>get Jow Forums
>get a good job
>Do all the right things like society told me to.
This is all that awaits me as a reward for my efforts...
>get Jow Forums
>get a good job
>Do all the right things like society told me to.
This is all that awaits me as a reward for my efforts...
Its all so tiresome
>>Do all the right things like society told me to.
i mean that right there my dude
>letting todays society tell you anything
Then date18-22 year olds, or find a better women. Also not fitness related try pol or R9k. Have a good one. Sage
Whites are in a population bubble that is going to slowly deflate in our lifetime. However, I predict that while our share of the global population will shrink, our quality will improve. Most white guys won't settle for sluts, feminists, etc. These women either won't have children or will have mutts. The white kids that do get born won't be raised by slutty feminists for the most part, but they will be a super minority in their own increasing hostile and foreign nations.
>be me 26
>Have daughter with 50% custody
>Have house
>Have good job
>Have two vehicles
>Have my shit together
Literally everyone in my age bracket has 2-3 kids by different baby daddies, lives with their parents, and works a shit minimum wage job, all the single mom thots try to game me when I take my daughter to school
Like anyone wants to play captain save-a-hoe to those thots and their semen demons
I've just accepted I'm gonna be forever alone
You can already see this is what happened in latin america. The whites left there are pretty gorgeous. Caste systems form. Hence why light-skinned indians are quite good-looking whereas the dark ones look like poo golems.
fuck society and screw traditionalism, go monk mode, no women, no kids, live life only for yourself, have the freedom to do what you want when you want, or do nothing at all
Kek there are still good women out there. Not trying to be a dick, but your opinion might speak to what circles you're involved in and your own current status.
It's more like
>get Jow Forums
>get a good job
>never have to interact with people like that
i know there area good women out there, i'm not one of those bitter MGTOW whiners, i just decided that i'm not willing to swim through an ocean of shit to find a diamond
life is more comfy with no worries and no drama
Yes, OP. There are no women who aren't single mothers out there. Literally every girl on the planet has a baby niglet.
Ironic how the quality of life is so shit in a first world country.
this, there is no doubt that good women are out there, but it literally swimming through a swamp of shit, and the non-good women are pretty much crocodile that come after you if you have your shit together. They even dissuade the good women not to go after you, based on some "honor" code they have.
I'm so fucking sick of all you blackpill incel retards
This isn't even Jow Forums related
>Have daughter with 50% custody
Is it really that hard to have kids exclusively with people you're going to split up with? Why the fuck can nobody seem to handle this?
Long story short
>Be welder fag worked nights
>Married to baby mama
>Baby mama cheated on me while I was at work multiple times
>Spent all me money
>Divorced her sorry ass
>Lost house
>Saved up money, lost job to Mexico
>Now going to Trade school for two years getting the rest of my certs drawing 80%ish of my cheque
>Have house, cars, bills are paid
>Baby mama living with her friend in a nasty house cause they refuse to clean it
Just trying to be the best roll model for my kid I can be user, she sure isn't gonna get it from her mom
is the hardest thing knowing that they can use your own love to your daughter against you?
Crazy ass question here, but why did you marry and impregnate such a thot?
I can actually see the sadness on the corner of her eyes
Eh, I can't complain alot, I have my little girl 4 outta 7 days one week, then 3 outta 7 the next week, when I lost my job we got a big severance, 20,000ish, I bought a kick-ass lawyer and nuked her ass in court, if she trys to pull any BS I have around 10k stashed back I'll go for full custody with
She evolved into a thot when my daughter turned around 2 or 3, when she got preggers I tried to be a man, married her, bought house, worked alot to pay bills etc
She repayed me by never cleaning, cooking, and riding the ole cock carousel, live and learn :^]
This, she's just sixteen taken advantage by some adult over a decade older than her.
>I had unprotected sex with her, got her pregnant, THEN married her
>Didn't see any red flags along the way no-sir not me
Please put more thought into your actions before more kids are born into fucked households.
Yes asweet asian girls
the horror....
not him but good luck finding your perfect princess like in those anime films. faggot.
>Spent all me money
>divorced her sorry ass
>her sorry ass
>Lost house
Fuck off retard. As long as these are white people who cares how they have babies. We can only do so much against the anti white wave of judeaism. Have you done your part? No? Well then stfu.
>She evolved into a thot when my daughter turned around 2 or 3, when she got preggers I tried to be a man, married her, bought house, worked alot to pay bills etc
She repayed me by never cleaning, cooking, and riding the ole cock carousel, live and learn :^]
Are you me user? I cant even be emotionally invested in women anymore. In the back of my mind im ready to jump ship in a moments notice if the relationship goes south and ive done this multiple times already.
My divorce fucked up my mentality.
>listening to society
Guys here are redpilled in every way besides this. Why allow your morals and lifestyle to be chosen by bluepilled rat race mongoloids? When will you realize that the thing people truly fear and respect the most is an independent mind?
Oh my, he actually bases his actions and makes major decisions based on a Jow Forums meme thats already stale
every sandnigger, nigger and shade of shit inbetween has 20 kids each, but sure, if we get a couple of kids each i'm sure we'll be fine!
just admit defeat man, enjoy life and be glad we probably won't live to see when it gets REAL bad
If only you didnt know how bad thingns really are...
Evola also believed in magic like a fucking idiot
classic bourgeoisie disbelief in magic there scrow
Bruuuuuuuuuh lmao
>Want a woman who isn't a complete trashy thot
>"good luck finding your perfect princess like in those anime films. faggot."
I can hear the roast beef flapping in the wind from here.
Yeah, I'm sure you pumping out a bunch of sub-room temperature IQ kids into broken homes will surely fix the problem.
>poo golems
kek'd out loud