliable for use In the body.
I killed her because she was a gain goblin and then eat her cake because it fits my macros
>mfw he turned me into this
sounds ruff, shagy
Get your life in order and move out
You complain. I wish my wife could cook let alone get off the couch. Count yer blessings.